Ehrlichman: War on "Drugs" A Scam to Persecute Blacks and antiwar protesters

War on drugs' was a sinister conspiracy to go after anti-war protesters and black people, according to president Nixon's domestic policy chief
  • A decades-old interview with John Ehrlichman, President Richard Nixon's domestic policy chief, reveals the 'War on Drugs' targeted black people
  • The policy also targeted anti-war protesters in the Nixon years
  • Harper's Magazine originally ran the interview in 1994, five years before Ehrlichman died in 1999
  • Dan Baum, the journalist who originally interviewed Ehrlichman, recently revisited the interview in Harper's


And who flooded minority neighborhoods with drugs, take a guess

How is that an excuse. Or, are you saying that black folks are too stupid to know better?
Overhauled how?

how about we start with getting rid of mandatory minimums and decriminalizing drugs and unequal enforcement of drug laws?

How about people quit breaking the law, if they don't like going to jail?
Good idea.

It would also help if we stopped making everything illegal though:
The Inexplicable War on Lemonade Stands

In some cases the law itself is the problem. It is clearly the problem when we crush the entrepreneurial spirit in some kids when they try and sell some lemon aid. I think it is also the problem when you want to enjoy some recreational chemicals in your own damn living room. Alcohol is permissible though worse than pot in every single possible measure. Spray paint, markers and air conditioners also all legal and also can all get you high. Not sure why we need so many draconian laws to stop people from killing themselves. If you want to vegetate and eventually die from drug abuse - so be it. We would do a lot better focusing that time and money on education, prevention and treatment plans rather than law enforcement.

You know how much a rehab center and a basic education program against drugs effect my life? Zero, zip, zilch and nada. However, we are ALL massively effected by the drug war and the invasion of your rights that occurs specifically because of it.

Let's legalize murder. That would lower the murder rate.

Personally, I want to abolish tax laws. I don't like paying taxes.

How's that sound?
That sounds idiotic.

Murder is a clear violation of the victims rights. Tax law is another story. Taxes in their current form should be obliterated but a basic tax for communal goods has no connection with making drugs illegal.

Care to address the point without bringing up asinine comparisons that have nothing to do with the issue at hand?

Let's abolish traffic laws.
Maybe those minorities should get off the dope. Whatcha think?

Who the fuck are you to tell minorities or anyone else for that matter what to do.

I bet you don't even persuade your teenage children.


I'm the guy that has a job, doesn't live in a ghetto and doesn't have to worry about getting busted on a drug charge.

and no doubt you grew up in a neighborhood where your parents weren't steered away by real estate people so white people wouldn't have to live near you. no doubt you went to schools that weren't in poor neighborhoods. (you know there's a significant correlation between paren't socio-economic status and your success at school, right?) and no doubt you weren't rolled by the cops every day just for the color of your skin.

again, when you're white, the police don't bother you for getting high.

and maybe your father or grandfather moved into a nice development on the GI bill.... you know, those nice developments that didn't have black people in them, even when those black people served in the military.

but tell us how you did it all on your own, ass.
Again, I challenge the assertion that 'when you are white, the police do not bother you for getting high.' I think that is false. When you are not POOR the police do not bother you for getting high.

you can challenge the assertion but the reality is that white teens get high and sell drugs at about the same rate as black kids... probably sell at a higher rate. the cops don't arrest and if they do, prosecutors use their prosecutorial discretion because you "come from a good family" and then when you do get to court, your family can afford a lawyer.

don't just rely on my telling you what i know to be true.

start here

Race and the Drug War | Racial Discrimination in Drug Law Enforcement | Drug Policy Alliance
You ignored what I said.
Who the fuck are you to tell minorities or anyone else for that matter what to do.

I bet you don't even persuade your teenage children.


I'm the guy that has a job, doesn't live in a ghetto and doesn't have to worry about getting busted on a drug charge.

and no doubt you grew up in a neighborhood where your parents weren't steered away by real estate people so white people wouldn't have to live near you. no doubt you went to schools that weren't in poor neighborhoods. (you know there's a significant correlation between paren't socio-economic status and your success at school, right?) and no doubt you weren't rolled by the cops every day just for the color of your skin.

again, when you're white, the police don't bother you for getting high.

and maybe your father or grandfather moved into a nice development on the GI bill.... you know, those nice developments that didn't have black people in them, even when those black people served in the military.

but tell us how you did it all on your own, ass.
Again, I challenge the assertion that 'when you are white, the police do not bother you for getting high.' I think that is false. When you are not POOR the police do not bother you for getting high.

you can challenge the assertion but the reality is that white teens get high and sell drugs at about the same rate as black kids... probably sell at a higher rate. the cops don't arrest and if they do, prosecutors use their prosecutorial discretion because you "come from a good family" and then when you do get to court, your family can afford a lawyer.

don't just rely on my telling you what i know to be true.

start here

Race and the Drug War | Racial Discrimination in Drug Law Enforcement | Drug Policy Alliance
You ignored what I said.

