Egypt: A display of Obama's incompetence

Why do you think killing civilians will make things better?

You didn't answer my question.

You didn't ask a question, you offered a false choice, which I rejected. We do not have to choose between letting Al Qaeda kill innocent people and killing innocent people ourselves.

Since that is the actual reality we come back to my question, why do you think killing civilians will make things better?

You oppose using drones to kill al qaeda. What's your better plan?
You didn't answer my question.

You didn't ask a question, you offered a false choice, which I rejected. We do not have to choose between letting Al Qaeda kill innocent people and killing innocent people ourselves.

Since that is the actual reality we come back to my question, why do you think killing civilians will make things better?

You oppose using drones to kill al qaeda. What's your better plan?

Some of us oppose it as the only option.

Sometimes we'd like a prisoner to question. Good intel.
Obama is out of touch with reality, blaming this entire situation on a video

Touch with Reality... Clings to Video Excuse
By Bobby Eberle September 15, 2012 7:13 am
No matter how ridiculous they sound, Barack Obama and his administration continue with the same talking points. Do they honestly believe that this wide-spread violence across the Middle East and Northern Africa is the result of a YouTube video? That's exactly what they are saying, and they also claim that the violence is not directed at the United States! This is a topic that needs to be driven ho ... Read More

The Loft » theloft -- GOPUSA

I don't think we've seen anything yet. The bought and paid for media is going to do everything they possibly can to provide obummer cover for his failed, inept, and downright fuckin' dangerous foreign policy of appeasement and apologies.

Ho-hum, another attack on the free-press by another r-wing extremist dittohead parrot. My, how the right hates the 1st ammendment.

Hey I don't hate the first amendment at all, I'm just not dumb enough to believe most of the bullshit the bought and paid for progressive media puts out.
I do confess to being fooled on occasion though.
You didn't ask a question, you offered a false choice, which I rejected. We do not have to choose between letting Al Qaeda kill innocent people and killing innocent people ourselves.

Since that is the actual reality we come back to my question, why do you think killing civilians will make things better?

You oppose using drones to kill al qaeda. What's your better plan?

Some of us oppose it as the only option.

Sometimes we'd like a prisoner to question. Good intel.

You're ignorant if you don't know we capture al qaeda on a regular basis.
You didn't answer my question.

You didn't ask a question, you offered a false choice, which I rejected. We do not have to choose between letting Al Qaeda kill innocent people and killing innocent people ourselves.

Since that is the actual reality we come back to my question, why do you think killing civilians will make things better?

You oppose using drones to kill al qaeda. What's your better plan?

I oppose using drones to kill civilians.

Why do you think killing civilians will make things better?
You oppose using drones to kill al qaeda. What's your better plan?

Some of us oppose it as the only option.

Sometimes we'd like a prisoner to question. Good intel.

You're ignorant if you don't know we capture al qaeda on a regular basis.

And frankly, the intel they give us usually isn't that good.

Khalid Mohammed was waterboarded a bunch of times, and actually told the interrogators that the "courier" that lead them to Bin Laden was "no one important".

WHich means he was either very disciplined under torture or he just didn't know because he didn't need to know.
Some of us oppose it as the only option.

Sometimes we'd like a prisoner to question. Good intel.

You're ignorant if you don't know we capture al qaeda on a regular basis.

And frankly, the intel they give us usually isn't that good.

Khalid Mohammed was waterboarded a bunch of times, and actually told the interrogators that the "courier" that lead them to Bin Laden was "no one important".

WHich means he was either very disciplined under torture or he just didn't know because he didn't need to know.

How would you know that?
He turned Egypt form a longtime ally into something other than an ally. That makes him wrong, however you spin it.
No spin here, what should he have done differently?
If the USA continued to back Mubarak, when he was clearly about to be rejected by his own people, how would that play out for future relations with the future regime?
You now have Morsi recognising what a mess he has on his hands and trying to bring the situation under control to appease the US.

If I was going to spin it I could say that Obama has the Muslim Brotherhood dancing to his tune.
I wouldn't do that though.

He shouldn't have screwed up. Unlike you, and Obama, I don't pretend to know everything. He has a whole department of people that are supposed to understand these things, yet he still feels that Egypt isn't an ally. Maybe he should talk to the people who write Hillary's speeches, they got it right when she said that Americans will never understand why people riot over movies.

