Eight Crushing Defeats for Gun Grabbing Nazis in 2016

The proposals put forward by the Trump transition team stop short of actually shoring up the Second Amendment. An Amendment needs to be put forward, ensuring that the Second Amendment cannot be repealed and that the Federalist Papers are the guideline for gun ownership.
An amendment that denies the repeal of the 2nd can be as easily repealed as the 2nd amendment itself, right?
Unsure, however, the First Amendment does cite that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion."
I think it wouldn't be that difficult to have something similar to this regarding the right to personal ownership of firearms.
The biggest reason leftists hate guns and wants gun control is because they keep shooting themselves in the foot.
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Yes, I am trying to be neutral and objective, but, hey, if you want to disarm the public:

1) you are a fascist or other form of totalitarians if you refuse to allow the public to be empowered with tools for self defense. Sorry, it is as simple as that and all the Utopian rhetoric in the world does not change that.

2) You will be beaten like a mangy dog in every election outside of New England, New York and California and soon you will getting your ass handed to you in those places as well. Americans hate fascism and they love guns, so sod off you fucking losers. No offense.

Eight Huge Losses for Gun Controllers in 2016 - Breitbart
I have great news. It has been 7 years & 11 months into the Obama Presidency & not once did he take anyone's guns, said he would take your gun, or pushed legislation to take away your guns.

You lying fucks have been fear mongering guns for 8 fucking years. It is a tool for Republicans to keep their feeble minded masses in their base. After decades, you would think those masses would learn but nope, they remain just as stupid as they always have been.
An amendment that denies the repeal of the 2nd can be as easily repealed as the 2nd amendment itself, right?
Exactly. The Constitution is the ULTIMATE Law of the Land. The solution is to come down hard in any who violate our Constitutional rights.
And in 2018, with 23 Dimocratic Senate seats up for grabs, the NRA will have a good ole time hammering the gun grabbing Nazis, just like this year.
The proposals put forward by the Trump transition team stop short of actually shoring up the Second Amendment. An Amendment needs to be put forward, ensuring that the Second Amendment cannot be repealed and that the Federalist Papers are the guideline for gun ownership.
How many criminals do you think will wait un line for that background check lmao.

do you think they will wait for it before killing someone, or here's a thought they don't follow the laws, here's another fact in Countries where guns are banned people still get killed OMG.. now what. ;p
Libs never were the sharpest tool in the shed.
Yes, I am trying to be neutral and objective, but, hey, if you want to disarm the public:

1) you are a fascist or other form of totalitarians if you refuse to allow the public to be empowered with tools for self defense. Sorry, it is as simple as that and all the Utopian rhetoric in the world does not change that.

2) You will be beaten like a mangy dog in every election outside of New England, New York and California and soon you will getting your ass handed to you in those places as well. Americans hate fascism and they love guns, so sod off you fucking losers. No offense.

Eight Huge Losses for Gun Controllers in 2016 - Breitbart
I have great news. It has been 7 years & 11 months into the Obama Presidency & not once did he take anyone's guns, said he would take your gun, or pushed legislation to take away your guns.

You lying fucks have been fear mongering guns for 8 fucking years. It is a tool for Republicans to keep their feeble minded masses in their base. After decades, you would think those masses would learn but nope, they remain just as stupid as they always have been.

Amd over and over we keep telling you he stacked the judicial system with anti gun judges and the Supreme court with anti gun Justices...he did this because he didn't want to lose democrat votes to actual anti gun legislation...je needed them to steam roll obacare...which was more important to him.....now his judges are making rulings that impact and ignore Heller and McDonald.........and his Social Security administration just started sending info to NICS to prevent reitrees from passing background checks.

Yes, I am trying to be neutral and objective, but, hey, if you want to disarm the public:

1) you are a fascist or other form of totalitarians if you refuse to allow the public to be empowered with tools for self defense. Sorry, it is as simple as that and all the Utopian rhetoric in the world does not change that.

2) You will be beaten like a mangy dog in every election outside of New England, New York and California and soon you will getting your ass handed to you in those places as well. Americans hate fascism and they love guns, so sod off you fucking losers. No offense.

Eight Huge Losses for Gun Controllers in 2016 - Breitbart
I have great news. It has been 7 years & 11 months into the Obama Presidency & not once did he take anyone's guns, said he would take your gun, or pushed legislation to take away your guns.

You lying fucks have been fear mongering guns for 8 fucking years. It is a tool for Republicans to keep their feeble minded masses in their base. After decades, you would think those masses would learn but nope, they remain just as stupid as they always have been.

