Elect Trump and his tariffs and dumb ass tax cuts and get ready to pay more in costs.

What are "higher standards of environmental production", Tommy?
Sorry. Its what you feed the beasts and what you spray on the crops. Also how you keep the chickens and other beasts.
Its why wild salmon is more expensive than farm raised.

If other states are flooding your market with intensively farmed eggs you might put tarrifs on imported eggs to level the playing field for ethically grrown domestic products.

The aim is to level the playing field. But obviously some customers just want the cheapest eggs.
Tariffs are a tool used to punish those that don't play fair in international trade. They work best when they're employed for short amounts of time. Tariffs on China hurt China. When that happens they change their trade policies. Trump understands how this works...Kamala Harris doesn't have a clue.
Tarriffs will fund the non existent child care plan. Who will pay for that if they withdraw tariffs ?
Tariffs are taxes on domestic consumers, just FYI. When you install a 50% tariff that is a 50% tax charged on the purchase of that good.
It's a tax on foreign producers.

In case you haven't studied economics.....supply and demand controls the market. That includes prices.

I remember when SONY was cornering the TV market, and tariffs nearly put them out of business because the costs of their products wasn't competitive with American products. Tariffs encouraged SONY and other Japanese producers to open factories in America to reduce the costs.
It's a tax on foreign producers.
No. Its a tax on the importation of foreign imported goods. The importer must pay the tax. This raises the price of the good, making it more expensive and decreasing the demand for the purchase of that foreign good. Thats the entire point.
No. Its a tax on the importation of foreign imported goods. The importer must pay the tax. This raises the price of the good, making it more expensive and decreasing the demand for the purchase of that foreign good. Thats the entire point.
The point, Zinc is to force that foreign producer to play fair. When China put a 25% tariff of US cars imported into China Trump's response was to impose a 25% tariff on Chinese cars and car parts imported into the US. Trump knows that China needs the US market far more than the US needs the Chinese market. So what happened? China lowered it's tariffs. Trump then dialed back tariffs on China. It's how the game is played.

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