El Paso Rushes to Remove Illegal Immigrants and Migrant Camps Ahead of Joe Biden’s Visit

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
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Then when the Usurper arrives, he'll say there's no illegals here due to his policies. The media will show no illegals in El Paso and say Biden is doing a good job. It's an optical illusion and fantasy that liberals live in.

Then when the Usurper arrives, he'll say there's no illegals here due to his policies. The media will show no illegals in El Paso and say Biden is doing a good job. It's an optical illusion and fantasy that liberals live in.

More antics by dirtbag politicians. Rather than help and protect those that foolishly voted for them, they chose to defend and protect another dirtbag politician (Biden).
Then when the Usurper arrives, he'll say there's no illegals here due to his policies. The media will show no illegals in El Paso and say Biden is doing a good job. It's an optical illusion and fantasy that liberals live in.

What's really sad is the constitutionally protected MSM will swear to the commie lies. And the commie sheep will be none the wiser.

Then when the Usurper arrives, he'll say there's no illegals here due to his policies. The media will show no illegals in El Paso and say Biden is doing a good job. It's an optical illusion and fantasy that liberals live in.

What a disgusting farce.
Why waste tax dollars on this? Just let the cartels know their gravy train needs a clean up in aisle 3, so the American killing fentanyl can keep flowing without interruption. The safest place in the world right now for Biden is the Southern border, the cartels will protect Biden, nobody else would be dumb enough to allow all that human and drug trafficking.
Then when the Usurper arrives, he'll say there's no illegals here due to his policies. The media will show no illegals in El Paso and say Biden is doing a good job. It's an optical illusion and fantasy that liberals live in.

El Paso has been sanitized for Joey's photo-ops.
Check under numerous woodpiles!!
Then when the Usurper arrives, he'll say there's no illegals here due to his policies. The media will show no illegals in El Paso and say Biden is doing a good job. It's an optical illusion and fantasy that liberals live in.

Texas Gov. Abbott hands Biden a frosty welcome letter as the president arrives at border, blasting him for visiting 'SANITIZED' city and demanding more action to tackle illegal immigration​


The letter reads like grounds for impeachment...


Biden Begins El Paso Border Visit Photo-Op By Touring Customs and Border Protection Parking Lot (VIDEO)​

El Pasi sanitized the city so Joe would see and comment on a huge immigation lie.
Hmmm... our liberal friends have gone completely silent ... not a single comment on this thread from them. Is this because they are pleased at having millions of illegals coming into the country, but want to hide this fact ... or are they not happy about it, but don't want to give our side ammunition?
Hmmm... our liberal friends have gone completely silent ... not a single comment on this thread from them. Is this because they are pleased at having millions of illegals coming into the country, but want to hide this fact ... or are they not happy about it, but don't want to give our side ammunition?
We all know that they are still trying to find a way to blame Trump. When they figure it out they will again raise their ugly leftist heads.
We all know that they are still trying to find a way to blame Trump. When they figure it out they will again raise their ugly leftist heads.
Well, the genuine hard Leftists blame American imperialism, for not allow Communist revolutions to happen in Central America. We all know that if these countries had all become like Cuba, then no one would want to leave the new workers' paradises.

The non-hard Leftists are embarrassed. The more intelligent of them know that the Democrats once opposed illegal immigration because they knew, quite rightly, that bringing in lots of cheap labor undermines American workers' wages -- and in fact the Republican donor class favored illegal immigration just for that reason.

On the other hand, they're non-white. So this makes them part of the victim class that soft liberals love to accommodate. And of course they hope to convert them into voting cattle soon.

It's a dilemma for them! Basically, they want it to continue, but they're afraid that if they openly champion bringing in millions of more poor people to America, it will alienate the old-fashioned Democratic base, which, although shrunken, still exists -- union members, for example.

So of course they just say nothing. And we move inexorably towards becoming the North American Brazil.
Well, the genuine hard Leftists blame American imperialism, for not allow Communist revolutions to happen in Central America. We all know that if these countries had all become like Cuba, then no one would want to leave the new workers' paradises.

The non-hard Leftists are embarrassed. The more intelligent of them know that the Democrats once opposed illegal immigration because they knew, quite rightly, that bringing in lots of cheap labor undermines American workers' wages -- and in fact the Republican donor class favored illegal immigration just for that reason.

On the other hand, they're non-white. So this makes them part of the victim class that soft liberals love to accommodate. And of course they hope to convert them into voting cattle soon.

It's a dilemma for them! Basically, they want it to continue, but they're afraid that if they openly champion bringing in millions of more poor people to America, it will alienate the old-fashioned Democratic base, which, although shrunken, still exists -- union members, for example.

So of course they just say nothing. And we move inexorably towards becoming the North American Brazil.
Well said, but I refer to what we are fast becoming as the United States of South America. Ater the DEMONRATS make all these invaders legal we may never see another conservative president.
Well said, but I refer to what we are fast becoming as the United States of South America. Ater the DEMONRATS make all these invaders legal we may never see another conservative president.
No patriot wants to believe this, but you are exactly right. In fact, they may have a majority even before that. So the question then becomes ... what do we do?

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