Election 2012: Barack Obama 42%, Ron Paul 41%


Jul 13, 2009
Oklahoma City, OK
I guess I was just ahead of my time supporting Paul back in 2008. :eusa_whistle:

Election 2012: Barack Obama 42%, Ron Paul 41% - Rasmussen Reports

Election 2012: Barack Obama 42%, Ron Paul 41%

Pit maverick Republican Congressman Ron Paul against President Obama in a hypothetical 2012 election match-up, and the race is – virtually dead even.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of likely voters finds Obama with 42% support and Paul with 41% of the vote. Eleven percent (11%) prefer some other candidate, and six percent (6%) are undecided.........
Pretty surprising and interesting poll. Unfortunately the Neocons in the Republican Party hate him so he could never get their nomination. Dr. Paul is always in a tough position. He is hated by both the Socialists/Progressives and the Neocon/Progressives from both parties. This is a very interesting poll but i'm afraid it doesn't amount to much in the end. I really do respect the man though and hopefully he is pushing the Republicans back to a more truly Conservative platform. If this happens,Dr. Paul will have won the War.
Pretty surprising and interesting poll. Unfortunately the Neocons in the Republican Party hate him so he could never get their nomination. Dr. Paul is always in a tough position. He is hated by both the Socialists/Progressives and the Neocon/Progressives from both parties. This is a very interesting poll but i'm afraid it doesn't amount to much in the end. I really do respect the man though and hopefully he is pushing the Republicans back to a more truly Conservative platform. If this happens,Dr. Paul will have won the War.

I think Paul is that candidate who (save for the people that support him 100%) both sides really like about 30% of what he says and really detest about 70%.

The old chap is getting up there in years to make a run. But I suppose his ideals will live on.
Pretty surprising and interesting poll. Unfortunately the Neocons in the Republican Party hate him so he could never get their nomination. Dr. Paul is always in a tough position. He is hated by both the Socialists/Progressives and the Neocon/Progressives from both parties. This is a very interesting poll but i'm afraid it doesn't amount to much in the end. I really do respect the man though and hopefully he is pushing the Republicans back to a more truly Conservative platform. If this happens,Dr. Paul will have won the War.

I have high hopes for former governor of New Mexico, Gary Johnson for 2012.
Yea it's pretty tough when you're hated by the Socialist/Progressive & Neocon/Progressive elite from both parties. He will never gain enough real support for a run. I think he is helping the Republican Party though even though many in the party don't realize it. He is methodically pushing them back to an authentic Conservative platform. It's a Win/Win for him in the end.
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Paul would make an excellent candidate. His views on FP have strong realist leanings (national interest first with this guy, I like it), and his domestic policies would introduce actual liberal policies (not like American liberalism, but actual classical liberalism), and his dismantling of the Fed would, after the initial chaos, certainly return far more power to the American people.

I wouldn't even mind him dismantling the new HC bill simply because I think the projected savings in reform would easily provide more than enough for a reformed, expedited set of social policies that would be far more efficacious than our current ones.

Unfortunately he won't win, and so it's back to picking the far lesser of two evils.
Pretty surprising and interesting poll. Unfortunately the Neocons in the Republican Party hate him so he could never get their nomination. Dr. Paul is always in a tough position. He is hated by both the Socialists/Progressives and the Neocon/Progressives from both parties. This is a very interesting poll but i'm afraid it doesn't amount to much in the end. I really do respect the man though and hopefully he is pushing the Republicans back to a more truly Conservative platform. If this happens,Dr. Paul will have won the War.

It's also interesting because the numbers don't mirror Rasmussen's own polling which, as of today, show the president with a 50% approval rating.

I know I wouldn't vote for Ron Paul if he stood on his head or got down on his knees and begged for my vote. (not that that's likely under any set of circumstances), but the numbers are kind of hinky, imo.

and no, the neo-cons would rather cut off their own arms than vote for ron paul. frankly, his foreign policy is naive and his economic ideas would lead to a dickensian nightmare by way of ayn rand.
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Yea it's pretty tough when you're hated by the Socialist/Progressive & Neocon/Progressive elite from both parties. He will never gain enough real support for a run. I think he is helping the Republican Party though even though many in the party don't realize it. He is methodically pushing them back to an authentic Conservative platform. It's a Win/Win for him in the end.

He's too divisive to win a real contingent of the independent vote.

I agree with your last three sentences, though.
Ron Paul, much like Palin, would be a gift to the Democratic party.

I guess I was just ahead of my time supporting Paul back in 2008. :eusa_whistle:

Election 2012: Barack Obama 42%, Ron Paul 41% - Rasmussen Reports

Election 2012: Barack Obama 42%, Ron Paul 41%

Pit maverick Republican Congressman Ron Paul against President Obama in a hypothetical 2012 election match-up, and the race is – virtually dead even.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of likely voters finds Obama with 42% support and Paul with 41% of the vote. Eleven percent (11%) prefer some other candidate, and six percent (6%) are undecided.........
Pretty surprising and interesting poll. Unfortunately the Neocons in the Republican Party hate him so he could never get their nomination. Dr. Paul is always in a tough position. He is hated by both the Socialists/Progressives and the Neocon/Progressives from both parties. This is a very interesting poll but i'm afraid it doesn't amount to much in the end. I really do respect the man though and hopefully he is pushing the Republicans back to a more truly Conservative platform. If this happens,Dr. Paul will have won the War.

This is no online straw poll. This is for real.
I am shocked that 41% of Americans even know who Ron Paul is.....

Why doesn't Rassmussen poll that?
Ron Paul 42%?? Must be a typo was supposed to be 4.1%
In any case this will never happen, the repubs will never put Ron Paul up there against the Dem.
I guess what it proves is that repubs will vote for whomever the party puts up.
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I am shocked that 41% of Americans even know who Ron Paul is.....

Why doesn't Rassmussen poll that?

Ron Paul is one of the most well known politicians out there today. He's constantly doing interviews on Fox, MSNBC, and CNN not to mention his massive online presence. If you follow politics even a little bit you probably know who Ron Paul is.
Ron Paul 42%?? Must be a typo was supposed to be 4.1%
In any case this will never happen, the repubs will never put Ron Paul up there against the Dem.
I guess what it proves is that repubs will vote for whomever the party puts up.

Well of course the Repubs won't put him up. They will dismiss him like they did in 2008. Why on earth would talk radio conservatives want someone who actually believes and practices true conservative values when they can get pretty people to pay lip service to them instead? It's about power for both parties, not what is right and best for America.
I am shocked that 41% of Americans even know who Ron Paul is.....

Why doesn't Rassmussen poll that?

Ron Paul is one of the most well known politicians out there today. He's constantly doing interviews on Fox, MSNBC, and CNN not to mention his massive on-line presence. If you follow politics even a little bit you probably know who Ron Paul is.

Right on Kevin. He very decent man & ran for president many times & has been in many televised national debates. He is always in the news. Rightwinger is just a hater.
You know, I know this may sound very odd, but I have never really minded Ron Paul all that much, as righties go.

At least he consistently sticks to his principles, and rarely is caught in hypocrisy.
I am shocked that 41% of Americans even know who Ron Paul is.....

Why doesn't Rassmussen poll that?

Ron Paul is one of the most well known politicians out there today. He's constantly doing interviews on Fox, MSNBC, and CNN not to mention his massive online presence. If you follow politics even a little bit you probably know who Ron Paul is.

Heck yeah he had a blimp!

About all he had going for him though.

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