Egypt: A display of Obama's incompetence

Two of the guys at Chamber of Commerce yesterday said that this type of mudslinging by the far dumbo right is costing Mitt the election. They won't vote for Obama, but they will not vote for Mitt, either.

You want Mitt to lose?
[Because it was in the plan. Currently the Muslim Brotherhood has a spokesperson in our own Homeland Security Dept. Hillary's adviser is the daughter of a Muslim Brotherhood member. They have been advising Obama on what to do. This didn't happen by accident.

All of the sudden every secular leader in the Middle-East is being asked to step down by Obama and his cronies.

Give me a fucken break.

It's not happening by accident.

What's even worse......we've been warning everyone about this for years.....but they said we were full of crap.

Ignorant liberal assholes. Useful idiots the lot of you.

Even Russia knows better and has been trying to help Syria's Assad from meeting the same exact fate.

The blame falls squarely on one and only one person's shoulders Jake. Mitt Romney.

This is not coming from 'leftists''s coming from former aides to John McCain, George W. Bush, and Ronald Reagan.

Don’t Say “Desperate”

For Romney, the first blaring sign that his reaction to the assault on the consulate in Benghazi had badly missed the mark was the application of the phrase “Lehman *moment” to his press availability on the morning of September 12. Here was *America under attack, with four dead on foreign soil. And here was Romney, defiantly refusing to adopt a tone of sobriety, solemnity, or seriousness, instead attempting to score cheap political points, doubling down on his criticism from the night before that the Obama administration had been “disgraceful” for “sympathiz[ing]” with the attackers—criticism willfully ignoring the chronology of events, the source of the statement he was pillorying, the substance of the statement, and the circumstances under which it was made.

That the left heaped scorn on Romney’s gambit came as no surprise. But the right reacted almost as harshly—with former aides to John McCain, George W. Bush, and Ronald Reagan creating an on-the-record chorus of disapproval, while countless other Republican officials and operatives chimed in anonymously. “This is worse than a Lehman moment,” says a senior GOP operative. “*McCain made mistakes of impulsiveness, but this was a deliberate and premeditated move, and it totally revealed Romney’s character; it revealed him as completely craven and his candidacy as serving no higher purpose than his ambition.”

This bipartisan condemnation would have been bad enough in itself, but its negative effects were amplified because it fed into a broader narrative emerging in the media across the ideological spectrum: that Romney is losing, knows he is losing, and is starting to panic. This story line is, of course, rooted in reality, given that every available data point since the conventions suggests that Obama is indeed, for the first time, opening up a lead outside the margin of *error nationally and in the battleground states. So the press corps is now on the lookout for signs of desperation in Romney and is finding them aplenty—most vividly in his reaction to Libya, but even before that, in his post-convention appearance on Meet the Press, where he embraced some elements of Obamacare (only to have his campaign walk back his comments later the same day).
Two of the guys at Chamber of Commerce yesterday said that this type of mudslinging by the far dumbo right is costing Mitt the election. They won't vote for Obama, but they will not vote for Mitt, either.

You want Mitt to lose?
[Because it was in the plan. Currently the Muslim Brotherhood has a spokesperson in our own Homeland Security Dept. Hillary's adviser is the daughter of a Muslim Brotherhood member. They have been advising Obama on what to do. This didn't happen by accident.

All of the sudden every secular leader in the Middle-East is being asked to step down by Obama and his cronies.

Give me a fucken break.

It's not happening by accident.

What's even worse......we've been warning everyone about this for years.....but they said we were full of crap.

Ignorant liberal assholes. Useful idiots the lot of you.

Even Russia knows better and has been trying to help Syria's Assad from meeting the same exact fate.

The blame falls squarely on one and only one person's shoulders Jake. Mitt Romney.

This is not coming from 'leftists''s coming from former aides to John McCain, George W. Bush, and Ronald Reagan.

Don’t Say “Desperate”

For Romney, the first blaring sign that his reaction to the assault on the consulate in Benghazi had badly missed the mark was the application of the phrase “Lehman *moment” to his press availability on the morning of September 12. Here was *America under attack, with four dead on foreign soil. And here was Romney, defiantly refusing to adopt a tone of sobriety, solemnity, or seriousness, instead attempting to score cheap political points, doubling down on his criticism from the night before that the Obama administration had been “disgraceful” for “sympathiz[ing]” with the attackers—criticism willfully ignoring the chronology of events, the source of the statement he was pillorying, the substance of the statement, and the circumstances under which it was made.

That the left heaped scorn on Romney’s gambit came as no surprise. But the right reacted almost as harshly—with former aides to John McCain, George W. Bush, and Ronald Reagan creating an on-the-record chorus of disapproval, while countless other Republican officials and operatives chimed in anonymously. “This is worse than a Lehman moment,” says a senior GOP operative. “*McCain made mistakes of impulsiveness, but this was a deliberate and premeditated move, and it totally revealed Romney’s character; it revealed him as completely craven and his candidacy as serving no higher purpose than his ambition.”

