Election eve stunner: FBI gains warrant to pursue Donald Trump over his ties to Russia

You want to see who the real criminal and fraud is...Look no further then Donald Trump.
It's obvious you don't watch the news. You just watch the propaganda sites like NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, et al. HilLIARy had government classified documents in her server and had 33000 bleached off the servers after being ordered to produce them. She has acted criminally for 30 years since Whitewater.

It's laughable you and morons think she's innocent just because a corrupt DOJ and FBI dropped charges. If she wins, she will be harassed with "lock her up" chants everywhere she goes starting with her inauguration speech. There are plans for 1000s to protest at her inauguration and nothing anybody can do about it.

The war is on. We will not be ruled by someone who should be in jail for treason against ou country for personal gain.

Nobody wants to rule you, but it would be nice if you would quit your bitching.
Election eve stunner: FBI gains warrant to pursue Donald Trump over his ties to Russia
Election eve stunner: FBI gains warrant to pursue Donald Trump over his ties to Russia
By Bill Palmer
Election eve stunner: FBI gains warrant to pursue Donald Trump over his ties to Russia

Lock him up!
I hope trump

A. Gets divorced
B. Gets in trouble for raping women
C. Gets in trouble for trump university
D. Gets in trouble for his ties to Russia
E. Gets in trouble for bribing attorney general's

I hope running ruins him

Too bad the FBI isn't always granted a warrant to investigate.

Why Did Obama's Justice Department Forbid the FBI To Investigate the Clinton Foundation? | RedState

Too bad there are so many idiots in this land who love their obama's and clintons.
That is why our savior may well be Russia.

If the populations of the rest of the world's G20 countries could vote in the US election, they'd overwhelmingly vote for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump.

That's according to a recent poll by Germany's Handelsblatt publishing group and YouGov, the online pollster.

But there's one country where the former First Lady takes a backseat to the billionaire Republican front-runner from New York, and that's Russia.

Yeah, tough shit. What do you really know about candidates who run for the highest offices in European states? Next to nothing like everybody else here.

We do not need Europe to help us be made aware of just how evil Barack Obama has been and just how evil Hillary Clinton is. We just need fools like you to wake up.

Except you just said you do not even believe God exists. So given that sad revelation, it surely then is a hopeless situation for any of us to even bother arguing candidates or policies with you.
Yes because if you'll believe an invisible man is watching over you, you'll believe anything so why would I bother talking to a retard like you.

And sometimes we do need the rest of the world to say, "wait a minute USA, wtf are you doing thinking about electing Trump?"

The thing is, only about 40% of American voters are stupid or greedy enough to vote Trump
Get real. If Trump loses, she is not going to appoint a conservative judge.

She may not want to. But she should.
No she fucking shouldn't. Is this was tomorrow is going to be like? We should start doing what you losers want? Fuck off really! Go fuck off!!! Pathetic.

You should have nominated Obama's pick, bitch.

Republicans are already saying they won't approve her nomination to the SC, and they'll start impeachment proceedings as soon as she's elected.

Same shit, different day.
Get real. If Trump loses, she is not going to appoint a conservative judge.

She may not want to. But she should.
No she fucking shouldn't. Is this was tomorrow is going to be like? We should start doing what you losers want? Fuck off really! Go fuck off!!! Pathetic.

You should have nominated Obama's pick, bitch.

She absolutely should actually. She can fight with Congress later about the Ginsburg & Breyer slots (who will both retire during her term). In order to prove to the Trumpsters that she's listening, this would be the smartest move she could make. They still won't love her, but they'll hate her a little less..

BTW, I voted for Hillary, idiot. And the rest on down-ballot: republican.
Republicans are already saying they won't approve her nomination to the SC, and they'll start impeachment proceedings as soon as she's elected.

Same shit, different day.

I guarantee you that if she nominated Sutton, the GOP would approve that nomination in a nanosecond as Scalia's replacement. He's essentially a Scalia clone.
Get real. If Trump loses, she is not going to appoint a conservative judge.

She may not want to. But she should.
No she fucking shouldn't. Is this was tomorrow is going to be like? We should start doing what you losers want? Fuck off really! Go fuck off!!! Pathetic.

You should have nominated Obama's pick, bitch.

Republicans are already saying they won't approve her nomination to the SC, and they'll start impeachment proceedings as soon as she's elected.

Same shit, different day.

On what? On the way she wears her hair? The email issue is over. Now go away!
Republicans are already saying they won't approve her nomination to the SC, and they'll start impeachment proceedings as soon as she's elected.

Same shit, different day.

I guarantee you that if she nominated Sutton, the GOP would approve that nomination in a nanosecond as Scalia's replacement. He's essentially a Scalia clone.

:banana::banana::banana::banana: Nice try you dumb Trumpette...
Get real. If Trump loses, she is not going to appoint a conservative judge.

