Election Expert Hacks into Dominion Voting Machine Tabulator in Court on Friday in GA in front of Judge USING ONLY A PEN TO CHANGE VOTE TOTALS

Somehow you think that expecting a president to not disenfranchise millions of Americans is a high standard.

Its not. It’s about as low of a standard as we ever dared to expect from a president. Trump has lowered the standards so low, I’d be happy with a Republican who merely respects our right to vote.

What's it to you? What do you have to do with prosecuting Trump? Be specific, vermin
What's it to you? What do you have to do with prosecuting Trump? Be specific, vermin
I have nothing to do with prosecuting Trump, but hes trying to be president and I prefer our president to respect our right to vote

Trump disrespected that right.
I have nothing to do with prosecuting Trump, but hes trying to be president and I prefer our president to respect our right to vote

Trump disrespected that right.
So you vote for cheating? Wow, I guess you lied
.... the Obama fucktards.....YOU leftard asswipes.....The leftard bullshit...... You fuckers.....
Making America Great Again, I see.

Well, good poster Scruffy, it is always entertaining to read your thoughtful, insightful contributions here. Sadly, your seemingly inherited vulgarity ofttimes obscures your messaging.

So, too.....your many many personalities.
I mean by that, I read an entertaining and informative post on one of these threads lately where another poster took the trouble to curate some of your history of posting.

And that little exercise demonstrated (by quoting your very postings)...that you've claimed to be a medical professional, an electronics expert, a secret government operative, a college instructor, a computer programmer, and maybe a ballerina-commando (?), I can't recall all of the Sybil personalities that you claimed to be.

And now you come on to this thread aflame in your faux grievance and shrill vulgarity......and you want to be taken as a poster with credibility?

C'mon, man, who you think you are zoomin'?
You are silly. Silly and shrill. There's no there there with your avatar.

Now, I'm sure the real incel behind the avatar is an upright citizen and pillar of his community, but.......but the avatar representing that 'pillar' appears to be a silly knucklehead. A ne'er-do-well.


(ps......if that poster who so helpfully curated Scruffy's history of claimed occupations, professions, skills, awards, winnings, degrees, and talents......well, please do the forum a great service and post 'em up again. We may be able to make that long list of professional occupations and awards..... a sig line.
Yes, they showed how it could be done, not that it was done. This is nothing burger.
Not what the article is about. Maybe try reading it.
I know it isn't.
You implied it was.

I'm sure this will factor into Trumps case and Mike Lindell too.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger had been hiding this report from the public for two years.

I pulled this earlier today:
You finish the count.. You staff with people to take over during the count.
Why? There’s no point. Splitting your workforce to work in shifts only slows down the counting earlier in the day because you have people saying home waiting to take over at night. It doesn’t make anything happen any quicker.

The count gets finished either way. No difference.

There was no “simultaneous” stopping. It’s a right wing myth.

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