Eerie Photos of Abandoned Places

A painting in acrylics rendered from a photo taken of an abandoned crab boat sunken in the mud on a back bayou in Cedar Key. It was a bright sunny day so I attempted to make the painting look a little more sinister for this thread using an edit feature.

Most of my paintings are untitled, but maybe this one could be called - Stuck in the Mud...A Vanishing Way of Life.

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I'm an arteest too. Very convincing job on the foliage. It's not so easy to do.

These, to me, are the most fascinating photos of abandoned places. It is fun to try and imagine why, and what were the circumstances that led to this place to be suddenly abandoned.

All the above photos, that I just posted, are of various mental hospitals throughout the U.S. taken by John Gray. (exceptional photographer) Some of the hospitals are now nothing but rubble or lots.


The above was found intact and unopened, in one the labs.

Here, the residence of James Stuart Cain. Arriving at Bodie at the age of 25, he worked at the mine with a man named Joe Maguire, together they picked up $ 90,000 in 90 days.
In 1859, at the time of the Gold Rush, prospector W.S. Bodey discovers somewhere in southern California a few ounces of the precious metal ... before dying in a snowstorm. It gives its name to the city, and thus begins this legend of the Far West.




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