i didn't intend to. poverty is a determinative factor in many things. but given the demographics, it doesn't appear to the the case with enforcement of drug crimes.
I'm the guy that has a job, doesn't live in a ghetto and doesn't have to worry about getting busted on a drug charge.

and no doubt you grew up in a neighborhood where your parents weren't steered away by real estate people so white people wouldn't have to live near you. no doubt you went to schools that weren't in poor neighborhoods. (you know there's a significant correlation between paren't socio-economic status and your success at school, right?) and no doubt you weren't rolled by the cops every day just for the color of your skin.

again, when you're white, the police don't bother you for getting high.

and maybe your father or grandfather moved into a nice development on the GI bill.... you know, those nice developments that didn't have black people in them, even when those black people served in the military.

but tell us how you did it all on your own, ass.
Again, I challenge the assertion that 'when you are white, the police do not bother you for getting high.' I think that is false. When you are not POOR the police do not bother you for getting high.

you can challenge the assertion but the reality is that white teens get high and sell drugs at about the same rate as black kids... probably sell at a higher rate. the cops don't arrest and if they do, prosecutors use their prosecutorial discretion because you "come from a good family" and then when you do get to court, your family can afford a lawyer.

don't just rely on my telling you what i know to be true.

start here

Race and the Drug War | Racial Discrimination in Drug Law Enforcement | Drug Policy Alliance
You ignored what I said.

i didn't intend to. poverty is a determinative factor in many things. but given the demographics, it doesn't appear to the the case with enforcement of drug crimes.

Drug crimes are enforced upon dealers and users. More on dealers than users.
War on drugs' was a sinister conspiracy to go after anti-war protesters and black people, according to president Nixon's domestic policy chief
  • A decades-old interview with John Ehrlichman, President Richard Nixon's domestic policy chief, reveals the 'War on Drugs' targeted black people
  • The policy also targeted anti-war protesters in the Nixon years
  • Harper's Magazine originally ran the interview in 1994, five years before Ehrlichman died in 1999
  • Dan Baum, the journalist who originally interviewed Ehrlichman, recently revisited the interview in Harper's


And who flooded minority neighborhoods with drugs, take a guess

How is that an excuse. Or, are you saying that black folks are too stupid to know better?

"drugs" are used by those who derived some type of benefit from them. It is not up to you to decide.

But the powers-that-be were particularly concerned about cocaine - while on cocaine, it was alleged, - blacks were likely to make advances towards white women.

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Pathetic ain't it? Erlichman died in 1999 and lefties act as if the interview was done yesterday instead of 1995. You can count on lefties to dig up poor old Tricky Dick Nixon when the going gets rough and all they have is an empty suit and an empty pants suit to choose from.
War on drugs' was a sinister conspiracy to go after anti-war protesters and black people, according to president Nixon's domestic policy chief
  • A decades-old interview with John Ehrlichman, President Richard Nixon's domestic policy chief, reveals the 'War on Drugs' targeted black people
  • The policy also targeted anti-war protesters in the Nixon years
  • Harper's Magazine originally ran the interview in 1994, five years before Ehrlichman died in 1999
  • Dan Baum, the journalist who originally interviewed Ehrlichman, recently revisited the interview in Harper's


This belongs in the History forum – this has been settled and accepted fact beyond dispute for decades, documenting the comprehensive criminality of the Nixon administration.
War on drugs' was a sinister conspiracy to go after anti-war protesters and black people, according to president Nixon's domestic policy chief
  • A decades-old interview with John Ehrlichman, President Richard Nixon's domestic policy chief, reveals the 'War on Drugs' targeted black people
  • The policy also targeted anti-war protesters in the Nixon years
  • Harper's Magazine originally ran the interview in 1994, five years before Ehrlichman died in 1999
  • Dan Baum, the journalist who originally interviewed Ehrlichman, recently revisited the interview in Harper's


This belongs in the History forum – this has been settled and accepted fact beyond dispute for decades, documenting the comprehensive criminality of the Nixon administration.

The issue was recently republished in Harper's magazine - I guess the folks there don't want Americans to forget or repeat history

"Ehrlichman and Nixon manipulated the public by associating 'hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin', then policing both under harsh laws, which saw both groups ending up in jail"
You almost gotta laugh. I kid you not, when pervert Bill Clinton got in trouble all of a sudden they found "new Nixon tapes". Now they dig up a 20 year old interview from a guy who died sixteen years ago and can't answer any questions and pretend it's freaking news. What a pathetic bunch.
You almost gotta laugh. I kid you not, when pervert Bill Clinton got in trouble all of a sudden they found "new Nixon tapes". Now they dig up a 20 year old interview from a guy who died sixteen years ago and can't answer any questions and pretend it's freaking news. What a pathetic bunch.

The issue was recently republished in Harper's magazine - I guess the folks there don't want Americans to forget or repeat history

"Ehrlichman and Nixon manipulated the public by associating 'hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin', then policing both under harsh laws, which saw both groups ending up in jail"

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