Elderly Gay Couple Forcibly Separated, Abused, Robbed By County Officials in CA

I don't care what the blog is called.

If this story is true - it is tragic. And not just for Gays and Lesbians. If a state can violate the legally contracted shared property, mutual support, and custodial relationships of two elderly people, that abuse of power can easily extend to married and unmarried heterosexual couples.

Our government at all levels is verging on insolvency. What happens when aging demographics makes the fiscal problem worse and elderly people with ASSETS are under the control of government handlers? Denial or mismanagement of care that ends life and enables the state to sell off the assets "reimbursement" is going to become a quite common occurrence.

And that's really the issue here, the fact that the couple in question were gay is just detail.

But for my money until it is more widely reported I'm suspicious of a source whose credentials are unfamiliar.
But for my money until it is more widely reported I'm suspicious of a source whose credentials are unfamiliar.

Not sure if you had noticed, but I posted a couple more links. Including the official docket number at a meeting I think it was.

Thanks for those links.

Ya'll read 'em. This is pretty scary shit...cuz it can be done to ANYONE, not just an elderly gay couple.

Our "government servants" are not servants at all. They're power hungry, out of control, corrupt tools who are out to enrich themselves personally at our expense.

Kick 'em to the curb!

That'll come as a surprise to all those that are hardworking and honest. Unless of course you really are saying that there are none.
But for my money until it is more widely reported I'm suspicious of a source whose credentials are unfamiliar.

Not sure if you had noticed, but I posted a couple more links. Including the official docket number at a meeting I think it was.

Yeah, I did, but the complaint is 78 pages and clearly can't be considered impartial.

As I said in an earlier post, it will be telling to see whether anyone is interested enough in this case to follow it and post information as it progresses. If the complaint is considered to be without merit, then I doubt that anyone who is passionate about it now will post anything about that decision.

Hopefully when it comes to trial it will be picked up a bit more by the media, unless of course it gets settled or thrown out, in which case we'll probably never hear about it again after this week.

If true, it's a very sad story.

Thanks for those links.

Ya'll read 'em. This is pretty scary shit...cuz it can be done to ANYONE, not just an elderly gay couple.

Our "government servants" are not servants at all. They're power hungry, out of control, corrupt tools who are out to enrich themselves personally at our expense.

Kick 'em to the curb!

That'll come as a surprise to all those that are hardworking and honest. Unless of course you really are saying that there are none.

I'm saying kick the bad ones to the curb.

You gotta problem with that? Or are you one of them? Equiring minds want to know. :eusa_think:
Really don't care what the State does to them.

What are all those little, red squares for in the upper right hand portion of your posts?

Oh . . . wait a minute . . . . Never mind. On reading what you have to say here, it all becomes crystal clear.
Thanks for those links.

Ya'll read 'em. This is pretty scary shit...cuz it can be done to ANYONE, not just an elderly gay couple.

Our "government servants" are not servants at all. They're power hungry, out of control, corrupt tools who are out to enrich themselves personally at our expense.

Kick 'em to the curb!

That'll come as a surprise to all those that are hardworking and honest. Unless of course you really are saying that there are none.

I'm saying kick the bad ones to the curb.

You gotta problem with that? Or are you one of them? Equiring minds want to know. :eusa_think:

No they don't.
ya do realize this happens to hetrosexual people daily too?

Ayep....and they've been pulling this shit on Americans WAY too long.

It's time to boot the arrogant government workers all the way to the curb.

We, The People give away WAY too many of our rights to these thugs.

I was with you all the way right until here.

This has nothing to do with rights anybody "gave" government, at any level. They had no right to do any of this. It's a lack of competence, thought or basic humanity of the part of the individual people who lie, steal, violate court orders and ignore the real needs of real human beings because it's easier for them to do it that way that's the problem. It's disgusting, I hope anyone involved in this gets nailed for every penny and more, but don't make it something it's not.

Sure it has something to do with "giving" rights away.

Did anyone protest the actions the county took? If everyone sat back and allowed the county to run roughshod over this couple (and any other US citizen), without saying a word or challenging the government bullies, then they GAVE AWAY their rights.

