Eggs up 400%, chicken and chicken products up 200%, Bread, Milk, Butter all up how's that grocery shopping going?

And before you piss all over yourself telling me that my numbers above don't match the numbers in the article
I already know that. The article is dead wrong but at least it admits that there are increases.

Are we still defending grocery shopping Dems or are we looking for ways to explain away the Biden Economy?
come on now...... I know you can eat terribly for budget caps...but can you eat like you want to?

My best guess is no.

lets go brandon
You think that political persuasion accounts for who likes and who doesn't like paying high food prices? You are wrong. So idiotic. Actually, it's arrogant of you.
And I couldn't care less what you buy.
if you don't like it, then why do you vote for the Demafacist that create it?
I figured the plate of Deviled Eggs I made for Christmas dinner increased in cost by about 325%.

I sure as hell did not hear Tater & Co. bragging-up the -300% "savings" this year.
Here the price of a dozen eggs skyrocketed from just 36 cents during the Trump administration to over 4 dollars after the crooked Democrats usurped the presidency again.

That's over a 1000% increase.
yes....hopefully...we should be encouraging people to work hard and have goals. In leftist societies, the Govt steals that from humans...they want them dependant and hopeless...that's how they control them, and stay in power...that's in part why Xiden is at war with the working class....but we will get through the Xidenflation, we will move on
I think that working class Americans may not 'get over' or 'forget' the long string of free gifts that have come from Biden.

He's at least attempting to break the American way status quo, in a way that's never been as concentrated as it is now.

And how will the R's put up a fight to continue the status quo now that Trump is being seen by the R supporters to be a bad choice? How can any other candidate challenge Trump?

Even a mentally deficient Biden is looking to be the most likely new king!
I think that working class Americans may not 'get over' or 'forget' the long string of free gifts that have come from Biden.

He's at least attempting to break the American way status quo, in a way that's never been as concentrated as it is now.

And how will the R's put up a fight to continue the status quo now that Trump is being seen by the R supporters to be a bad choice? How can any other candidate challenge Trump?

Even a mentally deficient Biden is looking to be the most likely new king!
He's attempting to break that status que, by going to war with working class.....that's not a good thing.
And before you piss all over yourself telling me that my numbers above don't match the numbers in the article
I already know that. The article is dead wrong but at least it admits that there are increases.

Are we still defending grocery shopping Dems or are we looking for ways to explain away the Biden Economy?
come on now...... I know you can eat terribly for budget caps...but can you eat like you want to?

My best guess is no.

Can’t afford groceries? Go get a job. What the fuck are you doing here wasting your time, you fucking deadbeat.
To the point my friend, how is the American way of greedy capitalism working out?

Fwiw, food prices in Canada increased about 7% too over the year. That represents American imports to Canada for the most part.

When will America's working class act out in their own best interests and throw out the criminal, very wealthy ruling class?
Under the Trump administration's economic policies the percentage of Americans living in poverty plummeted to an all-time record low in America's entire history. And real wages for the working class went up.
I think that working class Americans may not 'get over' or 'forget' the long string of free gifts that have come from Biden.

He's at least attempting to break the American way status quo, in a way that's never been as concentrated as it is now.

And how will the R's put up a fight to continue the status quo now that Trump is being seen by the R supporters to be a bad choice? How can any other candidate challenge Trump?

Even a mentally deficient Biden is looking to be the most likely new king!
Joe isn’t doing anything for the working class. He’s worse than any R.
More uneducated posting. I am amazed at how simple you guys are.

The U.S. is enduring an unprecedented poultry health disaster, with a highly contagious bird flu virus triggering the deaths of some 52.7 million animals.

The culprit is highly pathogenic avian influenza, or HPAI. It has ravaged farm flocks and chicken yards in 46 states since February, when the first cases were reported in commercial flocks.

It's the worst toll on the poultry industry since 2014-2015, when more than 50 million birds died. That earlier outbreak also started in the winter — but while that ordeal was over by the following June, the current outbreak lasted through the summer and has surged anew.

Some birds have died from the disease itself, but the vast majority are being culled through flock "depopulation," to try to stop the virus from spreading. That includes millions of chickens and turkeys in barns and backyards that had been raised to provide eggs or meat.
yes....hopefully...we should be encouraging people to work hard and have goals. In leftist societies, the Govt steals that from humans...they want them dependant and hopeless...that's how they control them, and stay in power...that's in part why Xiden is at war with the working class....but we will get through the Xidenflation, we will move on
Who told you that? Sean Hannity. What do republicans want? Are you saying they are the party that lifts everyone up? If that is the case why is it Americans do worse when they are the majority in office?
Who told you that? Sean Hannity. What do republicans want? Are you saying they are the party that lifts everyone up? If that is the case why is it Americans do worse when they are the majority in office?
no, i’ve learned that long before he was on air. All one has to do is look at leftist societies like cuba, nazi germany, china, ussr, etc

and have some basic understanding of economics

republicans, in general, support individual responsilbity, pro-private sector, etc

they don’t…for example, when the dems had control of the south for centuries my peollw were greatly oppressed. and now today. the demafasict have given us record inflation
And before you piss all over yourself telling me that my numbers above don't match the numbers in the article
I already know that. The article is dead wrong but at least it admits that there are increases.

Are we still defending grocery shopping Dems or are we looking for ways to explain away the Biden Economy?
come on now...... I know you can eat terribly for budget caps...but can you eat like you want to?

My best guess is no.

"The sky is falling in" Blame it on Biden.

Don’t blame Joe Biden for the rising price of chicken nuggets. Look closer to home.​

Higher feed prices, increased shipping costs, weather issues, and the effects from the Avian flu—which has wiped out millions of birds across the country this year—have all influenced the price tag consumers face at the store.
And before you piss all over yourself telling me that my numbers above don't match the numbers in the article
I already know that. The article is dead wrong but at least it admits that there are increases.

Are we still defending grocery shopping Dems or are we looking for ways to explain away the Biden Economy?
come on now...... I know you can eat terribly for budget caps...but can you eat like you want to?

My best guess is no.

Why should anyone believe you?
no, i’ve learned that long before he was on air. All one has to do is look at leftist societies like cuba, nazi germany, china, ussr, etc

and have some basic understanding of economics

republicans, in general, support individual responsilbity, pro-private sector, etc

they don’t…for example, when the dems had control of the south for centuries my peollw were greatly oppressed. and now today. the demafasict have given us record inflation
Since 1998, we have had 3 Republican and 3.5 Democratic administrators.

Since 1989, total private industry payrolls have grown by about 42 million.

Looking at net additions, by presidential term, how many of the 42 million were added under Republican Administrations?

The data is available here:

All Employees, Total Private
The price of eggs actually stunned me. I usually buy those big cartons of 30 at a time and they used to be around eight or nine dollars. Now they’re over 20.

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