Either the economy has recovered or it hasn't. Which is it libs?

And one has to do with the other....how?

Oh that's right, the old tactic of holding Americans hostage while you try and get what you want.

So if you decide you want something, and I tell you I don't want to buy it unless you allow me to fund it with X, that's tantamount to me holding you hostage for X?

That implies that I owe everybody unemployment benefits, doesn't it? IT doesn't imply that people on one side of the argument would like to give them unemployment benefits, it implies that the money in my pocket belongs to the unemployed and, if I don't give it to them without getting something in return, I'm doing them a disservice.

I reply to that line of reasoning with a hearty, "Fuck you! Get your own money to give out to the unemployed!"

You wonder why the more hardcore righties call you takers. What a fuckin tard argument.

If what you wanted was somehow related, then sure you'd have an argument. But when it's completely unrelated and has no bearing on the situation, simply just so you can leverage someone elses desperate situation in to some sort of gain for yourself, than that is called hostage taking.

You wonder why rational people call you selfish hypocrites.

Nobody who knows me calls me selfish or hypocrite, but thanks :)

Anyway, no, it's still not hostage taking. I don't think you're quite comprehending why that is, so I'll get at it again.

While someone is a hostage, they are held in thrall with a threat. IF they don't comply, the threat is delivered upon (usually death in real hostage situations).

When you want my money because you don't have a job, I'm not threatening you or holding you in thrall. If you ask for my money and I place a condition on giving it to you, no matter what that condition is, you have the choice to take it or leave it. I'm not forcing anything upon you because the money that you want belongs to me.

If I'm not forcing anything on you or threatening you with anything, how can I be said to be holding you hostage?

No, what's actually happening here is that, when I tell you I don't want to give you my money for what you want it for, you become aware that I don't share your moral standards and so you decide that I am evil and you find something else evil to compare me to. After the govt shutdown, the popular evil thing to compare people on the right to is terrorists, and so if I don't want to give you my money to support your moral agenda I'm like a terrorist.

Just like to a fundamentalist Christian, a homosexual is the same as a child molester, even though one act is between consenting adults and one act has a victim.

Get it? You're no more intelligent than those tards wearing God Hates Fags shirts. You just happen to be indoctrinated into a different faith.
a true 'selfish hypocrite' is when one promises jobs and to 'move America forward' and then sits on Federal lands oil which could create millions of jobs....

Right and jobs being created is the only thing to consider when it comes to opening up oil pipelines.

when your kids are freezing next winter because there is a shortage of heating oil...or because you can't afford it since it has 'necessarily skyrocked' in price.....get back to me and tell me all about those poor field mice that died because of a small leak or two...

And what should I do when none of that happens?
You have been asserting for MONTHS that Obama saved the economy yet you're whining about unemployment benefits not being extended.

Obama saved the economy from a much deeper recession and a much more painful and longer recovery. That does not mean the there was no recession, or that the economy has already recovered.

There is no contradiction. You just can't comprehend that having a bad day does not mean it could not have been worse.
You have been asserting for MONTHS that Obama saved the economy yet you're whining about unemployment benefits not being extended.

Obama saved the economy from a much deeper recession and a much more painful and longer recovery. That does not mean the there was no recession, or that the economy has already recovered.

There is no contradiction. You just can't comprehend that having a bad day does not mean it could not have been worse.

Or maybe they just don't agree with your assessment of the results of the president's economic actions.

Since you can't really prove what would've happened if, you're not talking about stupidity, just a difference in opinion.
because your fucking heros the CEO are trimming cost by not allowing people to have full time work

Why did our government set up a system wherein it's more beneficial to have 2 part time workers than 1 full time worker? If you incentivize behavior, it will happen. You can't punish people for doing the right thing and then blame them when they do something else for expedience sake.

What you really meant was, "Why do we kow tow to the WTO and send full time careers overseas?"
The question is whether or not our non-sovereign nation has the authority to tell the WTO to f off.
because your fucking heros the CEO are trimming cost by not allowing people to have full time work

Why did our government set up a system wherein it's more beneficial to have 2 part time workers than 1 full time worker? If you incentivize behavior, it will happen. You can't punish people for doing the right thing and then blame them when they do something else for expedience sake.

What you really meant was, "Why do we kow tow to the WTO and send full time careers overseas?"
The question is whether or not our non-sovereign nation has the authority to tell the WTO to f off.

Actually, no. The WTO is its own problem, but the issues causing companies to hire part-timers in stead of full-timers are in our tax code and employer health insurance laws, not our bullshit trade agreements.
You have been asserting for MONTHS that Obama saved the economy yet you're whining about unemployment benefits not being extended.

