Either the economy has recovered or it hasn't. Which is it libs?

You have been asserting for MONTHS that Obama saved the economy yet you're whining about unemployment benefits not being extended. Why would they need to be extended if the economy has recovered? You can't have it both ways.

By the way, if you can't find a job in a year or two my guess is it's more your fault than anything else. Why should my taxes go to you because your pride is in the way of you getting a job?

Ah, yes. The typical all or nothing rightwing reasoning.

I already made a thread that demonstrated the huge success of The Recovery Act. It is the reason we are in a recovery and not in a depression. The problem with it is that it was too small. Is the unemployment rate still high? Yes. What's the answer? More DEMAND SIDE economic policies like the recovery act. That is how our free market system can thrive. Tax cuts only do more harm than good.

Why am I not surprised you just ignored my entire thread on this?

The CBO, Moody, and JP. Morgan all say the same thing: 2.5 million jobs created or saved. It boosted our GDP by 2%. It lifted 8 million out of poverty and 32 million more people less poor.

Just so you know that I consider you completely full of it, can you explain away the following FACT with a talking point?

In November 2012 the U.S. Census Bureau said more than 16% of the population lived in poverty in the United States, including almost 20% of American children, up from 14.3% (approximately 43.6 million) in 2009 and to its highest level since 1993. In 2008, 13.2% (39.8 million) Americans lived in poverty.

Poverty in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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You have been asserting for MONTHS that Obama saved the economy yet you're whining about unemployment benefits not being extended. Why would they need to be extended if the economy has recovered? You can't have it both ways.

By the way, if you can't find a job in a year or two my guess is it's more your fault than anything else. Why should my taxes go to you because your pride is in the way of you getting a job?

Talk to Bush. His administration put in place the UE benefits extension that extended benefits as long as the UE rate was above 6% (if I remember correctly).

But I'll take it from this thread that YOU believe the economy has recovered. President Obama appreciates your confidence in his leadership.

You don't remember correctly since the President does not have the authority to extend UE benefits. Only Congress can pass a bill to do that, and the President can sign or veto the bill.
You have been asserting for MONTHS that Obama saved the economy yet you're whining about unemployment benefits not being extended. Why would they need to be extended if the economy has recovered? You can't have it both ways.

By the way, if you can't find a job in a year or two my guess is it's more your fault than anything else. Why should my taxes go to you because your pride is in the way of you getting a job?

Ah, yes. The typical all or nothing rightwing reasoning.

I already made a thread that demonstrated the huge success of The Recovery Act. It is the reason we are in a recovery and not in a depression. The problem with it is that it was too small. Is the unemployment rate still high? Yes. What's the answer? More DEMAND SIDE economic policies like the recovery act. That is how our free market system can thrive. Tax cuts only do more harm than good.

Why am I not surprised you just ignored my entire thread on this?

The CBO, Moody, and JP. Morgan all say the same thing: 2.5 million jobs created or saved. It boosted our GDP by 2%. It lifted 8 million out of poverty and 32 million more people less poor.

Just so you know that I consider you completely full of it, can you explain away the following FACT with a talking point?

In November 2012 the U.S. Census Bureau said more than 16% of the population lived in poverty in the United States, including almost 20% of American children, up from 14.3% (approximately 43.6 million) in 2009 and to its highest level since 1993. In 2008, 13.2% (39.8 million) Americans lived in poverty.

Poverty in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I never said the poverty rate improved. What I said is that the the poverty level would be worse if the stimulus wasn't passed. Much worse. I am talking about legislation from 2009 dude. Another stimulus bill would be great.
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Johnny Reb's all over the place. The economy would be fine were it not for your heavy southern butts. Racism mixed with stupidity is more combustible than a Texas business concern. Can we legally cut them loose from the nation?
Ah, yes. The typical all or nothing rightwing reasoning.

I already made a thread that demonstrated the huge success of The Recovery Act. It is the reason we are in a recovery and not in a depression. The problem with it is that it was too small. Is the unemployment rate still high? Yes. What's the answer? More DEMAND SIDE economic policies like the recovery act. That is how our free market system can thrive. Tax cuts only do more harm than good.

Why am I not surprised you just ignored my entire thread on this?

The CBO, Moody, and JP. Morgan all say the same thing: 2.5 million jobs created or saved. It boosted our GDP by 2%. It lifted 8 million out of poverty and 32 million more people less poor.

Just so you know that I consider you completely full of it, can you explain away the following FACT with a talking point?

In November 2012 the U.S. Census Bureau said more than 16% of the population lived in poverty in the United States, including almost 20% of American children, up from 14.3% (approximately 43.6 million) in 2009 and to its highest level since 1993. In 2008, 13.2% (39.8 million) Americans lived in poverty.

Poverty in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I never said the poverty rate improved2. What I said is that the the poverty level would be worse if the stimulus wasn't passed. Much worse. I am talking about legislation from 2009 dude. Another stimulus bill would be great.

The poverty rate is much worse than it was in 2008 and being the highest rate since 1993 says it all. BTW, wasn't 2008 when the housing bubble busted and there was NO stimulus? The poverty rate increased from 13.2% in 2008 to over 16% in 2012.

