Eleanor Clift; “I would like to point out Ambassador Stevens was not murdered”


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Jul 21, 2009
I don't know if anyone saw this story:

The attack on the American diplomatic mission in Benghazi continues to be downplayed by many in the media, but few have shown the temerity to claim that Ambassador Chris Stevens was not murdered.

According to Eleanor Clift, a contributing editor for Newsweek magazine and blogger for The Daily Beast, Stevens was an unfortunate victim of smoke inhalation.

“I would like to point out Ambassador Stevens was not murdered,” she said in an appearance Sunday on PBS’s The McLaughlin Group. “He died of smoke inhalation in the safe room in that CIA installation.”

The Washington Examiner’s Susan Ferrechio, a fellow panelist, quickly challenged Clift on her facts.

“I’ve heard a drastically different story from people who are also in the know about that,” Ferrechio countered. “So, I don’t think it is [a fact].

Pat Buchanan, a regular on the show, noted that Stevens “was murdered in a terrorist attack,” but Clift stuck to the White House talking points about an anti-Muslim video that has since been proven untrue.

Liberal journalist?s shocking claim ?Chris Stevens was not murdered,? he died of smoke inhalation by Tom Tillison

She probably thinks Lincoln died from lead poisoning...........:mad:
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These people jumping out of the WTC on 911 were just committing suicide. It had nothing to do with planes crashing into the buildings........

Now that's a blatant Barry dick suck if I've ever heard one.

Anyone doubt they preach to a big base of low information voter morons? Nobody else would believe such bullshit.
So technically if I set her house on fire and she dies of smoke inhalation in her closet I wouldn't have murdered her?

Can't these fucktards smell the shit that is pouring out of their own mouths?
Newsweek is now a tabloid, meaning it will usually lean right. Did you expect intelligence from any of the tabloid writers from that video?
Eleanor Clift has turned into a Pod Person.
The left will do anything to protect their leader.
Push the agenda that Benghazi was just a peaceful protest.
no one did anything wrong.
Ambassador Stevens chose to inhale too much smoke...

Let's not make something out of nothing.
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Newsweek leans right?


So you think a magazine that put ""Hit The Road, Barack. Why we Need a New President" on the front cover and asked people to use the "#HitTheRoadBarack" hashtag leans left?

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo ... that is, unless you can show us Newsweek treating any Republican president in such a manner.

Left-leaning media sources every once in awhile will publish a story just to appear non-biased and objective.

They can't shake decades of liberal bias with a story or two, but they can fool lefties into believing they aren't with these examples.
This is appalling.
Video,no video
Protest,demostration terrorist attack.

Call it what you will.
You delibrately attack a building and set fire to it...

What the fuck do you call it when you kill someone.

OOOOoooops.My bad.

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