Eggs up 400%, chicken and chicken products up 200%, Bread, Milk, Butter all up how's that grocery shopping going?


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
And before you piss all over yourself telling me that my numbers above don't match the numbers in the article
I already know that. The article is dead wrong but at least it admits that there are increases.

Are we still defending grocery shopping Dems or are we looking for ways to explain away the Biden Economy?
come on now...... I know you can eat terribly for budget caps...but can you eat like you want to?

My best guess is no.

And before you piss all over yourself telling me that my numbers above don't match the numbers in the article
I already know that. The article is dead wrong but at least it admits that there are increases.

Are we still defending grocery shopping Dems or are we looking for ways to explain away the Biden Economy?
come on now...... I know you can eat terribly for budget caps...but can you eat like you want to?

My best guess is no.

When you say "Dems" does that make you feel poor or FOS?
And before you piss all over yourself telling me that my numbers above don't match the numbers in the article
I already know that. The article is dead wrong but at least it admits that there are increases.

Are we still defending grocery shopping Dems or are we looking for ways to explain away the Biden Economy?
come on now...... I know you can eat terribly for budget caps...but can you eat like you want to?

My best guess is no.

To the point my friend, how is the American way of greedy capitalism working out?

Fwiw, food prices in Canada increased about 7% too over the year. That represents American imports to Canada for the most part.

When will America's working class act out in their own best interests and throw out the criminal, very wealthy ruling class?
I killed 3 chickens this mornin. Pulling 50 or so lbs of rainbow tomorrow. Avocados have lil ones now.Tropical apples are on, mango is on...bananas are bent over. All good here in the second world.
To the point my friend, how is the American way of greedy capitalism working out?

Fwiw, food prices in Canada increased about 7% too over the year. That represents American imports to Canada for the most part.

When will America's working class act out in their own best interests and throw out the criminal, very wealthy ruling class? just asked the question of the year.

When you say "Dems" does that make you feel poor or FOS?
I do very well. I happen to be in the top 3% financially.....I did my due diligence and I can buy food aplenty no matter how much it costs. That 's not the point dimwit.
I am still a frugal individual. 12 months ago I was buying eggs for an average of $1.79/ Dozen..... I buy lots of them..... Just today I saw a price of a little over $7.00/dozen at the same location.
Chicken thighs 12 months ago. $.88/ pound.. Today...$2.79/pound.....same brand name....same cetera. Nobody is immune from food prices.....if food is not affordable for the lower income categories then it will eventually be unavailable no matter how rich or wealthy a person is. The retailers make most of their money ( probably over 90 percent of it ) from the lower income classes. So tell me....who exactly is FOS here?
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It will do nothing to change the attitudes of far right Americans. It will only harden their resolve to work harder and become the president too!
yes....hopefully...we should be encouraging people to work hard and have goals. In leftist societies, the Govt steals that from humans...they want them dependant and hopeless...that's how they control them, and stay in power...that's in part why Xiden is at war with the working class....but we will get through the Xidenflation, we will move on
I do very well. I happen to be in the top 3% financially.....I did my due diligence and I can buy food aplenty no matter how much it costs. That 's not the point dimwit.
I am still a frugal individual. 12 months ago I as buying eggs for an average of $1.79/ Dozen..... I buy lots of them..... Just today I saw a price of a little over $7.00/dozen at the same location.
Chicken thighs 12 months ago. $.88/ pound.. Today...same location $2.79/pound.....same brand name....same cetera. Nobody is immune from food prices.....if food is not affordable for the lower income categories then it will eventually y be unavailable no matter how rich or wealthy a person is. So tell me....who exactly is FOS here?
You think that political persuasion accounts for who likes and who doesn't like paying high food prices? You are wrong. So idiotic. Actually, it's arrogant of you.
And I couldn't care less what you buy.

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