Educators of Young Minds, Tolerance Edition

They need their own country

We have our own country... you guys keep cheating at elections to win.

Stupid decision, but it was a lunch for the staff. Having nothing to do with the kids

The butthurt around here is so strong

Why is it stupid? Would you be cool if your school got a free lunch from the place that talked about "Happy Zombie Jesus Day?"

Nope. You'd be offended as shit.

Just like gay folks are offended by Chik-Fil-Hate.
They need their own country

We have our own country... you guys keep cheating at elections to win.

Stupid decision, but it was a lunch for the staff. Having nothing to do with the kids

The butthurt around here is so strong

Why is it stupid? Would you be cool if your school got a free lunch from the place that talked about "Happy Zombie Jesus Day?"

Nope. You'd be offended as shit.

Just like gay folks are offended by Chik-Fil-Hate.

Everyone: Joe is mad at me because I'm calling him out this morning

Carry on
Everyone: Joe is mad at me because I'm calling him out this morning

Carry on

Joe is having a good laugh because you are such an easy target.... like most Christians with their panties in a wad.


We found a picture of Sweet Sue!
I find this whole Chick-fil-A thing to be hilarious.

if people truly took the time to see who and what the companies they buy products from support and give money to, they’d be shocked. If the consumers then boycotted every company that supports people and things they disagree with, the ecomy would be in chaos.

I’m just waiting for someone to tell Chick-fil-A that they have to open in Sundays because thaleir reasoning for being closed is a religious one, not a business one.

Stupid decision, but it was a lunch for the staff. Having nothing to do with the kids

The butthurt around here is so strong
The caliber of deranged morons responsible for teaching young minds is the issue.
And you enjoy the BS children are exposed to.

Now go arrest a child for using a pointy finger.

You got caught posting wrong information and don't have the integrity to correct it. Not surprising but sad

BTW, we do animal songs all the time in my classroom, and all the time the hunters come out, and all the time I say, "put the guns away fellers, it's not hunting season". They do not get in trouble. I do not send them to the office. I most certainly do not have them "arrested"

So stuff your self-righteousness and your BS
The caliber of deranged morons responsible for teaching young minds is the issue.
And you enjoy the BS children are exposed to.

Now go arrest a child for using a pointy finger.

I find it amusing that you guys will blame a school for not catching a mass-shooter in time, but then complain when they overract to anti-social kids.

No issue here. Chik-Fil-Hate wears it's homophobia and intolerance on their sleeves...
They need their own country

We have our own country... you guys keep cheating at elections to win.

Stupid decision, but it was a lunch for the staff. Having nothing to do with the kids

The butthurt around here is so strong

Why is it stupid? Would you be cool if your school got a free lunch from the place that talked about "Happy Zombie Jesus Day?"

Nope. You'd be offended as shit.

Just like gay folks are offended by Chik-Fil-Hate.

No you don't have anything! We'll find some place for you more to your liking: no guns, no freedom, socialized medicine. You get a one way ticket!
No issue here. Chik-Fil-Hate wears it's homophobia and intolerance on their sleeves...

As do many of us private citizens, and we enjoy excellent quality fast food at affordable prices as well.

mom a side note - thi politically correct “Impossible Whopper” makes me far less interred In spending my money at Burger King.

Stupid decision, but it was a lunch for the staff. Having nothing to do with the kids

The butthurt around here is so strong
The caliber of deranged morons responsible for teaching young minds is the issue.
And you enjoy the BS children are exposed to.

Now go arrest a child for using a pointy finger.

You're also lying. I do not "enjoy" the BS children are exposed to, but I do call out liars. Children were not deprived of Chic Fil A. The food was never for the children. Now are you going to have the integrity to correct this or not?
No you don't have anything! We'll find some place for you more to your liking: no guns, no freedom, socialized medicine. You get a one way ticket!

Naw, we'll have plenty of freedom. Freedom from crazy nuts with guns and freedom from people profiting off human misery and suffering... That's freedom, buddy.
As do many of us private citizens, and we enjoy excellent quality fast food at affordable prices as well.

mom a side note - thi politically correct “Impossible Whopper” makes me far less interred In spending my money at Burger King.

Except no one is forcing you to eat one.

Chick-Fil-Hate wants to deny gay people equal rights.
Naw, we'll have plenty of freedom. Freedom from crazy nuts with guns and freedom from people profiting off human misery and suffering... That's freedom, buddy.

what the Gell is so glorious about the Freedom you offer, anyway. From what I see in this country on a daily basis, it’s noting more than the legal opportunity to act in an immoral and improper way.

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