Amd over and over we keep telling you he stacked the judicial system with anti gun judges and the Supreme court with anti gun Justices...he did this because he didn't want to lose democrat votes to actual anti gun legislation...je needed them to steam roll obacare...which was more important to him.....now his judges are making rulings that impact and ignore Heller and McDonald.........and his Social Security administration just started sending info to NICS to prevent reitrees from passing background checks.

Evidently he did a really poor job because he has not taken away the guns.
Really, crying about keeping guns away from crazy, senile old people is a bad thing?. So, if a person has been deemed unable to make your own decisions, you want to give these people guns. Why not just door to door at the local mental institution and pass out AK47s.
Yes, I am trying to be neutral and objective, but, hey, if you want to disarm the public:

1) you are a fascist or other form of totalitarians if you refuse to allow the public to be empowered with tools for self defense. Sorry, it is as simple as that and all the Utopian rhetoric in the world does not change that.

2) You will be beaten like a mangy dog in every election outside of New England, New York and California and soon you will getting your ass handed to you in those places as well. Americans hate fascism and they love guns, so sod off you fucking losers. No offense.

Eight Huge Losses for Gun Controllers in 2016 - Breitbart
I have great news. It has been 7 years & 11 months into the Obama Presidency & not once did he take anyone's guns, said he would take your gun, or pushed legislation to take away your guns.

You lying fucks have been fear mongering guns for 8 fucking years. It is a tool for Republicans to keep their feeble minded masses in their base. After decades, you would think those masses would learn but nope, they remain just as stupid as they always have been.

Amd over and over we keep telling you he stacked the judicial system with anti gun judges and the Supreme court with anti gun Justices...he did this because he didn't want to lose democrat votes to actual anti gun legislation...je needed them to steam roll obacare...which was more important to him.....now his judges are making rulings that impact and ignore Heller and McDonald.........and his Social Security administration just started sending info to NICS to prevent reitrees from passing background checks.

Evidently he did a really poor job because he has not taken away the guns.
Really, crying about keeping guns away from crazy, senile old people is a bad thing?. So, if a person has been deemed unable to make your own decisions, you want to give these people guns. Why not just door to door at the local mental institution and pass out AK47s.

it depends on how the deeming is done

waving magic wands dont cut it
It is simply amazing that ideologues can take over an organization while being so stubborn, unable to learn from their mistakes, and completely ideologically blinded to Reality.

That they conspire so well is the only explanation of why we have 20% of the population running 95% of the nations corporations and Universities.
Yes, I am trying to be neutral and objective, but, hey, if you want to disarm the public:

1) you are a fascist or other form of totalitarians if you refuse to allow the public to be empowered with tools for self defense. Sorry, it is as simple as that and all the Utopian rhetoric in the world does not change that.

2) You will be beaten like a mangy dog in every election outside of New England, New York and California and soon you will getting your ass handed to you in those places as well. Americans hate fascism and they love guns, so sod off you fucking losers. No offense.

Eight Huge Losses for Gun Controllers in 2016 - Breitbart
I have great news. It has been 7 years & 11 months into the Obama Presidency & not once did he take anyone's guns, said he would take your gun, or pushed legislation to take away your guns.

You lying fucks have been fear mongering guns for 8 fucking years. It is a tool for Republicans to keep their feeble minded masses in their base. After decades, you would think those masses would learn but nope, they remain just as stupid as they always have been.

Amd over and over we keep telling you he stacked the judicial system with anti gun judges and the Supreme court with anti gun Justices...he did this because he didn't want to lose democrat votes to actual anti gun legislation...je needed them to steam roll obacare...which was more important to him.....now his judges are making rulings that impact and ignore Heller and McDonald.........and his Social Security administration just started sending info to NICS to prevent reitrees from passing background checks.

Evidently he did a really poor job because he has not taken away the guns.
Really, crying about keeping guns away from crazy, senile old people is a bad thing?. So, if a person has been deemed unable to make your own decisions, you want to give these people guns. Why not just door to door at the local mental institution and pass out AK47s.

it depends on how the deeming is done

waving magic wands dont cut it

There is already a system in place.
Yes, I am trying to be neutral and objective, but, hey, if you want to disarm the public:

1) you are a fascist or other form of totalitarians if you refuse to allow the public to be empowered with tools for self defense. Sorry, it is as simple as that and all the Utopian rhetoric in the world does not change that.

2) You will be beaten like a mangy dog in every election outside of New England, New York and California and soon you will getting your ass handed to you in those places as well. Americans hate fascism and they love guns, so sod off you fucking losers. No offense.

