Eggs up 400%, chicken and chicken products up 200%, Bread, Milk, Butter all up how's that grocery shopping going?

And before you piss all over yourself telling me that my numbers above don't match the numbers in the article
I already know that. The article is dead wrong but at least it admits that there are increases.

Are we still defending grocery shopping Dems or are we looking for ways to explain away the Biden Economy?
come on now...... I know you can eat terribly for budget caps...but can you eat like you want to?

My best guess is no.


Govt. routinely lies about real inflation. You can double the nearly all of the past rates claimed since 1972 and get a lot clsoer to real life, plus the fact that prices affects the lower incomes a lot more than it does high incomes; few people in the $500K a year bracket see much of a percentage increase re their incomes going for food when groceries go up 2x, while the price of food staples doubling impacts low incomes whole lot.
You think that political persuasion accounts for who likes and who doesn't like paying high food prices? You are wrong. So idiotic. Actually, it's arrogant of you.
And I couldn't care less what you buy.
Um yes I do..... The lefties on this board happily brag about paying high prices for gas. They brag about being ripped off at the grocery store because they think by emptying their wallets there they are furthering the cause. They brag about high energy prices proclaiming themselves righteous in search of non-hydrocarbon alternatives. In short people absolutely do make decisions about spending their money based on their political affiliations and right now the left is jubilant to be paying high prices for everything.
Govt. routinely lies about real inflation. You can double the nearly all of the past rates claimed since 1972 and get a lot clsoer to real life, plus the fact that prices affects the lower incomes a lot more than it does high incomes; few people in the $500K a year bracket see much of a percentage increase re their incomes going for food when groceries go up 2x, while the price of food staples doubling impacts low incomes whole lot.
My point exactly. Since the food industry is built on the bottom 80% of income brackets when they fail to purchase in bulk The reverberations go all the way back to the source. This is why EBT benefits are actually important. They keep the machine in motion because it certainly can't stay in motion just for a few percentage points of the population. Also if the government really believes their own numbers why is it that they just recently boosted EBT benefits by a full 33%?
And before you piss all over yourself telling me that my numbers above don't match the numbers in the article
I already know that. The article is dead wrong but at least it admits that there are increases.

Then why not post the actual numbers, and then we can discuss them.

Eggs are up because bird flu wiped out most of the Chicken population in California. So they need those eggs to make... wait for it... more chickens.
Um yes I do..... The lefties on this board happily brag about paying high prices for gas. They brag about being ripped off at the grocery store because they think by emptying their wallets there they are furthering the cause. They brag about high energy prices proclaiming themselves righteous in search of non-hydrocarbon alternatives. In short people absolutely do make decisions about spending their money based on their political affiliations and right now the left is jubilant to be paying high prices for everything.
Florida orange juice prices are up also. You can blame Democrats for that if it blows your skirt up.
My point exactly. Since the food industry is built on the bottom 80% of income brackets when they fail to purchase in bulk The reverberations go all the way back to the source. This is why EBT benefits are actually important. They keep the machine in motion because it certainly can't stay in motion just for a few percentage points of the population. Also if the government really believes their own numbers why is it that they just recently boosted EBT benefits by a full 33%?

When you automate jobs and outsource high productivity jobs to slave labor regimes and hand our millions of green cards for the domestic jobs you couldn't outsource then sooner or later those policies come home to roost, and babbling nonsense about non-existent 'laissez faire' fictions aren't going to appeal to anybody but morons after a while. Neither Party is for anti-trust enforcement and both are anti-labor, so they are either going to have to kill a hundred million or so or they're going to put them on subsistence rations; neither of those choices are going to work. Robots don't buy stuff.
Then why not post the actual numbers, and then we can discuss them.

Eggs are up because bird flu wiped out most of the Chicken population in California. So they need those eggs to make... wait for it... more chickens.
Eggs were up quite a bit long before the flu hit because eggs like every other food commodity are subject both to inflation and unreasonable transportation charges. There's no question that the flu has something to do with it too I never said that it didn't. However as is the case with most maladies they combine in ways that you don't want them to and exactly when you don't want them to. Do you think that somehow makes it easier to buy eggs?
Eggs were up quite a bit long before the flu hit because eggs like every other food commodity are subject both to inflation and unreasonable transportation charges. There's no question that the flu has something to do with it too I never said that it didn't. However as is the case with most maladies they combine in ways that you don't want them to and exactly when you don't want them to. Do you think that somehow makes it easier to buy eggs?

Okay. What caused all the transportation problems? Oh, that's right, Covid. The crisis Trump mishandled at criminal levels of incompetence.
Not seeing how that is Biden's fault.

Now, on a macro level, there are two major contributors to inflation.

1) The shrinking labor pool, due to baby boomers retiring. This means employers have to offer more money, even for menial jobs.

2) The international increased demand for commodities. This is lessening to some degree now that production is returning to pre-Covid Levels.

The fed is doing what it probably should have done in the mid-teens, raising interest rates to tamp down demand.
Okay. What caused all the transportation problems? Oh, that's right, Covid. The crisis Trump mishandled at criminal levels of incompetence.
Not seeing how that is Biden's fault.

Now, on a macro level, there are two major contributors to inflation.

