Educators for DeVos??

Can educators provide a valid argument for DeVos appointment?

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Feb 10, 2017
As an educator I have yet to hear any valid argument (based on facts or science) that DeVos is a good choice. Any teachers out there pro- DeVos? Please tell me why.
Has a Sec of Education ever had any power to change things?
If she has a few years of teaching experience yes. Otherwise no. That should be a requirement. Go in, give up a good salary, and teach tnbe slowest of the slow and behaviorally disabled for a free years. Until then, you are clueless. But this is no different than any other administration. Unless you have been in the trenches you have no clue. My wife was and my daughter is. Let's just say the american families are dysfunctional....
As an educator I have yet to hear any valid argument (based on facts or science) that DeVos is a good choice. Any teachers out there pro- DeVos? Please tell me why.

there are no valid arguments for the appointment of someone wholly unequipped for the job of running the department of education.

but that's the point, they don't want anyone competent, imo. but it's a good question and it will be interesting to see if anyone can justify it without resorting to trumpspeak
I find it hard to believe that this lady is equipped to handle this job. She never taught or was part of school administration that would prove that education is difficult and we are going down the wrong path. There are good and unworthy Charter Schools. We cannot go whole hog one one idea and throw out possible solutions that would precipitate answers that would aid in the raising of standards in our schools.
This is a very very rich woman who took it as her particular obligation in life to do what she could to get very poor children a better education than they were getting.

She is not in it for the money; she has all she and subsequent generations could ever need....except that she has given a huge amount of it to further that obligation she has felt called upon to assume.

The problem is that part of the solution she has the kids (and their parents) a CHOICE in where they send their kids to school....will hit the Bolsheviks Teachers Unions in the pocketbook....and funny thing is....when it comes to their pocketbook, Bolsheviks are very much like the greediest capitalist in New York and New England.

(By the way, where do you think the Robber Barons came from....whose Greed called forth Unions in the first place?)

Which Greed applies strictly to Private Employee Unions. Their existence is justified.

But the Public Employee Unions, especially the Teachers Unions...simply Suck Off the public tit...through a fraudulent co-conspiracy with the Democratic Party....a conspiracy which ought to have been busted up a long time ago...and maybe this lady will finally do it.

Naturally, the Democrats are raising Hell. They are paid a fortune to raise Hell by the Public Employee Unions, who are funded by us Taxpayers.

What's going to drive this country into some sort of disaster...its tough now to tell how bad...but its going to be a combination of an almost illiterate public, educated by lazy Bolsheviks, and the Liars in the Media who have abandoned all pretense of impartiality and openly joined the Bolshevik side.

Ugly times at hand.

This is a very very rich woman who took it as her particular obligation in life to do what she could to get very poor children a better education than they were getting.

She is not in it for the money; she has all she and subsequent generations could ever need....except that she has given a huge amount of it to further that obligation she has felt called upon to assume.

The problem is that part of the solution she has the kids (and their parents) a CHOICE in where they send their kids to school....will hit the Bolsheviks Teachers Unions in the pocketbook....and funny thing is....when it comes to their pocketbook, Bolsheviks are very much like the greediest capitalist in New York and New England.

(By the way, where do you think the Robber Barons came from....whose Greed called forth Unions in the first place?)

Which Greed applies strictly to Private Employee Unions. Their existence is justified.

But the Public Employee Unions, especially the Teachers Unions...simply Suck Off the public tit...through a fraudulent co-conspiracy with the Democratic Party....a conspiracy which ought to have been busted up a long time ago...and maybe this lady will finally do it.

Naturally, the Democrats are raising Hell. They are paid a fortune to raise Hell by the Public Employee Unions, who are funded by us Taxpayers.

What's going to drive this country into some sort of disaster...its tough now to tell how bad...but its going to be a combination of an almost illiterate public, educated by lazy Bolsheviks, and the Liars in the Media who have abandoned all pretense of impartiality and openly joined the Bolshevik side.

Ugly times at hand.

I'm sorry but I missed the facts and science that backs up your argument. This is non-partison discussion because our children should not be put in the middle of squabbles. This is important!
Wish you could have taken out references to Bolsheviks and greed. You had some valid points but ruined it with biases.
Does she have an education degree? How many years has she spent teaching? How much coaching has she done?
My wife taught for 34 years. She has forgotten more than this person will ever know. Stake my life o. It.
As a concerned citizen I am shocked that "educators" would hire or condone the conduct of professional rioters who were paid to assault the Secretary of Education and prevent her from going to work on her first day and it seems that not a single "educator" has apologized or for it or condemned the outrageous conduct. It's obvious that the union based education system has lost it's way and that alleged "educators" seem to think that assault is a legitimate political tool. It's no secret that "educators" have fostered an environment of hatred and every conservative speaker has been a victim of assault on college campus and even some institutes of basic education. The system of assault and violence is obviously encouraged or ignored by ignorant people who refer to themselves as "educators". Drain the freaking swamp.
You would hate my wife. Absolutely hate her. Taught for 34 years in a public school. Her kiuds tested well. But you inbred losers think she is scum. And you expect others to take your side.
As a concerned citizen I am shocked that "educators" would hire or condone the conduct of professional rioters who were paid to assault the Secretary of Education and prevent her from going to work on her first day and it seems that not a single "educator" has apologized or for it or condemned the outrageous conduct. It's obvious that the union based education system has lost it's way and that alleged "educators" seem to think that assault is a legitimate political tool. It's no secret that "educators" have fostered an environment of hatred and every conservative speaker has been a victim of assault on college campus and even some institutes of basic education. The system of assault and violence is obviously encouraged or ignored by ignorant people who refer to themselves as "educators". Drain the freaking swamp.
This post is not in support of any such actions. Also I would like to remind you that most educators are protesting for their students rights so that their futures are bright. They are not being paid to do so, matter of fact their not being paid nearly enough!
Why any....any administration let's someone who has no clue about kids be education secretary just goes to show america is only about the dollar. And this administration is no different....america isn't that great.
Could public education be any worse than it is already. Nowadays, children are generally just as ignorant and disrespectful of their free ride as their freeloading, poor me liberal parents.

Time for change and I wish DeVos the best of luck considering that liberals are willing to protest and riot (already happening) because they didn't get their way .. :crybaby: .. . Yup, totally poor examples of adult behavior, they could obviously care less about their children's education or emotional stability being self centered dipshits themselves. ...
Could public education be any worse than it is already. Nowadays, children are generally just as ignorant and disrespectful of their free ride as their freeloading, poor me liberal parents.

Time for change and I wish DeVos the best of luck considering that liberals are willing to protest and riot (already happening) because they didn't get their way .. :crybaby: .. . Yup, totally poor examples of adult behavior, they could obviously care less about their children's education or emotional stability being self centered dipshits themselves. ...
There are no facts or valid statements here. Your feelings about liberals is not the question at hand. You should also be respectful if your going to preach about disrespect.

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