Election Expert Hacks into Dominion Voting Machine Tabulator in Court on Friday in GA in front of Judge USING ONLY A PEN TO CHANGE VOTE TOTALS

Trump was right, again! Time to got back to paper ballots, that for some reason were able to be counted within hours not days to determine the winner.

Trump was right, again! Time to got back to paper ballots, that for some reason were able to be counted within hours not days to determine the winner.

Hand recounts can’t be hacked, dupe.
MAGAts should learn to actually read these links....

Our report explains how attackers could exploit the flaws we found to change votes or potentially even affect election outcomes in Georgia, including how they could defeat the technical and procedural protections the state has in place. While we are not aware of any evidence that the vulnerabilities have been exploited to change votes in past elections, without more precautions and mitigations, there is a serious risk that they will be exploited in the future.
Maybe you should learn to read them--not being aware of any vulnerabilities being exploited does not mean they were not. With the evidence of voter fraud that has been presented since--would you bet your life on none being exploited?
I'm sure this will factor into Trumps case and Mike Lindell too.

Georgia Secretary of State p.Brad Raffensperger ..had been hiding this report p the public for two years.

I pulled this earlier today:

I couldn't find a link, thanks for posting.


US election 2020: Biden certified Georgia winner after hand recount​

Yes, they showed how it could be done, not that it was done. This is nothing burger.
I wondered where Gigi, was hiding. Changing your name from Gulping Gator ain't working.

LaLaLa (2).jpg
Because such a thing would be impossible, you cannot show what was not done.

So, you want the Fed Govt to force a private entity to turn over all it proprietary information so they can dig through it on the off case something did happen?


You do understand Algore, the dem party and their massive team of lawers used the federal government to get the butterfly ballots Released in 2000?
Leftists can’t remember all the lies they tell themselves.
Still with this shit?

The machines are nothing more than adding machines

The ballots are the actual count and they not only matched the Dominion machines but they EXIST

THEY are what actually matters

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