El Paso Rushes to Remove Illegal Immigrants and Migrant Camps Ahead of Joe Biden’s Visit

How about we play the game just like the left does? Vote early and OFTEN, it sure works for them.
Well, I don't think that's how they won, or are going to win. It would be comforting to think that we are the majority, but we aren't.

Of course, we should use every tactic the Left uses --ballot harvesting, etc. But they captured the education system years ago, and we're seeing the fruits of that.

Plus ... our Western society is founded on individualism. Capitalism exalts the individual and justifies self-interest. That's in tension with group loyalties, like patriotism. (And it's one of the reasons we failed to transform Iraq and Afghanistan -- their societies are profoundly different: loyalty to family, clan, and tribe comes first.)

So we've got to think outside the box. The first step is forming local groups which are organized and trained to respond to emergencies -- man-made, like riots, or natural, like floods, hurricanes, fires. The people at YCPT (former Oathkeepers) are on the right track I think. (In fact, they're having a Zoom meeting in two hours, open to all patriots - go to their site if you'd like to attend).

If we had a few hundred local 'Community Protection Teams' formed, each of which had a base in their local community, we would have taken the first step towards escaping what's coming.
El Paso is well known for shipping their illegals to New Mexico. This is nothing new.
You seem to have a problem with El Paso dealing with the illegal invasion of third-world ditch diggers but look the other way approvingly, when Biden begs them to violate our borders. Nitwits like yourself are what is wrong with this country. FJB
You seem to have a problem with El Paso dealing with the illegal invasion of third-world ditch diggers but look the other way approvingly, when Biden begs them to violate our borders. Nitwits like yourself are what is wrong with this country. FJB
They could always send them back to Mexico,instead of passing them on to a poorer state to deal with.
They could always send them back to Mexico,instead of passing them on to a poorer state to deal with.
God almighty, do you not realize that the border states would do just that if legally possible? Biden is responsible for this invasion. Biden wants these people in the country for their future votes. Biden is doing everything in his power to thwart any legal option available to the states. Biden is a colossal POS and he has a lot of company.
God almighty, do you not realize that the border states would do just that if legally possible? Biden is responsible for this invasion. Biden wants these people in the country for their future votes. Biden is doing everything in his power to thwart any legal option available to the states. Biden is a colossal POS and he has a lot of company.
I agree. Biden is a colossal POS.
Well said, but I refer to what we are fast becoming as the United States of South America. Ater the DEMONRATS make all these invaders legal we may never see another conservative president.

We won't!!

Lib-Nogs continue to rig it!
One of the things the Left is working hard on is opening up the racial fracture lines in America.

In particular, they want to persuade all Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians that patriots are their enemy. They want us to be a white-only movement, and one dominated by hyper-masculine males.

We must not fall into that trap. Anyone who disparages non-whites is doing the work of the enemy, whether they know it or not.

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