Eggs up 400%, chicken and chicken products up 200%, Bread, Milk, Butter all up how's that grocery shopping going?

Dude eggs like all of the other grocery commodities need to be transported.....You're asking for a link to that is like asking for a link to the answer to 2 + 2. Don't be lazy.

Sure the bird flu is there but prices were going up on eggs before it hit because like all of the other food commodities they need to be processed with energy which is costing more and transported with hydrocarbon fuels which is costing more. MORE....MOT LESS. Add to that The fact that the Fed is playing around with the value of the currency right now and you have the perfect recipe for shrinking grocery bags. The same dozen eggs I bought last year for a $1.79 I are now well over $6 a dozen. So if you want to split hairs let's call it 350%. Then you can sell that happy news to the people who are buying the eggs.

I bought 18 yesterday for 5.70.

And yes, it's about the avian flu...
The price hikes Americans are facing are being put on them purposely by Democrats as another attack on America and Americans.
The price hikes Americans are facing are being put on them purposely by Democrats as another attack on America and Americans.
If the Democrats controlled commodity prices I might believe you but they don't and you are just another piss ignorant partisan political pawn.
I was going to start a thread cursing Biden for the price of eggs, but this thread will do.

We stopped at a Kwik-Trip on the way home, and I snapped this picture:


Thanks a fucking lot, Joe Biden. This is your fault, you sonofabitch.

Now would you like to see the current (December 2022) price of eggs in other countries?

Eggs - prices by country, around the world, December 2022

Based on 92 countries included in our data base, the average price is 2.85 USD. Looking at the latest data, the lowest price was 0.18 USD (Indonesia) and the highest price was 6.65 USD (Switzerland).

International price data

(USD / 12 pcs, Source: )

Countries Eggs prices ▾ Rank
Indonesia 0.18 92
Bangladesh 0.94 91
Azerbaijan 1.27 90
India 1.33 89
Belarus 1.39 88
Cameroon 1.43 87
Russia 1.44 86
Pakistan 1.48 85
Burma 1.54 84
Paraguay 1.57 83
Iran 1.71 82
Denmark 1.72 81
Kazakhstan 1.85 80
Uzbekistan 1.86 79
Bolivia 1.89 78
Tunisia 1.91 77
Colombia 1.94 76
Uganda 1.97 75
Panama 1.99 73
Peru 1.99 74
Thailand 2.02 72
Domin. Rep. 2.06 70
Zambia 2.06 71
Kenya 2.08 69
South Africa 2.09 68
Sri Lanka 2.12 67
Mexico 2.13 66
Philippines 2.19 65
Egypt 2.20 63
Kuwait 2.20 64
Saudi Arabia 2.34 61
Ukraine 2.34 62
Brazil 2.38 60
Latvia 2.39 59
China 2.41 58
Oman 2.49 57
Argentina 2.51 56
Chile 2.53 54
Turkey 2.53 55
Vietnam 2.54 53
UA Emirates 2.57 52
Malaysia 2.58 50
Qatar 2.58 51
Bahrain 2.60 49
Guatemala 2.62 46
Jordan 2.62 47
Germany 2.62 48
Greece 2.66 45
Portugal 2.71 44
Canada 2.72 42
Poland 2.72 43
Tanzania 2.74 41
Morocco 2.75 40
Singapore 2.76 39
Czechia 2.84 38
France 2.87 37
Netherlands 2.93 36
Hong Kong 2.94 35
Nigeria 2.99 34
Japan 3.01 33
Ivory Coast 3.08 32
Belgium 3.18 30
Lithuania 3.18 31
Costa Rica 3.24 29
Slovenia 3.29 28
Cyprus 3.39 27
Israel 3.42 26
Ghana 3.48 25
Hungary 3.50 24
Spain 3.53 23
Serbia 3.59 22
Romania 3.60 21
Croatia 3.63 20
Austria 3.69 19
Italy 3.81 18
Finland 3.82 17
UK 3.97 16
Ireland 4.04 15
New Zealand 4.07 14
Sweden 4.20 13
Luxembourg 4.23 12
Angola 4.44 10
Bulgaria 4.44 11
Australia 4.58 9
Uruguay 4.59 7
Macao 4.59 8
USA 4.77 6
South Korea 4.89 5
Norway 4.98 4
Slovakia 5.35 3
Puerto Rico 5.49 2
Switzerland 6.65 1

CNN attributes the high price of eggs to the "Avian Flu", as well as higher fuel, feed and other producer costs.