This bipartisan condemnation would have been bad enough in itself, but its negative effects were amplified because it fed into a broader narrative emerging in the media across the ideological spectrum: that Romney is losing, knows he is losing, and is starting to panic. This story line is, of course, rooted in reality, given that every available data point since the conventions suggests that Obama is indeed, for the first time, opening up a lead outside the margin of *error nationally and in the battleground states. So the press corps is now on the lookout for signs of desperation in Romney and is finding them aplenty—most vividly in his reaction to Libya, but even before that, in his post-convention appearance on Meet the Press, where he embraced some elements of Obamacare (only to have his campaign walk back his comments later the same day).

Yeah......Mitt Romney has been secretly running the Obama Administration......:eusa_whistle:

You know where you're going to go if you keep lying like this........

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good call
you can smell it as well

is all the apologists for Papa Obama have,....

Romney's not even in government yet but everything is his fault.

It's pretty fucken pathetic.

Why don't we start a thread and make up shit about how Romney is the cause of everything bad that ever happened in history.

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Obama is out of touch with reality, blaming this entire situation on a video

Touch with Reality... Clings to Video Excuse
By Bobby Eberle September 15, 2012 7:13 am
No matter how ridiculous they sound, Barack Obama and his administration continue with the same talking points. Do they honestly believe that this wide-spread violence across the Middle East and Northern Africa is the result of a YouTube video? That's exactly what they are saying, and they also claim that the violence is not directed at the United States! This is a topic that needs to be driven ho ... Read More

The Loft » theloft -- GOPUSA

I don't think we've seen anything yet. The bought and paid for media is going to do everything they possibly can to provide obummer cover for his failed, inept, and downright fuckin' dangerous foreign policy of appeasement and apologies.
I dont see links to any of that

So__ It's just general info I've taken in over the last few days. It's all true too. The absence of links doesn't make someone a liar. Remember that for next time son.

The absense of a link in starting a thread is a violation according to USMB rules. Or did they change the rules? They may have because Grampa Murked U constantly starts threads with no original link. Grampa Murked U is becoming famous for starting linkless, flame-baiting troll threads.
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They should have done their research first
This is the way it is normally done

It fits well with their template
so they felt comfortable to run with it

Sort of like the ABC and false associations with James Holmes
and the Tea Party

Not really, since they repeated information that the person offered about himself in this case.

And then went about debunking it..

Good news. The feds have pulled this guy in about violating his probation...
Obama is the one using drones to kill civilians in Yemen. Not sure why you think protest about drone strokes where the protests chant "Obama, Obama, we are all Osama" are about 65 years of bad policy, but I believe you actually have a right to be completely ignorant, so go for it.

and changing the subject AGAIN....

The subject is how Obama screwed up, if you can't follow it I suggest you go post in the kiddie forum.

So why are you talking about Iran, Hondurus, etc. when the subject is Egypt?
Obama is out of touch with reality, blaming this entire situation on a video

Touch with Reality... Clings to Video Excuse
By Bobby Eberle September 15, 2012 7:13 am
No matter how ridiculous they sound, Barack Obama and his administration continue with the same talking points. Do they honestly believe that this wide-spread violence across the Middle East and Northern Africa is the result of a YouTube video? That's exactly what they are saying, and they also claim that the violence is not directed at the United States! This is a topic that needs to be driven ho ... Read More

The Loft » theloft -- GOPUSA

I don't think we've seen anything yet. The bought and paid for media is going to do everything they possibly can to provide obummer cover for his failed, inept, and downright fuckin' dangerous foreign policy of appeasement and apologies.

Ho-hum, another attack on the free-press by another r-wing extremist dittohead parrot. My, how the right hates the 1st ammendment.
The far right wants to lie and cry, scream and cream, regardless of the factual evidence.

MR has softened his tone as he continues to trail in polls, yet Ryan says no "steady, consistent leadership" from the admin, while Netanyahu wants Obama to get tougher with Iran.

Yet the Dumbo Far Right pants and chants their lies, which turns off the center independents who will decide this election.
I dont see links to any of that

So__ It's just general info I've taken in over the last few days. It's all true too. The absence of links doesn't make someone a liar. Remember that for next time son.

The absense of a link in starting a thread is a violation according to USMB rules. Or did they change the rules? They may have because Grampa Murked U constantly starts threads with no original link. Grampa Murked U is becoming famous for starting linkless, flame-baiting troll threads.

I looked at the rules and I did not see anything about
links being required

Your side bar says you joined in Jan of 2012
Perhaps they changed it since then
but I don't think so

As for "Grampa Murked U is becoming famous for starting linkless, flame-baiting troll threads", really is a matter of opinion

After all, this is an open posting board
If you want real debate you come to wrong place

or try the "clean debate forum" on here
Matthew, you dumbos will not be allowed to overthrow American freedoms because of your fear of Muslims overseas.
I dont see links to any of that

So__ It's just general info I've taken in over the last few days. It's all true too. The absence of links doesn't make someone a liar. Remember that for next time son.

The absense of a link in starting a thread is a violation according to USMB rules. Or did they change the rules? They may have because Grampa Murked U constantly starts threads with no original link. Grampa Murked U is becoming famous for starting linkless, flame-baiting troll threads.

You don't need a link to start a thread dumb-ass. :eusa_eh:

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