Obama saved the economy from a much deeper recession and a much more painful and longer recovery. That does not mean the there was no recession, or that the economy has already recovered.

There is no contradiction. You just can't comprehend that having a bad day does not mean it could not have been worse.

Or maybe they just don't agree with your assessment of the results of the president's economic actions.

Since you can't really prove what would've happened if, you're not talking about stupidity, just a difference in opinion.

Stupidity in this case means he can't get that the other opinion could be completely valid. It is, actually.
You have been asserting for MONTHS that Obama saved the economy yet you're whining about unemployment benefits not being extended.

Obama saved the economy from a much deeper recession and a much more painful and longer recovery. That does not mean the there was no recession, or that the economy has already recovered.

There is no contradiction. You just can't comprehend that having a bad day does not mean it could not have been worse.

All speculation. Meanwhile back on planet earth unemployment is still high.
Obama saved the economy from a much deeper recession and a much more painful and longer recovery. That does not mean the there was no recession, or that the economy has already recovered.

There is no contradiction. You just can't comprehend that having a bad day does not mean it could not have been worse.

Or maybe they just don't agree with your assessment of the results of the president's economic actions.

Since you can't really prove what would've happened if, you're not talking about stupidity, just a difference in opinion.

Stupidity in this case means he can't get that the other opinion could be completely valid. It is, actually.

Pixie dust and unicorn farts. You still sellin em?
You have been asserting for MONTHS that Obama saved the economy yet you're whining about unemployment benefits not being extended.

Obama saved the economy from a much deeper recession and a much more painful and longer recovery. That does not mean the there was no recession, or that the economy has already recovered.

There is no contradiction. You just can't comprehend that having a bad day does not mean it could not have been worse.

All speculation. Meanwhile back on planet earth unemployment is still high.

Unemployment would be much higher, if not for stimulus. And it's not all speculation. First, this is what economics textbook have been saying all along. And, for a change, this time we have experimental results -- in Europe some governments had to cut spending, while others let it grow. Here is how it affected their economies:


Since you cannot read charts, let me explain it to you: the more a government had cut spending, the deeper was the recession its economy sunk into.

Not that whatever you hear or see will ever shake your convictions -- you lack mental capacity for that to happen. Nevertheless, your OP question deserved to be answered if only so you know that such answer exists, and neither it is self-contradictory, as your question implied.
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You have been asserting for MONTHS that Obama saved the economy yet you're whining about unemployment benefits not being extended. Why would they need to be extended if the economy has recovered? You can't have it both ways.

By the way, if you can't find a job in a year or two my guess is it's more your fault than anything else. Why should my taxes go to you because your pride is in the way of you getting a job?

Ah, yes. The typical all or nothing rightwing reasoning.

I already made a thread that demonstrated the huge success of The Recovery Act. It is the reason we are in a recovery and not in a depression. The problem with it is that it was too small. Is the unemployment rate still high? Yes. What's the answer? More DEMAND SIDE economic policies like the recovery act. That is how our free market system can thrive. Tax cuts only do more harm than good.

Why am I not surprised you just ignored my entire thread on this?

The CBO, Moody, and JP. Morgan all say the same thing: 2.5 million jobs created or saved. It boosted our GDP by 2%. It lifted 8 million out of poverty and 32 million more people less poor.
You have been asserting for MONTHS that Obama saved the economy yet you're whining about unemployment benefits not being extended. Why would they need to be extended if the economy has recovered? You can't have it both ways.

By the way, if you can't find a job in a year or two my guess is it's more your fault than anything else. Why should my taxes go to you because your pride is in the way of you getting a job?

Talk to Bush. His administration put in place the UE benefits extension that extended benefits as long as the UE rate was above 6% (if I remember correctly).

But I'll take it from this thread that YOU believe the economy has recovered. President Obama appreciates your confidence in his leadership.
You have been asserting for MONTHS that Obama saved the economy yet you're whining about unemployment benefits not being extended. Why would they need to be extended if the economy has recovered? You can't have it both ways.

By the way, if you can't find a job in a year or two my guess is it's more your fault than anything else. Why should my taxes go to you because your pride is in the way of you getting a job?

This entire thread shows a complete lack of understanding of the United States Economy.

Or what happened during the Bush/Conservative debacle/cataclysm.

And no one is "whining".

The reality is that parts of the economy were "rescued" from going down the tubes. And these are the parts of the economy that conservatives hold are the engine of "job creation". Additionally, the "job creators" were, in a large part, left alone.

To show their "appreciation" they've hoarded their cash.

Nice folks..eh?

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