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Ego victory and misplaced honor (confederate flag)


Jun 30, 2015
The few who use the confederate flag as a symbol of hate are being honored unwittingly by those who attack and demonize it. On one hand this nation has honored love with a recent supreme court ruling, on the other hand, hate filled racists have been honored by giving them a flag to call their own.

A flag has been attacked. It has been under attack for some time now. Still little is being done to address the root of this nations racial problem. Empty ego victories and a lot of back patting are taking place. The American flag is a symbol of freedom, yet from its inception woman have been oppressed under its glory, as have the African American population.

Racial profiling is commonplace under old glory still, unequal wages for woman commonplace still. It has only been in recent history that voting privileges have been given to woman and African Americans, that gay rights have been granted, yet old glory still waves.

When it comes to southern pride and the flag that represents the fighting spirit of the south, the racist few are given credence over the rest. Yes, slavery was part of southern history, but then racial profiling, unfair and unequal wages for woman, and a host of other injustices are still prevalent in America today, yet old glory still waves.

The American flag stands for a century and a half of slavery, two centuries of suppression of women, and two and a half centuries of civil rights violations including forced relocations, religious persecution, and torture. This does not include the fact it was forged as an act of open lawless rebellion. Fact: The flag isn't the problem folks!

The rebel flag is being demonized because a few hate filled people decided to claim it as their own. We need to TAKE IT BACK and reclaim the symbol of this nations southern heritage. If not, the hate filled racists win. I wear it proudly. I'm both a proud American and a proud Southerner.

I'm offended by the broad brushing and by those who demand thus flag be a symbol of hate. It wasn't at its inception and it isn't now to most southerner's. Only those who focus on fear, race, and bigotry view this flag in such a manner. I'd suggest the racial tensions stem from those who bitterly view the rebel flag as a symbol of hate.

Intolerant, fearful, and racially driven people are fueling the flames of division. Maybe, just maybe the problem doesn't rest with those who proudly fly this flag, but with those who are discriminating against US. Who are the real victims here? Is it the black community? Is it the ban the flag proponents? No! It's those of us who are being labeled and viewed as racists over a symbol of southern pride and culture, which has nothing to do with hate and bigotry except to a very small percentage of those who fly it.

The southern way is a lifestyle, a mindset. The flag in question is a symbol of pride. It's about the spirit of the south. Sure, some (very few) have used this flag for hate, but the vast majority never did and never will.

Hate, bigotry, and racism are what many choose to see. The broad brush and ego driven self back patting zeal somehow makes them feel piously better than the rebel pride standing against their Ilk.

The truth is many have unwittingly jumped on the racially driven bandwagon that will continue to fuel division because their type will likely never change. They refuse to move beyond or forward because they're stuck with a tainted view of this historic symbol of southern pride.

They see only what they want to see, and stand with those who fuel racial tension. The empty victory against this flag has only brought to light the racist bigotry held against their southern countrymen who fly it peacefully, proudly, and with honor.

They've allowed the racist few who use it as a symbol of hate to taint their view of the entire lot. Of course most would likely never do the same to the Muslim majority. Double standards, injustice, and willful ignorance seems to be common place.

Self pride is one thing. Belonging to a culture that instills pride is another. It's about community, deep roots, hospitality, hard work, knowing how to live of the land, and defiance against those who discriminate against our way of life. While many see no reason for pride, we live it daily. It's a mindset.

The south rose up against the north during the civil war, which isn't much different than a few colonies rising up against Great Britain during the revolutionary war. The south is demonized for their rebellion, while the colonies who stood against Great Britain honored for their own. Seems hypocritical and extremely unbalanced.

Those who fought and died for the south are being shamed, and it seems the hope is permanency. Slavery was certainly part of southern history, but so it was also with the much of the north. A very small percentage of southerners ever owned slaves. We're taking less than 7%, yet a far greater percentage of southerner's took up arms against the Union. They did not fight for slavery. Slavery was only part of the reason behind the civil war.

There was, is, and will always be much more to the southern lifestyle and southern pride than what the unaware choose to acknowledge. There's nothing to be proud of about slavery, but there's much to be proud of about the southern way of life. That flag represents southern pride - pure and simple! People can demonize it to their hearts content, but it has never been a symbol of hate to southerner's, only by those who fear.

Strength, bravery, the fighting spirit of the south, deep deep roots, community, hospitality, and unbreakable southern pride is what that flag represents, and I dare say this is true for the vast majority of those who fight to reclaim it from those who taint it. Those who use and view it as a symbol of hate fail to acknowledge that which is honorable.

People are judging a flag based on a few racists and are neglecting the rich culture of the south by doing so. Yes, SOME have used this flag in relation to racism, but the flag at its inception did not represent racism, nor bigotry. It has been hijacked, demonized because of these hijackers, and now is being banned and taken off shelves because many have chosen to acknowledge only the few who have used it in unsavory and hateful ways.

Like I said, much could be said about old glory and her unsavory aspects too. I prefer to focus on what's honorable, leave the unsavory past behind, and pursue greater achievements. Fact: Slavery has been abolished. Thank God, but racism still taints this nation.

Let's cut to the chase, the attack on the rebel flag is no achievement. Not even close! It only shows the fearful focus placed on the few who taint it, while neglecting an honorable and rich southern culture and those who take great pride in a symbol that represents the south. It's like hating water because a few have drowned in it.

The civil war may have in part been fought over slavery, but the battle flag itself had nothing to do with racism. It wasn't until far later in history that it was used to represent hate and bigotry and even then it was only a few who did this. Broad brushing the whole canvas based on a few racists is unfair to the majority, yet it is being done just the same.

To deem the confederate flag a symbol of bigoted hate nationwide because of a very tiny few who have used it to that end is shameful. It does little more than honor those few who hate and invalidate the many who don't. This nation is taking a symbol of southern pride and are handing it over to hateful bigots. Thieves and robbers ... the lot if them!

Now, some claim victory because this flag is being taken off shelves and flag poles, but it's an empty, pointless, and shallow victory that had done nothing to address the root of hate crimes. An attack on a symbol of southern pride has taken place instead of dealing with the real issue ... Hate! It's an ego victory and nothing more.

Here's a thought: Quit attacking and banning THINGS and start dealing with the criminally disturbed PEOPLE who use things to fulfill their hate filled ends through violence.

History should not be erased, but remembered and learned from. Southern pride, southern hospitality, cornbread, beans, living off the land, deep deep roots, coupled with a symbol that represents the fighting spirit of the south should never be shamed.

People, a flag has been demonized. Guns have been demonized. God has been demonized. Indeed, even love has been demonized. To what end? What exactly are people trying to prove? Live, love, and laugh folks.

Let love rule.
A condensed version would get more responses. Not many people have time to read a novel.
If you're lazy don't even bother. Those willing to take the time to read and comprehend, you're the audience I'm looking for. Just a heads up.
If you're lazy don't even bother. Those willing to take the time to read and comprehend, you're the audience I'm looking for. Just a heads up.

Good luck, most of these people on here have short attention spans.

Just trying to help ya out.

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