1) The shrinking labor pool, due to baby boomers retiring. This means employers have to offer more money, even for menial jobs.

2) The international increased demand for commodities. This is lessening to some degree now that production is returning to pre-Covid Levels.

The fed is doing what it probably should have done in the mid-teens, raising interest rates to tamp down demand.

Nobody mishandled covid. The only mishandling was the false conception that anything could be done about it.

There is absolutely no scientific evidence whatsoever to present that would demonstrate that any of our efforts did anything whatsoever except destroy the economy. There's plenty of evidence to show that the politicians colluded with big pharma to make big bucks for all of them though. Unless you want to start blaming Trump for covid (something that wouldn't surprise me) I suggest you give up on this tired, old mishandling bullshit and take a good look at China. You remember China... You we're one of the cheerleaders for them early on using them as an example of how to handle the covid crisis. I explained early on that all they were doing was delaying the inevitable which has now been born out as covid continues to destroy that country mercilessly. You can't beat a germ ( in this case a Virus) all you can really do is wait it out even if you do manage to develop a real vaccine which is something that was never done with this virus.

Nobody mishandled covid. The only mishandling was the false conception that anything could be done about it.

There is absolutely no scientific evidence whatsoever to present that would demonstrate that any of our efforts did anything whatsoever except destroy the economy. There's plenty of evidence to show that the politicians colluded with big pharma to make big bucks for all of them though. Unless you want to start blaming Trump for covid (something that wouldn't surprise me) I suggest you give up on this tired, old mishandling bullshit and take a good look at China. You remember China... You we're one of the cheerleaders for them early on using them as an example of how to handle the covid crisis. I explained early on that all they were doing was delaying the inevitable which has now been born out as covid continues to destroy that country mercilessly. You can't beat a germ ( in this case a Virus) all you can really do is wait it out even if you do manage to develop a real vaccine which is something that was never done with this virus.

Every other country took affirmative steps to contain the virus, and had nowhere near our levels of infection or death, much less the economic damage.

Covid was completely on Trump because of his criminal level of incompetence. "What, Fauci is more popular than I am? Fauci is the enemy!!!"
Every other country took affirmative steps to contain the virus, and had nowhere near our levels of infection or death, much less the economic damage.

Covid was completely on Trump because of his criminal level of incompetence. "What, Fauci is more popular than I am? Fauci is the enemy!!!"

Apples and oranges.... The sheer enormity of the list of variables from one country to the next is impossible to completely comprehend.

Any good virologist or epidemiologist will tell you that you cannot battle these things by avoiding them. Right from the outset our only hope was to embrace it fully because after millions of years of habitual Eco training that's just the way our system works. Covid was always going to take a certain number of the population and it wasn't a damn thing that we could do one way or another to stop it from getting its final number which it will get.

The brainless statement that COVD was completely on Trump lacks anything of any kind of detail or fact behind it except opinion. More people have died during the Biden administration of COVD.... Yet you seem to have no problem giving him a pass on that. Which pretty much tells me everything I need to know about you and your efforts here. You are not in search of honesty.

Having said that I'm not defending Trump or his ridiculous ego or his off-putting narcissism. Couldn't care less about it. But I am laughing at you trying to pin a tail on the donkey that doesn't exist simply for the purpose of political expediency. If you are only blind I could understand. But to have your eyes wide open and see anything but reality is something much worse than blindness.
Apples and oranges.... The sheer enormity of the list of variables from one country to the next is impossible to completely comprehend.

Any good virologist or epidemiologist will tell you that you cannot battle these things by avoiding them. Right from the outset our only hope was to embrace it fully because after millions of years of habitual Eco training that's just the way our system works. Covid was always going to take a certain number of the population and it wasn't a damn thing that we could do one way or another to stop it from getting its final number which it will get.

Right. Except every other industrialized country took affirmative action and didn't have our levels of death.

Take Japan. Japan imposed lockdowns and prevention protocols. And they had 23,000 deaths compared to our one million. They were wearing masks before Covid and they don't shake hands or kiss when they greet, they do that whole bowing thing.
The brainless statement that COVD was completely on Trump lacks anything of any kind of detail or fact behind it except opinion. More people have died during the Biden administration of COVD.... Yet you seem to have no problem giving him a pass on that. Which pretty much tells me everything I need to know about you and your efforts here. You are not in search of honesty.

Biden had to deal with a crisis that Trump fucked up for two years. And he actually took actions, which were resisted by governors.

Having said that I'm not defending Trump or his ridiculous ego or his off-putting narcissism. Couldn't care less about it. But I am laughing at you trying to pin a tail on the donkey that doesn't exist simply for the purpose of political expediency. If you are only blind I could understand. But to have your eyes wide open and see anything but reality is something much worse than blindness.

but his narcissism was a large part of the problem. The problem with narcissists is that the rest of the world doesn't exist. Trump held super-spreader events because his ego needed a crowd cheering for him. Fuck you, Herman Cain! You died as you lived, sucking up to White people who don't care about you. He attacked governors like Cuomo and Whitmer who took actions and were getting better press. He disdained mask wearing because it made him look bad.

Covid NEVER should have been a political or cultural issue, but Trump made it one.

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