Election Expert Hacks into Dominion Voting Machine Tabulator in Court on Friday in GA in front of Judge USING ONLY A PEN TO CHANGE VOTE TOTALS

So will I

Dems seem to have criminality in their DNA and are slick as motor oil when it comes to election fraud

Repubs are clumsy and accident prone

If our democratic republic becomes a race to the bottom your side will win

So I want a very simple election process that favors neither side
Your belief in the criminality of Dems doesnt come from facts and evidence but your desire to belief that Trump won the last election.

I want a country where we believe in reality, not whatever we want to be true.
Your gaslight theatre BULLSHIT is weak.
Fuck using these compromised COMPUTERS for voting!!!!!
They are PROVEN to be easily HACKED so you fucking communist mother fuckers can FORCE your SICK IDEOLOGY on We,The People!
Smash them all Hillary Clinton style with HAMMERS!

Holy shit crazy man. That makes no sense at all.

We mark our paper ballots and then feed them into a tabulator. Dominion is that tabulator. It COUNTS the vote.

Then that ballot is removed from the tabulator and STORED.

The tabulator can not change the ballot. It does not destroy the ballot. The ballot is still there to be counted. In fact the ballot is the official vote.

Jebus you people are stupid

The right has collectively lost what little they had remaining of their brains.
Dominion Voting Machines are at the core of our election process and they have been proven by MULTIPLE COMPUTER EXPERTS to be hopelessly flawed and vulnerable to tampering. But when you own the courts and have an army of lawyers, a lie becomes the truth.
I guess Fox shouldn't have paid them .... billions, millions .. I forget. LOL
There was a hand recount. If the tabulators were corrupted, we would have known years ago.

The lying leftard MSM would like you to believe that, but it's simply not true.

The simple fact is there is NOT ONE auditable chain of custody in all of the 57 states.

I have challenged you idiot leftards REPEATEDLY on this point, and you consistently fail. You can't even produce ONE auditable mail in ballot. NOT ONE.

The truth is staring you in the face and you continue to deny it. Because you swallow the bullshit. Or drink the Kool aid, or whatever you want to call it.
The right has collectively lost what little they had remaining of their brains.
Oh yeah? One American News Network has an expert that can "prove" that the Dominion machines were rigged. The full time job of this expert is a professional swing set installer on Long Island. :auiqs.jpg:
Trump was right, again! Time to got back to paper ballots, that for some reason were able to be counted within hours not days to determine the winner.

There are several potential solutions to deal with online and vulnerable US voting systems:

1. Implement paper trail: One solution is to have a paper trail for every vote cast electronically. This allows for verification and auditing of the electronic results.

2. Improved cybersecurity measures: Implementing stronger cybersecurity measures, such as encryption, multi-factor authentication, and regular security audits, can help protect online voting systems from potential threats.

3. Regular testing and auditing: Regular testing and auditing of voting systems can help identify vulnerabilities and address them before they can be exploited.

4. Educating voters: Educating voters about the potential risks and vulnerabilities of online voting systems can help them make informed decisions and take necessary precautions when casting their votes.

5. Implementing blockchain technology: Some experts suggest that blockchain technology could be used to secure and validate online voting systems, providing a tamper-proof and transparent way of recording and verifying votes.

Implementing any of these solutions would require careful consideration and planning, as well as collaboration between government agencies, cybersecurity experts, and other stakeholders.

Moreover, it is important to ensure that any changes to the voting system do not disenfranchise certain groups of voters. :)

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