Eight Huge Losses for Gun Controllers in 2016 - Breitbart

No one is grabbibg guns, nutbar
Yes, I am trying to be neutral and objective, but, hey, if you want to disarm the public:

1) you are a fascist or other form of totalitarians if you refuse to allow the public to be empowered with tools for self defense. Sorry, it is as simple as that and all the Utopian rhetoric in the world does not change that.

2) You will be beaten like a mangy dog in every election outside of New England, New York and California and soon you will getting your ass handed to you in those places as well. Americans hate fascism and they love guns, so sod off you fucking losers. No offense.

Eight Huge Losses for Gun Controllers in 2016 - Breitbart

No one is grabbibg guns, nutbar
No they are appointing Judges that rule against the 2nd instead. They know the American public won't stand for repeals and laws against firearms so they are doing it the other way by appointing Judges to overturn the will of the people through the courtroom.
Yes, I am trying to be neutral and objective, but, hey, if you want to disarm the public:

1) you are a fascist or other form of totalitarians if you refuse to allow the public to be empowered with tools for self defense. Sorry, it is as simple as that and all the Utopian rhetoric in the world does not change that.

2) You will be beaten like a mangy dog in every election outside of New England, New York and California and soon you will getting your ass handed to you in those places as well. Americans hate fascism and they love guns, so sod off you fucking losers. No offense.

Eight Huge Losses for Gun Controllers in 2016 - Breitbart

No one is grabbibg guns, nutbar
No they are appointing Judges that rule against the 2nd instead. They know the American public won't stand for repeals and laws against firearms so they are doing it the other way by appointing Judges to overturn the will of the people through the courtroom.

I have also tried to explain this to left wingers....their brains can't comprehend this.....but good for you for trying.....
8 big wins for criminals, crazies and terror suspects. Keep up the good work and I hope that all of you straw buyers have another prosperous year. If you`re lucky someone will shoot up a room full of second graders or moviegoers. That always sells a lot of guns but not as much as seeing a black man in the Whitehouse.
8 big wins for criminals, crazies and terror suspects. Keep up the good work and I hope that all of you straw buyers have another prosperous year. If you`re lucky someone will shoot up a room full of second graders or moviegoers. That always sells a lot of guns but not as much as seeing a black man in the Whitehouse.

Since left wing judges don't punish straw buyers that's on you assholes. It is nice that you throw out a stupid post like that and then fail to point out specifics.....

Terror suspects...you mean a list where anyone can put anyone on the list for any reason without telling the person they are on the list and hiding any method for getting off the list? You mean like that, considering that the terrorist in the latest muslim terrorist attack in Berlin was under active government surviellance and was on their terrorist watch list and still got an illegal gun and murdered 12 people...while normal Germans have to jump through hoops just to get a permit to join a gun club?

You mean like that moron?

Or the orlando shooter, another muslim under active FBI investigation...with interiviews by trained FBI interrogators, an undercover operation, and 3 different interviews with the FBI, background checks each time he purchased his weapons and a high level background check for the security company he worked for...while normal Americans still have to wait and go through a background process that doesn't work because actual criminals....and fucking terrorists, bypass it by using straw buyers that your left wing prosecutors and judges don't prosecute because they don't want to send baby mommas to jail for getting guns for their gang banger babby daddies?

You mean those terror lists...moron?

and while we want actual gun criminals to go to jail for 30 years......judges appointed by democrats you support give convicted felons caught with illegal guns less than 2 years in jail...and then they get out and use illegal guns they can't buy, own or carry to commit the murders you see in every democrat voting district...

You mean like that twit....

But thanks for not being specific.....
Yes, I am trying to be neutral and objective, but, hey, if you want to disarm the public:

1) you are a fascist or other form of totalitarians if you refuse to allow the public to be empowered with tools for self defense. Sorry, it is as simple as that and all the Utopian rhetoric in the world does not change that.

2) You will be beaten like a mangy dog in every election outside of New England, New York and California and soon you will getting your ass handed to you in those places as well. Americans hate fascism and they love guns, so sod off you fucking losers. No offense.

Eight Huge Losses for Gun Controllers in 2016 - Breitbart

No one is grabbibg guns, nutbar
The Heller decision was 5/4. Close call. Now how do you think those 4 got on the bench? The left is not honest about what it wants because they know they will never win anything outside of big cities. And they are just about there now.
Yes, I am trying to be neutral and objective, but, hey, if you want to disarm the public:

1) you are a fascist or other form of totalitarians if you refuse to allow the public to be empowered with tools for self defense. Sorry, it is as simple as that and all the Utopian rhetoric in the world does not change that.

2) You will be beaten like a mangy dog in every election outside of New England, New York and California and soon you will getting your ass handed to you in those places as well. Americans hate fascism and they love guns, so sod off you fucking losers. No offense.