The simulus helped a lot of millionaires get a lot richer, but also put a lot of Americans
into poverty. I say another stimulus would increase the poverty level at least another 3% if history is to be the judge.
And the far left Obama drone propaganda continues.

The trick to this game is to grow the middle class. You don't do that by turning most of the country poor and giving all the wealth to only 5% of the country.

The only ones that are given wealth are those who are given checks by the government without being government employees..

Yet the funny thing is.. you and your ilk will complain about differing treatment in terms of the 'rich'.. yet you will not stand behind a flat tax and complete equal treatment... so, it is pretty safe to say, that you are for the different treatment of SOME, only when the result is positive for you or those you support...

typical progs
This needs education reform, more science, more infrastructure and r@D. Not less or anything the far has in mind with giving it all to the rich.

Education is not a federally charged responsibility
Science is not a responsibility of government.. if you want it, fund it yourself.. same with R&D
Infrastructure for the running of government (up-keeping the capitol building, courthouses, federal highways, etc, fine) is one thing.. what you propose goes against constitutional limits

And nothing is being 'given' to the 'rich'.. they are still paying at a hhigher rate and in greater amounts than anyone else.. again.. until such time as you advocate equal treatment across the board, not just equal treatment when it benefits you and those you support, and unequal treatment of others (including the rich) when it benefits you or those you support, you are nothing more than a jealous little wealth redistribution monkey
Recovery and Recovered don't mean the same thing unless you arent factoring in what words actually mean

Obama SAVED the economy.

Those are liberal words not mine. So again I ask, if it is saved why do we have to keep giving out handouts.

So, you are not taking an Social Security or Medicare Handouts?

Social Security and Mediare are not handouts. They are both fatally flawed government INSURANCE programs that everyone that gets a wage or a salary pays for.

Food stamps and welfare payments are handouts. Even unemployment benefits are handouts once the state employment insurance fund is depleted and the Federal government funds it.
You have been asserting for MONTHS that Obama saved the economy yet you're whining about unemployment benefits not being extended.

Obama saved the economy from a much deeper recession and a much more painful and longer recovery. That does not mean the there was no recession, or that the economy has already recovered.

There is no contradiction. You just can't comprehend that having a bad day does not mean it could not have been worse.

Logical fallacy. 15 minutes in the LOLberal penalty box.
Just so you know that I consider you completely full of it, can you explain away the following FACT with a talking point?

Poverty in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I never said the poverty rate improved2. What I said is that the the poverty level would be worse if the stimulus wasn't passed. Much worse. I am talking about legislation from 2009 dude. Another stimulus bill would be great.

The poverty rate is much worse than it was in 2008 and being the highest rate since 1993 says it all. BTW, wasn't 2008 when the housing bubble busted and there was NO stimulus? The poverty rate increased from 13.2% in 2008 to over 16% in 2012.

The simulus helped a lot of millionaires get a lot richer, but also put a lot of Americans
into poverty. I say another stimulus would increase the poverty level at least another 3% if history is to be the judge.

We lost millions of jobs from the 0'8 crisis. Millions in Bush's final months and millions more in Obama's first few months. The stimulus changed all that. It is the reason we are in a recovery.

You have a hard time listening don't you? Yes the poverty rate is bad. Had the stimulus been bigger, the poverty rate would be better. You can blame republicans for that. You do realize we have a congress that has just as much power as Obama right? Get a clue. Putting all the blame on Obama for the poverty rate is complete non sense.

Shut up about this more poor and more rich people crap from the stimulus. You obviously have no idea what was in the stimulus and what its effect was. Admit you have no idea what you are talking about.
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You have been asserting for MONTHS that Obama saved the economy yet you're whining about unemployment benefits not being extended. Why would they need to be extended if the economy has recovered? You can't have it both ways.

By the way, if you can't find a job in a year or two my guess is it's more your fault than anything else. Why should my taxes go to you because your pride is in the way of you getting a job?

The cons destroyed the economy with a con president and a con congress. Then you get thrown out of power, so you obstruct, obstruct, obstruct. And whine, whine, whine. What a bunch of moron dickheads.
You have been asserting for MONTHS that Obama saved the economy yet you're whining about unemployment benefits not being extended. Why would they need to be extended if the economy has recovered? You can't have it both ways.

By the way, if you can't find a job in a year or two my guess is it's more your fault than anything else. Why should my taxes go to you because your pride is in the way of you getting a job?

Just want to point out that Gramps is forgetting that there is one other possibility.


You have been asserting for MONTHS that Obama saved the economy yet you're whining about unemployment benefits not being extended. Why would they need to be extended if the economy has recovered? You can't have it both ways.

By the way, if you can't find a job in a year or two my guess is it's more your fault than anything else. Why should my taxes go to you because your pride is in the way of you getting a job?

The cons destroyed the economy with a con president and a con congress. Then you get thrown out of power, so you obstruct, obstruct, obstruct. And whine, whine, whine. What a bunch of moron dickheads.

False. The congressional legislation that helped the federal reserve destroy the economy was bipartisan. In some instances, it was pushed by a democrat majority. But by all means, continue the mantra that democrats were held hostage, stilla re and/or are obstructed. It's not clever, but it sure gets the dumb fucks all riled up.

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