How do you know he isn't reflecting the advice he's getting from his "department of people that are supposed to understand these things"?

So you think he screwed up but have no idea how, I doubt there was ever going to be a perfect response to the Arab Spring.

I don't pretend to know anymore than fuck all, but I do like to have some backing information before I make a statement.
Try it, you'll find that there's a lot to learn when you do even a little research.
You didn't ask a question, you offered a false choice, which I rejected. We do not have to choose between letting Al Qaeda kill innocent people and killing innocent people ourselves.

Since that is the actual reality we come back to my question, why do you think killing civilians will make things better?

You oppose using drones to kill al qaeda. What's your better plan?

I oppose using drones to kill civilians.

Why do you think killing civilians will make things better?

Because no one, including you, can describe a plan to defeat al qaeda that eliminates the possibility that civilians may die.
You're ignorant if you don't know we capture al qaeda on a regular basis.

Your ignorant if you think we do.

When do you think is the last time we captured an al qaeda terrorist?

The Ft Hood Shooting, but he wasn't exactly officially al Qaeda, just a sympathizer. We're not capturing them in the battlefield. All of the black ops sites have been shut down. The interrogation program has been shut down.
No spin here, what should he have done differently?
If the USA continued to back Mubarak, when he was clearly about to be rejected by his own people, how would that play out for future relations with the future regime?
You now have Morsi recognising what a mess he has on his hands and trying to bring the situation under control to appease the US.

If I was going to spin it I could say that Obama has the Muslim Brotherhood dancing to his tune.
I wouldn't do that though.

He shouldn't have screwed up. Unlike you, and Obama, I don't pretend to know everything. He has a whole department of people that are supposed to understand these things, yet he still feels that Egypt isn't an ally. Maybe he should talk to the people who write Hillary's speeches, they got it right when she said that Americans will never understand why people riot over movies.

How do you know he isn't reflecting the advice he's getting from his "department of people that are supposed to understand these things"?

So you think he screwed up but have no idea how, I doubt there was ever going to be a perfect response to the Arab Spring.

I don't pretend to know anymore than fuck all, but I do like to have some backing information before I make a statement.
Try it, you'll find that there's a lot to learn when you do even a little research.

I don't, I just know the results suck.

Where did I say I don't know where he screwed up? One of the things he screwed up is the statement that Egypt is not an ally.

You really should stop putting people in boxes, it makes you look silly when they don't fit.
Your ignorant if you think we do.

When do you think is the last time we captured an al qaeda terrorist?

The Ft Hood Shooting, but he wasn't exactly officially al Qaeda, just a sympathizer. We're not capturing them in the battlefield. All of the black ops sites have been shut down. The interrogation program has been shut down.

Wrong. For starters...

ISAF targets al Qaeda-linked Taliban commanders in Ghazni raids - The Long War Journal

Feel free to attempt to prove the included information is not accurate.
You didn't ask a question, you offered a false choice, which I rejected. We do not have to choose between letting Al Qaeda kill innocent people and killing innocent people ourselves.

Since that is the actual reality we come back to my question, why do you think killing civilians will make things better?

You oppose using drones to kill al qaeda. What's your better plan?

I oppose using drones to kill civilians.

Why do you think killing civilians will make things better?

If you oppose without exception any military operation that can lead to civilian 'collateral damage', how would one successfully fight a war like, say,

World War II?
When do you think is the last time we captured an al qaeda terrorist?

The Ft Hood Shooting, but he wasn't exactly officially al Qaeda, just a sympathizer. We're not capturing them in the battlefield. All of the black ops sites have been shut down. The interrogation program has been shut down.

Wrong. For starters...

ISAF targets al Qaeda-linked Taliban commanders in Ghazni raids - The Long War Journal

Feel free to attempt to prove the included information is not accurate.

The story says Taliban, not al Qaeda. Taliban commanders.


Seems the Obama Administration policy of killing rather than capturing has ended. Bout fucken time.

Now why do you suppose they changed it???

Too little....too late in my opinion. Now they just lock em up and let them throw shit on the guards at GITMO.
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