We, The People ALLOW the government bullies to do what they want to us. We need to stand up to them and tell them to back down and back away.

This is OUR country.....they don't have the right to do whatever they please. Unless....we stand back, say nothing, and allow them to.

See what I mean about giving rights away? :eusa_think:
Oh . . . wait a minute . . . . Never mind. On reading what you have to say here, it all becomes crystal clear.

Listen fucktard, Do you REALLY think I give a damn for the opinions of one who use the pic of one of the most nausea inducing characters of deadhead TV for an avatar.
Nraforlife, I'm just curious, are you ashamed of yourself as much as you should be?
Quite likely the sob story of the OP leaves out a few facts regarding what actually went down with the two queers. I would not be the least surprised to find out that something along the lines of domestic battering is what brought these two to the attention of the authorities.

Likely also had the 'vics' been a elderly hetro married couple none of you shedding the ole progressive/neoconning croc tears here would have given a damn.

Thanks for those links.

Ya'll read 'em. This is pretty scary shit...cuz it can be done to ANYONE, not just an elderly gay couple.

Our "government servants" are not servants at all. They're power hungry, out of control, corrupt tools who are out to enrich themselves personally at our expense.

Kick 'em to the curb!

Some are, without a doubt. Some aren't. Probably most aren't, but the bad ones give them a bad name.

My whole point was, it happens and this sounds suspiciously like some of what has been going on in this area. There isn't enough information to know for sure, but it makes me wonder.

I do tend to believe at least the outline of the story, regardless of where it comes from or whether the local news picked it up. Stories along these lines are not uncommon, although this is extreme.

For example, hospital visitation and medical decision making is sometimes denied to unrelated, unmarried people even if they are designated in an advance directive (medical power of attorney or living will), sometimes as a result of conflicting and confusing State law and/or a misunderstanding of State laws. Occasionally as a result of prejudice, true - but I dare anybody to try to prove it. Also it can be an instance where the legal documents are ignored because there are blood relatives who object - loudly.

Where the documents are ignored for visitation or decision making and there are no blood relatives around, the hospital may call the County in to take charge of an elderly person they consider to have "no family". If the County workers also ignore the legal documents for whatever reason, they can and will take over everything from medical decisions to finances. Court fights are expensive and time consuming, not to mention confusing.

I haven't heard of a case this extreme and sucking in the other partner like this one alleges, but I can easily see how it would happen IF there is something else going on. How does a 14 year old kid get taken from his home and given 9 months in boot camp for taking a handful of change out of a neighbor's unlocked car? Because the judge got paid to put him there, of course. There's nothing here to know if that's the case, but since stranger things have already happened it wouldn't surprise me.
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Nraforlife, I'm just curious, are you ashamed of yourself as much as you should be?

Oh absolutely and an extra 10% of remorse just to have a safety margin. Thing is as it turns out there is very very very little reason to be ashamed of having spoken the Truth even if it causes the heads of progressive/neoconned PC ridden sheeple to spin as if posessed by legions of daemons.
Click on the link provided in the story...it's Sonoma County...draw your own conclusions folks. :eusa_whistle:

oh ok thanks Bo....well those folks up in northern Ca. are strange people anyway....different from us Southern Folk.....:eusa_angel:
To be honest, I think most genuine liberals and genuine conservatives would find that we agree on a lot of things.... we happen to have different ways of achieving those ends. Liberals tend to view government as the solution, conservatives see individual responsibility as the solution. Therein lies our problem.

i think it should be a little bit of this and a little bit of that....and then someone to watch over it and make sure it doesnt get out of hand.....
Nraforlife, I'm just curious, are you ashamed of yourself as much as you should be?

Oh absolutely and an extra 10% of remorse just to have a safety margin. Thing is as it turns out there is very very very little reason to be ashamed of having spoken the Truth even if it causes the heads of progressive/neoconned PC ridden sheeple to spin as if posessed by legions of daemons.

You wouldn't know the Truth if it hit you on the head, or more appropriately, came up behind you and gave you a lube job.

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