Election Interference: Here are the Four Colorado Justices Who Voted to Exclude Donald Trump from the 2024 Ballot

Still an opinion. A higher opinion will soon rub this one out. Then you can whine and whine and whine...
How is SCOTUS going to interfere in a state running their election after they have ruled that states run their own elections?
How is SCOTUS going to interfere in a state running their election after they have ruled that states run their own elections?
Because it's not in the jurisdiction of the states to make that call. Only Congress can
States rights. Remember those?

SCOTUS has affirmed states running federal elections, not Feds running federal elections, Shitty Lawyer.
Yes, failed human, in many regards states do run elections within their own respective borders. You fuckstick.

But that doesn’t mean that the Federal Government (or its courts) are obliged to accept the denial to that state’s citizens of their right of electoral choice in federal elections.

Does your severely limited mind retain the ability to recall ANY instances of federal courts involving themselves in State election challenges?

Give up. Synthia; your tragic and severe mental retardation means that you’ll never be up to this discussion. 👍
And that’s all that’s needed? Some Democrats’ OPINION that there was an insurrection and that Trump engaged on it?

That‘s some slope there. Republicans can just determine that Biden is a traitor and knock him off ballots too.
First of all Democrats have nothing to do with this.

And yes, Supreme Court Justices' opinions carry weight. Every SCOTUS verdict handed down starts with "In the opinion of the court...".

What about that don't you understand?

And that opinion was based on evidence that you refused to know about because rightwing media refused to tell you about it, and you're too much of a lemming to search for it on legitimate news sources because rightwing media told you to only believe them.
Posted here Many times. When you dispute a statement, you do your own work to develop your rebuttal. Thinkers don’t bite at the bogus assignment to provide more material for you. We are not trying to convince you about anything. We know firmly the facts and realities.
Could’ve fooled me.
BTW… who establishes if someone has engaged in insurrection?
Yes, failed human, in many regards states do run elections within their own respective borders. You fuckstick.

But that doesn’t mean that the Federal Government (or its courts) are obliged to accept the denial to that state’s citizens of their right of electoral choice in federal elections.

Does your severely limited mind retain the ability to recall ANY instances of federal courts involving themselves in State election challenges?

Give up. Synthia; your tragic and severe mental retardation means that you’ll never be up to this discussion. 👍
OK, show us case law that backs you up.
He wasn't removed numbnuts Congress never said it was an insurrection

Section 3.​

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the
Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.
But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability
Please explain your point with this post.

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