Eggs up 400%, chicken and chicken products up 200%, Bread, Milk, Butter all up how's that grocery shopping going?

And before you piss all over yourself telling me that my numbers above don't match the numbers in the article
I already know that. The article is dead wrong but at least it admits that there are increases.

Are we still defending grocery shopping Dems or are we looking for ways to explain away the Biden Economy?
come on now...... I know you can eat terribly for budget caps...but can you eat like you want to?

My best guess is no.

Biden has nothing to do with the bird flu pandemic.
Avian Flu is fake news to cover Democrats disasters. They will always blame something or someone else.
When was the last time you ever heard far Left officials actually take responsibility for a disastrous policy? Answer = Never
Instead, their extreme narcissism makes them double down.

Every major disaster spawned by disastrous Leftist policies that hurts the masses will be attached to a "cover" story pushed by the propaganda masters who own the media at large. Never let a good disaster go unexploited.

NEVER believe what you read on ANY of the "News" outlets.
Avian Flu is fake news to cover Democrats disasters. They will always blame something or someone else.
When was the last time you ever heard far Left officials actually take responsibility for a disastrous policy? Answer = Never
Instead, their exctreme narcissism makes them double down.

Every major disaster spawned by disastrous Leftist policies that hurts the masses will be attached to a "cover" story pushed by the propaganda masters who own the media at large.

NEVER believe what you read on ANY of the "News" outlets.
Yeah, it's so fake it kills millions of birds.
Avian Flu is fake news to cover Democrats disasters. They will always blame something or someone else.
When was the last time you ever heard far Left officials actually take responsibility for a disastrous policy? Answer = Never
Instead, their extreme narcissism makes them double down.

Every major disaster spawned by disastrous Leftist policies that hurts the masses will be attached to a "cover" story pushed by the propaganda masters who own the media at large.

NEVER believe what you read on ANY of the "News" outlets.
Where should we go to be as well informed as you, Pilgrim?
To the point my friend, how is the American way of greedy capitalism working out?

Fwiw, food prices in Canada increased about 7% too over the year. That represents American imports to Canada for the most part.

When will America's working class act out in their own best interests and throw out the criminal, very wealthy ruling class?
You dont know much about capitalism

Competition always results in the lowest possible price

Unless government gets involved
Yeah, it's so fake it kills millions of birds.

Have YOU PERSONALLY seen these millions of dead birds other than MSM propaganda pictures and reports?

And we're all gonna die due to climate change......
Blame higher gas prices on the oil companies....
Covid threatens human life on Earth and vaccines are 100% safe for everyone.....

And there is an endless parade of such BS by the far Left
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You dont know much about capitalism

Competition always results in the lowest possible price

Unless government gets involved

Mostly agree....
Except you do get bad players who are more than willing to exploit situations and take advantage of the unsuspecting.
Capitalism is great, but it needs some unbiased and equally applied policing ...which is how it's supposed to be.

Unfortunately, greed has become the order of business and the big corporations are using their wealth to further their own best interest even when it harms the masses and that's a problem especially when they are buying judges and lawmakers and controlling all the media.

I'm not sure how to handle that without breaking the capitalism model that works so well when it does.
It's still FAR better than any other system that operates on strictly government controlled basis.
At least with a free market system people still have choices.....if only they were smart enough to make good ones.
Mostly agree....
Except you do get bad players who are more than willing to exploit situations and take advantage of the unsuspecting.
Capitalism is great, but it needs some unbiased and equally applied policing ...which is how it's supposed to be.

Unfortunately, greed has become the order of business and the big corporations are using their wealth to further their own best interest even when it harms the masses and that's a problem especially when they are buying judges and lawmakers and controlling all the media.

I'm not sure how to handle that without breaking the capitalism model that works so well when it does.
It's still FAR better than any other system that operates on strictly government controlled basis.
At least with a free market system people still have choices.....if only they were smart enough to make good ones.
Government can deal with price gouging without becoming a socialist nation
Since 1998, we have had 3 Republican and 3.5 Democratic administrators.

Since 1989, total private industry payrolls have grown by about 42 million.

Looking at net additions, by presidential term, how many of the 42 million were added under Republican Administrations?

The data is available here:

All Employees, Total Private
The demafascist dind't take over your party until 2008. Clinton was a "New Democrat" - or a JFK you all would call him a Tea Bagger or MAGA....
The demafascist dind't take over your party until 2008. Clinton was a "New Democrat" - or a JFK you all would call him a Tea Bagger or MAGA....
Never mind the digression.

Answer the question.
The demafascist dind't take over your party until 2008. Clinton was a "New Democrat" - or a JFK you all would call him a Tea Bagger or MAGA....

I'm a republican in exile....the slack jawed cretins took over my party in 1980.
Dude eggs like all of the other grocery commodities need to be transported.....You're asking for a link to that is like asking for a link to the answer to 2 + 2. Don't be lazy.

Sure the bird flu is there but prices were going up on eggs before it hit because like all of the other food commodities they need to be processed with energy which is costing more and transported with hydrocarbon fuels which is costing more. MORE....MOT LESS. Add to that The fact that the Fed is playing around with the value of the currency right now and you have the perfect recipe for shrinking grocery bags. The same dozen eggs I bought last year for a $1.79 I are now well over $6 a dozen. So if you want to split hairs let's call it 350%. Then you can sell that happy news to the people who are buying the eggs.
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