Election Expert Hacks into Dominion Voting Machine Tabulator in Court on Friday in GA in front of Judge USING ONLY A PEN TO CHANGE VOTE TOTALS


Any system that can be used, can in theory be hacked, that doesn't at all prove that IT WAS hacked.
Right? And if someone claimed to have witnessed the hack, should trigger an audit. Yet, pack and go
What hand counts are you taking about?

There were 4 in total in GA:

What hand counts are you taking about?

Google will bury us under citations.
So, let's just do a sampler:

# Georgia election officials released a report Thursday evening on the results of the hand tally recount of the presidential election, affirming Joe Biden's lead in the state.

# A hand count of paper ballots in Antrim County, Michigan, has verified the election results there, refuting a “forensics report” promoted by President Donald Trump that baselessly claimed the election equipment in the county was “designed” to create “systemic fraud and influence election results.” Experts said the faulty report showed a misunderstanding of voting system technology.

# Hand count in audit affirms Biden beat Trump, as Maricopa County said in November

# The more than 250 audits that took place reflect the largest number ever conducted in the state. The report highlighted the ethical, bipartisan and transparent nature of the audits, which were conducted by Republican, Democratic and nonpartisan officials across Michigan.

# In Wisconsin's 2011 Supreme Court election recount, the hand-counted paper ballots differed from the recount by 0.28 percent while the difference for scanned paper ballots was 0.15 percent. In its 2016 recount of the presidential election, hand-counted paper ballots were off by 0.18 percent while scanned ballots were off by 0.13 percent.
No evidence was presented for admission. Emails are not evidence. No fraud was claimed. It was all phony because there was no fraud.

Like everything Trump tells you, it was all lies.

Trump has been consistently correct on EVERYTHING.

Starting when he said the Obama fucktards were wiretapping him.

As distinct from YOU leftard asswipes, who tried to sell per tapes and lied to get FISA warrants.

The leftard bullshit is being flushed into the toilet where it belongs. You fuckers have lied one too many times.
I'm sure this will factor into Trumps case and Mike Lindell too.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger had been hiding this report from the public for two years.

I pulled this earlier today:

I couldn't find a link, thanks for posting.

I hope that is true, but given the recent history of Democrat corruption of the justice system, I'm not optimistic.
hahaahahaha, that's what you got from his statement? too fking funny. His point was republicans aren't cheats. Canadian, who runs Chicago and the country from Chicago? Show how stupid you are. Ever hear of the democrat machine? hahahahaahaha. You fkers are so ignorant and stupid it is tough to hold a discussion with you all. history really isn't a demofk thing.

You'll need to provide links to prove that Republicans aren't "cheats", because I've got hundreds of court cases to prove they are including every GERRYMANDERING CASE Republicans have lost in the past 10 years.

Over 38 percent of state and congressional district maps where politicians controlled redistricting in the 2010-cycle were either struck down by courts or drawn by courts when politicians failed to agree on maps.


Trump has been consistently correct on EVERYTHING.

Starting when he said the Obama fucktards were wiretapping him.

As distinct from YOU leftard asswipes, who tried to sell per tapes and lied to get FISA warrants.

The leftard bullshit is being flushed into the toilet where it belongs. You fuckers have lied one too many times.
I'm still waiting for someone to file charges for all of these things Trump tells you the Democrats did. Trump was in office for four years launching dozens of investigations, and not one charge against ANYONE.

Durham Report came up with NOTHING. No evidence of ANYTHING.
I'm sure this will factor into Trumps case and Mike Lindell too.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger had been hiding this report from the public for two years.

I pulled this earlier today:

I couldn't find a link, thanks for posting.

I bet you didn't.
So.............WHERE does Halderman claim Trump's election was stolen?
I'm still waiting for someone to file charges for all of these things Trump tells you the Democrats did. Trump was in office for four years launching dozens of investigations, and not one charge against ANYONE.

Durham Report came up with NOTHING. No evidence of ANYTHING.
Derp derp

Biden the lifelong racist got more black votes than Obama

Derp derp

Pee tapes


Texas Announces Details of ‘Forensic Audit' of 2020 Election Results​

guess again
Was TX. challenged? The seven swing states never had a forensic audit. Dominion machines were protected by the courts.
Was TX. challenged? The seven swing states never had a forensic audit. Dominion machines were protected by the courts.
You realize of course, that a forensic audit is fully impossible.

In AZ for example, the signature "verification" was done by machine, by a company that donated money to the Katie Hobbs campaign.

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