Eggs up 400%, chicken and chicken products up 200%, Bread, Milk, Butter all up how's that grocery shopping going?

Don't vote for re[publicans either because it is the corrupt duopoly that is the source of our problems
the gop isn’t power…the demafasict are…their policies are driving up record inflation, and skyrocketing interest rates.
the gop isn’t power…the demafasict are…their policies are driving up record inflation, and skyrocketing interest rates.
The same thing would have happened if republicans were in power.

Both corrupt parties of the duopoly are owned by the same masters
The same thing would have happened if republicans were in power.

Both corrupt parties of the duopoly are owned by the same masters
Of course but when one is stuck inside the duopoly matrix, they can see the truth.

It’s a game of false binaries the way Democrats and Republicans are portrayed as mortal enemies. Yes, there are some differences, but all-in-all they are one party, the War Party, who agree on the essential tenets of U.S. imperial policy. They both represent the interests of the upper classes and are financed by them. They both work within the same frame of reference. They both support what Ray McGovern, the former CIA analyst, rightly calls the Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academia-Think-Tank complex (MICIMATT).
The same thing would have happened if republicans were in power.

Both corrupt parties of the duopoly are owned by the same masters
yeah but they have been amd it didn’t happen. Actually the last time we saw inflation like this was coming out of rhe carter admin, a republican assumed office after him and inflation dropped. So the data shows your speculation isn’t founded
yeah but they have been amd it didn’t happen. Actually the last time we saw inflation like this was coming out of rhe carter admin, a republican assumed office after him and inflation dropped. So the data shows your speculation isn’t founded
You do realize the economic cause and effects do not adhere to our cycle of presidential terms don't you?

The current situation has been years in the making and Biden's didn't magically cause any of this to happen the day he got elected.

The president actually has very little effect on the economy.
Iron and protein are very important nutritions
I get plenty of protein and iron,

I just had a physical and my blood work was as good as it gets.

You are falling for the meat industry propaganda that you need and excessive amount of animal protein in your diet.

I get plenty of protein and iron,

I just had a physical and my blood work was as good as it gets.

You are falling for the meat industry propaganda that you need and excessive amount of animal protein in your diet.

A reporter was interviewing an elderly local man

The man was remarking about his long life by saying its because he does not drink alcohol and never has

But there was a loud crashing noise coming from another part of the house and the reporter asked what was causing it

“Oh, thats my father” the old man said

“He’s drunk again”
no it’s a poll. i’d like to see it though

african americans have been oppressed no doubt, but the gop was formed for one end slavery…they did, they fought for civil rights, 100 plus years after the end of the civil war and the demklan was still fighting us…i don’t support a party that wants to keep me, or any american, dependent…i don’t vote for the demklan
What poll?

The Republican party of today is definitely not the Republican party of 1854, this party has the mindset of the sheet wearers who you claim to despise. How did Jim Crow last for almost 100yrs if the Republican Party was against the injustices facing black folks in America. When has the Republican Party ever made folks independent? What policies or bills have they ever put in place that has changed that? Democrats have done far more for black folks in the last 60yrs than any Republicans you can show us. Neither party is mine, not the Jackass or the Elephant. To me that are basically one and the same and black folks just chose the lesser of 2 evils which at this time is the Democrat party.
A reporter was interviewing an elderly local man

The man was remarking about his long life by saying its because he does not drink alcohol and never has

But there was a loud crashing noise coming from another part of the house and the reporter asked what was causing it

“Oh, thats my father” the old man said

“He’s drunk again”
Meaningless tripe.

A statement without evidence is nothing but opinion.
Meaningless tripe.

A statement without evidence is nothing but opinion.
And before you piss all over yourself telling me that my numbers above don't match the numbers in the article
I already know that. The article is dead wrong but at least it admits that there are increases.

Are we still defending grocery shopping Dems or are we looking for ways to explain away the Biden Economy?
come on now...... I know you can eat terribly for budget caps...but can you eat like you want to?

My best guess is no.

We're expecting gasoline to shoot back up again in about 6 months ...also get ready for 2023 food prices to climb have been sounding the alarm for awhile now
We're expecting gasoline to shoot back up again in about 6 months ...also get ready for 2023 food prices to climb have been sounding the alarm for awhile now
gas prices always go up in May right before the summer driving season

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