The CDC says 57,767,901 poultry has been affected by the Avian Flu as of 12/27/22, but there has only been one single case of human infection.

One fucking case.

Avian Influenza Current Situation Summary

This is bullshit. We are being played.
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If the Democrats controlled commodity prices I might believe you but they don't and you are just another piss ignorant partisan political pawn.
Democrats are responsible for the economic environment that created these prices.
Oh and for you not yet ready to be animal husbands there is this little tidbit;

Chickens generally don't lay eggs in the winter because there's not enough sunlight to stimulate the ovary to release a yolk. New chicken keepers usually start with baby chicks in the spring. The excitement of the chicks growing into adults, then that first egg in late summer or early fall is undeniable.

Why Don't Chickens Lay Eggs in the Winter?​

no, i’ve learned that long before he was on air. All one has to do is look at leftist societies like cuba, nazi germany, china, ussr, etc

and have some basic understanding of economics

republicans, in general, support individual responsilbity, pro-private sector, etc

they don’t…for example, when the dems had control of the south for centuries my peollw were greatly oppressed. and now today. the demafasict have given us record inflation
Republicans support individual responsibility when it benefits them, when it benefits the rich and mainly when it benefits whites. Black folks in this country have been oppressed by BOTH parties, either you are a fool or you have been taught to think like one. Black folks were enslaved and oppressed in this country long before there was a Democrat or Republican party. Pew Research has shown that in the last 60yrs that poor, middle class and colored folk do better when there is a Democrat in the WH, that is fact.
Republicans support individual responsibility when it benefits them, when it benefits the rich and mainly when it benefits whites. Black folks in this country have been oppressed by BOTH parties, either you are a fool or you have been taught to think like one. Black folks were enslaved and oppressed in this country long before there was a Democrat or Republican party. Pew Research has shown that in the last 60yrs that poor, middle class and colored folk do better when there is a Democrat in the WH, that is fact.
UM. Biden=expensive chicken. We'll see what watermelon does in 2023 :stir:
To the point my friend, how is the American way of greedy capitalism working out?

Fwiw, food prices in Canada increased about 7% too over the year. That represents American imports to Canada for the most part.

When will America's working class act out in their own best interests and throw out the criminal, very wealthy ruling class?
What is the alternative? A truly locked in ruling elite few, masses dependent on the government and long bread lines? Pick your shade of greed. American greed by comparison works and provides opportunity.
Republicans support individual responsibility when it benefits them, when it benefits the rich and mainly when it benefits whites. Black folks in this country have been oppressed by BOTH parties, either you are a fool or you have been taught to think like one. Black folks were enslaved and oppressed in this country long before there was a Democrat or Republican party. Pew Research has shown that in the last 60yrs that poor, middle class and colored folk do better when there is a Democrat in the WH, that is fact.
no it’s a poll. i’d like to see it though

african americans have been oppressed no doubt, but the gop was formed for one end slavery…they did, they fought for civil rights, 100 plus years after the end of the civil war and the demklan was still fighting us…i don’t support a party that wants to keep me, or any american, dependent…i don’t vote for the demklan
If you want to save money buy less meat dairy and poultry products or buy none at all.

Stick to frozen vegetables, rice, beans, legumes and greens and see how much money you save
If you want to save money buy less meat dairy and poultry products or buy none at all.

Stick to frozen vegetables, rice, beans, legumes and greens and see how much money you save
I dont think Soviet-style austerity is the answer
If you want to save money buy less meat dairy and poultry products or buy none at all.

Stick to frozen vegetables, rice, beans, legumes and greens and see how much money you save
if you want to save money, don’t vote for the demafasict.

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