Election Expert Hacks into Dominion Voting Machine Tabulator in Court on Friday in GA in front of Judge USING ONLY A PEN TO CHANGE VOTE TOTALS

The objective evidence was cited in the article or did you miss that?

Wtf are talking about?? The article specifically states that no such evidence was found:

"we are not aware of any evidence that the vulnerabilities have been exploited to change votes in past elections"

Evidence of some sort of system vulnerability is not evidence that it was actually used to change results.
Wtf are talking about?? The article specifically states that no such evidence was found:

"we are not aware of any evidence that the vulnerabilities have been exploited to change votes in past elections"

Evidence of some sort of system vulnerability is not evidence that it was actually used to change results.

On December 17, 2020 the Georgia Senate Judiciary Election Law sub-committee provided their election
integrity findings to Secretary Raffensperger and the executive branch. The sub-committee chair was
former Judge William Ligon with 16 years’ experience dealing with evidence. Finding number 9 of his
report states, “The oral testimonies of witnesses on December 3, 2020, and subsequently, the written
testimonies submitted by many others, provide ample evidence that the 2020 Georgia General Election
was so compromised by systemic irregularities and voter fraud that it should not be certified”.
Senator Ligon was asked what did Secretary Raffensperger do with the evidence in your report, he stated,
“the Secretary did nothing”. The Secretary did not even reference any of the General Assembly’s evidence
in his letter to Congress
of various aspects
None of the aspects involved a forensic audit of the machines. None involved seeing the envelopes with signatures for mail in votes. The election officials never showed their work was done properly. All we have is the word of corrupt officials. We are supposed to be the boss and cannot see the work that was supposed to be done? That is bullshit and it is fraud hidden by a legal technicality and compromised judges.
since you believe that election officials are corrupt then it would not matter if they did a forensic audit on the machines as you would not believe them

Still there is a difference between believing that no one would cheat vs whether the cheating was enough to affect the outcome.

Michigan did a forensic audit of the voting machines

Forensic Audit of the Dominion Voting Equipment in Michigan Shows 'Intentional Errors'

On December 17, 2020 the Georgia Senate Judiciary Election Law sub-committee provided their election
integrity findings to Secretary Raffensperger and the executive branch. The sub-committee chair was
former Judge William Ligon with 16 years’ experience dealing with evidence. Finding number 9 of his
report states, “The oral testimonies of witnesses on December 3, 2020, and subsequently, the written
testimonies submitted by many others, provide ample evidence that the 2020 Georgia General Election
was so compromised by systemic irregularities and voter fraud that it should not be certified”.
Senator Ligon was asked what did Secretary Raffensperger do with the evidence in your report, he stated,
“the Secretary did nothing”. The Secretary did not even reference any of the General Assembly’s evidence
in his letter to Congress

It's 2024 now, what lawsuit did Trump campaign's hordes of lawyers file citing this bullshit?

Here, I'll even give you the full list of what they filed in GA:

since you believe that election officials are corrupt then it would not matter if they did a forensic audit on the machines as you would not believe them

Still there is a difference between believing that no one would cheat vs whether the cheating was enough to affect the outcome.

Michigan did a forensic audit of the voting machines

Forensic Audit of the Dominion Voting Equipment in Michigan Shows 'Intentional Errors'
Finally, because the same equipment was used in 48 other counties in Michigan, this casts significant doubt on the integrity of the entire election in the state of Michigan. I’m sure that with more Dominion equipment being audited, it would cast a dark shadow across 30 state elections. Only time will tell but ultimately the truth does come out, one way or another.

From your link. Thanks.
Wtf are talking about?? The article specifically states that no such evidence was found:

"we are not aware of any evidence that the vulnerabilities have been exploited to change votes in past elections"

Evidence of some sort of system vulnerability is not evidence that it was actually used to change results.
Dammit you people are fucking STUPID.

The asswipe media has you believing it's about Trump and 2020, and it's not.

It's about cyber security. Go Google on those words and maybe you'll learn something

(Or maybe not, if you're a dumbass brainwashed leftard)

Why the fuck do you think they call them EXPLOITS?

Today - TODAY - there were 16 billion sensitive records exposed online.

You people better get a fucking clue.
Dammit you people are fucking STUPID.

The asswipe media has you believing it's about Trump and 2020, and it's not.

It's about cyber security. Go Google on those words and maybe you'll learn something

(Or maybe not, if you're a dumbass brainwashed leftard)

Why the fuck do you think they call them EXPLOITS?

Today - TODAY - there were 16 billion sensitive records exposed online.

You people better get a fucking clue.



What the hell does that have to do with Trump?


What the hell does that have to do with Trump?
See how totally ignorant these assholes are? ^^^

They're loud, stupid, and insecure.

I talk about TODAY and this ^^^ fucking idiot wants to talk about yesterday cause that's all he thinks it's about.
Wtf are talking about?? The article specifically states that no such evidence was found:

"we are not aware of any evidence that the vulnerabilities have been exploited to change votes in past elections"

Evidence of some sort of system vulnerability is not evidence that it was actually used to change results.
The objective evidence was in the data provided by Halderman.
Ha ha ha.....still afraid of google.

this will come as a shock to you, but Google does not help find and event that never took place. There was no pause, there none of the bullshit you people lie about on here.

Fucking move on, your god lost. Its ok
The objective evidence was in the data provided by Halderman.
....so Trump campaign used it to sue specific states to challenge the result of the election.


If not correct, how exactly do you explain the descrepancy between your claims that Halderman supposedly provided evidence that election was fraudulent and reality that Trump campaign failed to prove ANY of that in an actual court of law?

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