Eight Huge Losses for Gun Controllers in 2016 - Breitbart
I have great news. It has been 7 years & 11 months into the Obama Presidency & not once did he take anyone's guns, said he would take your gun, or pushed legislation to take away your guns.

You lying fucks have been fear mongering guns for 8 fucking years. It is a tool for Republicans to keep their feeble minded masses in their base. After decades, you would think those masses would learn but nope, they remain just as stupid as they always have been.

Amd over and over we keep telling you he stacked the judicial system with anti gun judges and the Supreme court with anti gun Justices...he did this because he didn't want to lose democrat votes to actual anti gun legislation...je needed them to steam roll obacare...which was more important to him.....now his judges are making rulings that impact and ignore Heller and McDonald.........and his Social Security administration just started sending info to NICS to prevent reitrees from passing background checks.

Evidently he did a really poor job because he has not taken away the guns.
Really, crying about keeping guns away from crazy, senile old people is a bad thing?. So, if a person has been deemed unable to make your own decisions, you want to give these people guns. Why not just door to door at the local mental institution and pass out AK47s.

it depends on how the deeming is done

waving magic wands dont cut it

There is already a system in place.
what system
Yes, I am trying to be neutral and objective, but, hey, if you want to disarm the public:

1) you are a fascist or other form of totalitarians if you refuse to allow the public to be empowered with tools for self defense. Sorry, it is as simple as that and all the Utopian rhetoric in the world does not change that.

2) You will be beaten like a mangy dog in every election outside of New England, New York and California and soon you will getting your ass handed to you in those places as well. Americans hate fascism and they love guns, so sod off you fucking losers. No offense.

Eight Huge Losses for Gun Controllers in 2016 - Breitbart
I have great news. It has been 7 years & 11 months into the Obama Presidency & not once did he take anyone's guns, said he would take your gun, or pushed legislation to take away your guns.

You lying fucks have been fear mongering guns for 8 fucking years. It is a tool for Republicans to keep their feeble minded masses in their base. After decades, you would think those masses would learn but nope, they remain just as stupid as they always have been.

Amd over and over we keep telling you he stacked the judicial system with anti gun judges and the Supreme court with anti gun Justices...he did this because he didn't want to lose democrat votes to actual anti gun legislation...je needed them to steam roll obacare...which was more important to him.....now his judges are making rulings that impact and ignore Heller and McDonald.........and his Social Security administration just started sending info to NICS to prevent reitrees from passing background checks.

Evidently he did a really poor job because he has not taken away the guns.
Really, crying about keeping guns away from crazy, senile old people is a bad thing?. So, if a person has been deemed unable to make your own decisions, you want to give these people guns. Why not just door to door at the local mental institution and pass out AK47s.

It takes a long time to destroy a Right that has existed for over 200 years. Doesn't mean they ain't tryin though.
Yes, I am trying to be neutral and objective, but, hey, if you want to disarm the public:

1) you are a fascist or other form of totalitarians if you refuse to allow the public to be empowered with tools for self defense. Sorry, it is as simple as that and all the Utopian rhetoric in the world does not change that.

2) You will be beaten like a mangy dog in every election outside of New England, New York and California and soon you will getting your ass handed to you in those places as well. Americans hate fascism and they love guns, so sod off you fucking losers. No offense.

Eight Huge Losses for Gun Controllers in 2016 - Breitbart
I have great news. It has been 7 years & 11 months into the Obama Presidency & not once did he take anyone's guns, said he would take your gun, or pushed legislation to take away your guns.

You lying fucks have been fear mongering guns for 8 fucking years. It is a tool for Republicans to keep their feeble minded masses in their base. After decades, you would think those masses would learn but nope, they remain just as stupid as they always have been.

Amd over and over we keep telling you he stacked the judicial system with anti gun judges and the Supreme court with anti gun Justices...he did this because he didn't want to lose democrat votes to actual anti gun legislation...je needed them to steam roll obacare...which was more important to him.....now his judges are making rulings that impact and ignore Heller and McDonald.........and his Social Security administration just started sending info to NICS to prevent reitrees from passing background checks.

Evidently he did a really poor job because he has not taken away the guns.
Really, crying about keeping guns away from crazy, senile old people is a bad thing?. So, if a person has been deemed unable to make your own decisions, you want to give these people guns. Why not just door to door at the local mental institution and pass out AK47s.

It takes a long time to destroy a Right that has existed for over 200 years. Doesn't mean they ain't tryin though.

If we didn't have the 2nd Amendment spelled out ......we would already be disarmed.......

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