Egypt Persecutes Christians and Americans Pay the Bill


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
84 percent of Egyptians believe that the death penalty should be enacted against anyone who leaves Islam.

"American taxpayers are underwriting a regime that has little concern for fundamental human rights. We are shoveling billions to Egypt in the naïve belief that they are moving toward democracy.
Is Egyptmoving towards democracy? Pew polls and other opinion surveys regularly report that as many as 84% of Egyptians today say anyone who leaves Islam should be killed. Believing that,how can they have a democracy?
"The Obama administration has never explained how it makes sense for Americans to borrow billions from China to give it to a government in Egypt that is rolling over its own citizens and turning a blind eye to those of its backers who are burning Coptic churches, shooting them down, and setting them on fire."

What happens is the Copts protest against violence against them...then they get tear gassed, and arrested, along with the guys who attack them (set them on fire, torch their churches, etc.) Then the muslim police release everyone...the protesters and the criminals alike... and call it *reconciliation*.

Egypt Persecutes Christians and Americans Pay the Bill - Ken Blackwell - Page 1

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