Election Expert Hacks into Dominion Voting Machine Tabulator in Court on Friday in GA in front of Judge USING ONLY A PEN TO CHANGE VOTE TOTALS

Not even with a note from your mother.

You'll play the merry-go-round until you quit lying. You won't link to a criminal conviction, because there have been NONE. You are guilty of slander. If you had a pot to piss in, maybe Trump would sue you. Be advised, he would win.
Be advised you are involved in a cult that worships a rapist and insurrectionist.
Yes, they showed how it could be done, not that it was done. This is nothing burger.
Pointing out serious flaws in methods used for counting ballots that select our leaders is far from a nothing burger. If it really were a nothing burger, there would be no need for plugging the holes. This guy showed manipulation of the vote totals is easily done, therefore it is most assuredly NOT a nothing burger.

Anything else from the peanut gallery?
Pointing out serious flaws in methods used for counting ballots that select our leaders is far from a nothing burger. If it really were a nothing burger, there would be no need for plugging the holes. This guy showed manipulation of the vote totals is easily done, therefore it is most assuredly NOT a nothing burger.

Anything else from the peanut gallery?
When Republican realize that we must play by democrat rules and democrats start loosing election they would normally win nothing is going to change.
"These are not the droids you are looking for."
* waves hand *


Oh look... a raving lunatic clenches his eyes shut.

Retard, they're showing surveillance video of everything they're saying.

We're not to believe our lying eyes says the lunatic LEFT.

Trump was right, again! Time to got back to paper ballots, that for some reason were able to be counted within hours not days to determine the winner.

How can this be? The left assures everyone that there is never any fraud.
When Republican realize that we must play by democrat rules and democrats start loosing election they would normally win nothing is going to change.

nothing every changes, it matters not which party wins.
Retard, what part of "surveillance video" don't you understand??
The part that shows election observers being forced out of the room THEN BOXES OF UNFOLDED MAIL IN BALLOTS BEING PULLED FROM UNDER TABLES.....THAT FUCKING PART!!!!!!!
Don't give this forum your GASLIGHT THEATRE BULLSHIT mother fucker!!!
The part that shows election observers being forced out of the room THEN BOXES OF UNFOLDED MAIL IN BALLOTS BEING PULLED FROM UNDER TABLES.....THAT FUCKING PART!!!!!!!
Don't give this forum your GASLIGHT THEATRE BULLSHIT mother fucker!!!

Legitimate, trained, Election observers were not forced out.
RW Conspiracy Theorists were moved back to a reasonable distance

Mail in ballots are linked to a registered voter, signatures verified and then resulting ballots are secured in locked boxes until they are ready to be counted.
The unfolded part is just stuff you guys made up
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The part that shows election observers being forced out of the room THEN BOXES OF UNFOLDED MAIL IN BALLOTS BEING PULLED FROM UNDER TABLES.....THAT FUCKING PART!!!!!!!
Don't give this forum your GASLIGHT THEATRE BULLSHIT mother fucker!!!

Retard, the observers watched them seal up uncounted ballots and stow them under table, which they pulled back out about an hour later to count. It's all on surveillance video you refuse to watch and all legit.

Face reality -- you're a fucking moron.
Legitimate, trained, Election observers were not forced out.
RW Conspiracy Theorists were moved back to a reasonable distance

Mail in ballots are linked to a registered voter, signatures verified and then resulting ballots are secured in locked boxes until they are ready to be counted.
The unfolded part is just stuff you guys n
made up
"These are not the droids you are looking for."
* waves hand *
Retard, the observers watched them seal up uncounted ballots and stow them under table, which they pulled back out about an hour later to count. It's all on surveillance video you refuse to watch and all legit.

Face reality -- you're a fucking moron.
Fuck off, gas-bag!!!!

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