El Salvador reconciliation law vetoed over impunity fears


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador -- President Nayib Bukele said Friday he has vetoed a national reconciliation bill approved earlier this week by lawmakers, arguing that it would result in impunity for crimes against humanity from El Salvador’s 1980-1992 civil war.

In a news conference at the presidential residence, Bukele said he would not support any measure that doesn’t contain three fundamental elements: truth, justice and reparations.

“This Special Law for Transitional Justice, Reparation and National Reconciliation is a fraud of a law beginning with its very name, because it is simply an amnesty to make punishments for those who committed war crimes go away,” Bukele said.
El Salvador reconciliation law vetoed over impunity fears

Arriving at the "truth" is necessary. I just don't see justice and reparations coming.

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