Election Interference: Here are the Four Colorado Justices Who Voted to Exclude Donald Trump from the 2024 Ballot

You are only making him stronger.

I suspect Colorado will be in play for Trump by next week.
The SCOTUS is likely to at least grant an extended stay to prevent the enforcement of the Colorado Supreme Court decision beyond January 4, 2025.

And ultimately, by all means, I believe it almost a certainty that they will quash the manifestly lawless decision by the Colorado court.
Thank you for your answers, but as you know, he was acquitted of "inciting an insurrection" by the Senate.

So, the CO Supreme Court just prevented Trump for running for office for a make believe crime.

Trump has been denied due process, and the US Supreme Court will overturn.

He was acquitted by the senate because they said this was a matter for the courts. Remember that?
The SCOTUS is likely to at least grant an extended stay to prevent the enforcement of the Colorado Supreme Court decision beyond January 4, 2025.

And ultimately, by all means, I believe it almost a certainty that they will quash the manifestly lawless decision by the Colorado court.
Yeah, Leo and crow didn’t buy this right Bluto.
He was acquitted by the senate because they said this was a matter for the courts. Remember that?
So back to the question. Show me where Trump was convicted of the crime of insurrection. As you said, it's a crime, and the defendant has a right to defend himself.

He has not even been charge with insurrection, although Jack Smith has charged him with all kinds of criminal things (for which there has not yet been a trial).

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