She may not want to. But she should.
No she fucking shouldn't. Is this was tomorrow is going to be like? We should start doing what you losers want? Fuck off really! Go fuck off!!! Pathetic.

You should have nominated Obama's pick, bitch.

She absolutely should actually. She can fight with Congress later about the Ginsburg & Breyer slots (who will both retire during her term). In order to prove to the Trumpsters that she's listening, this would be the smartest move she could make. They still won't love her, but they'll hate her a little less..

BTW, I voted for Hillary, idiot. And the rest on down-ballot: republican.

Fuck that idea! Knowing Trump was going to lose you guys should have nominated Obama's moderate pick. I don't even know what to say to the idea that now that WE won the election WE are going to appoint a right wing fucking wack job to the supreme court.

Sure, if Hillary wants to be a one term president and have the people who elected her WE not show up in 4 years by all means Hillary go ahead and appoint a right wing nut job to the court.

Your idea is laughable. If it didn't piss me off that is. The fucking nerve. You right wing con jobs take the fucking cake.

And you can say you voted for Hillary and Republicans on the down ballot, and maybe you did that, but to me that makes you just as stupid as someone who voted straight republican. Instead of you having a 59 iq you have a 60 iq. Congrats. You are borderline retard not full blown fool.
Republicans are already saying they won't approve her nomination to the SC, and they'll start impeachment proceedings as soon as she's elected.

Same shit, different day.

I guarantee you that if she nominated Sutton, the GOP would approve that nomination in a nanosecond as Scalia's replacement. He's essentially a Scalia clone.

:banana::banana::banana::banana: Nice try you dumb Trumpette...
The nerve of these loser trumpbots. They lose and then make demands.

Imagine how Trump would have met our demands had he won.

Republicans make me fucking sick.
Get real. If Trump loses, she is not going to appoint a conservative judge.

She may not want to. But she should.
No she fucking shouldn't. Is this was tomorrow is going to be like? We should start doing what you losers want? Fuck off really! Go fuck off!!! Pathetic.

You should have nominated Obama's pick, bitch.

Republicans are already saying they won't approve her nomination to the SC, and they'll start impeachment proceedings as soon as she's elected.

Same shit, different day.
We/I don't give a shit what Republicans say. Lets see if those Republicans are even in office after today.

Imagine making demands as the country votes FUCK YOU to your party. This reminds me of 2009. Republicans tried to get Obama to go along with their bad ideas.

Reminds me of when Clinton got into office Republicans said, "hey bill, do you want to get along with us? Then sign this little piece of legislation that HW Bush was going to sign but he lost. If you sign this I promise we will get along" That was NAFTA.

For christ sakes you god damn republicans that's what this election was all about! That's why this election was so important. So we did not appoint another Scalia, Roberts or Alito to the courty. Sutton can suck my dick!
Get real. If Trump loses, she is not going to appoint a conservative judge.

She may not want to. But she should.
No she fucking shouldn't. Is this was tomorrow is going to be like? We should start doing what you losers want? Fuck off really! Go fuck off!!! Pathetic.

You should have nominated Obama's pick, bitch.

Republicans are already saying they won't approve her nomination to the SC, and they'll start impeachment proceedings as soon as she's elected.

Same shit, different day.

On what? On the way she wears her hair? The email issue is over. Now go away!
Another 7 million dollars they will waste all to play politics.
Get real. If Trump loses, she is not going to appoint a conservative judge.

She may not want to. But she should.
No she fucking shouldn't. Is this was tomorrow is going to be like? We should start doing what you losers want? Fuck off really! Go fuck off!!! Pathetic.

You should have nominated Obama's pick, bitch.

Republicans are already saying they won't approve her nomination to the SC, and they'll start impeachment proceedings as soon as she's elected.

Same shit, different day.

On what? On the way she wears her hair? The email issue is over. Now go away!

They haven't beaten "pay for play" with the Clinton Foundation into the ground yet. The Koch Bros. had Judicial Watch file a complaint with the IRS, which the IRS is now legally required to investigate, so the smear machine is just getting ramped up on that one.

We've only had one Congressional hearing and two FBI investigations over the email. Republican outrage hasn't begun to be assuaged over that so I doubt they're giving up on that one just yet.
A pathetic proven lying politician has her pawns at work once again, someone has their panties in a wad. Is the rope getting tighter or is it that the drugs are wearing off? Amusing but sad to say the least. One can safely assume someone has shrunk to the absolute depths of depravity
If it took months for the FBI to review half of her (denied ever to exist) emails how is it the FBI can complete a comprehensive review in a mater of hours?
If it took months for the FBI to review half of her (denied ever to exist) emails how is it the FBI can complete a comprehensive review in a mater of hours?
Probably by having more resources applied to less emails.

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