Elected "Representative" or "Leader"?


Nov 22, 2014
I'm trying to figure out whether things have been perverted by those elected, if we the people abdicated the leadership of our nation or if our founding fathers actually set it up so that "elected" representatives were intended to be our "leaders". I truly don't know and can't find anything on this subject. I am confounded as to why my elected "representative" has never asked me how I want him/her to vote on any given issue before the House or Senate. Especially now that technology would make it extremely easy for him/her to query those they represent. I for one don't want a leader, I'll lead myself thank you, but I don't mind having a representative as long as they actually represent me (us), which they can't do if they don't inquire of and know our wishes.

In addition, why can I not fire the person I hire when they won't perform the job I've hired them for?

Can someone school me? Am I reaching to far to expect our hired help to do what we tell them to do? I really did not know I was electing a "leader" is that truly what we're doing when we vote?

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