Election Interference: Here are the Four Colorado Justices Who Voted to Exclude Donald Trump from the 2024 Ballot

Why would they grant a stay rather than just ruling on it?
Because the commences its next court session is, if I recall correctly, not until Jan. 4 or 5, 2024.

Presumably they will want it fully briefed and they may wish to hear oral arguments.

No need to rush as long as the Col Supreme Couet decision continues to be stayed. (It is presently stayed until 1/4).
Because the commences its next court session is, if I recall correctly, not until Jan. 4 or 5, 2024.

Presumably they will want it fully briefed and they may wish to hear oral arguments.

No need to rush as long as the Col Supreme Couet decision continues to be stayed. (It is presently stayed until 1/4).
Bad spelling
Where is that required?

He was sued for doing just that and was found to have indeed engaged in insurrection. He was then found to be ineligible to be on the ballot in CO pursuant to section 3 of the 14th amd.

Can’t be any clearer than that.
What a load of horse shit. You're gonna find out.
Where is that standard set?

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.

Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.
You just said the insurrection was “established.” So Democrats get to establish things that aren’t proven?
Of course they do. They do it all the time. Like those masks. It's big time bullying and even actual abuse.

But you asked the right question. WHO DECIDES? Certainly not some piss ant leftard in a robe. Not the media, not the deep state, and not an activist judge.

Every American is entitled to face his accusers in front of a jury of his peers.

Otherwise, this is the same "crap" the fucking scumbag "judges" used to pull in Stalinist Russia, they "decide" people are crazy and lock them away in institutions.
Ben Shapiro...not the biggest Trump supporter...but here he is defending Donald Trump...

Of course they do. They do it all the time. Like those masks. It's big time bullying and even actual abuse.

But you asked the right question. WHO DECIDES? Certainly not some piss ant leftard in a robe. Not the media, not the deep state, and not an activist judge.

Every American is entitled to face his accusers in front of a jury of his peers.

Otherwise, this is the same "crap" the fucking scumbag "judges" used to pull in Stalinist Russia, they "decide" people are crazy and lock them away in institutions.
Congress both the house and Senate make that determination. Not the courts
Doesn't apply to the office of President, as that isn't included in Section 3. Just one of several reasons it doesn't apply to Trump.
Beyond that and most importantly there is no conviction. SCOTUS....even the liberal judges....are not going to cede the prerogative of the guilty verdict to a state court system. Now mind you I think they have spunk for doing it. I've always felt as though the feds have encroached too much on states rights. But this isn't even about Trump. It's about the order of the entire system. You either have one or you don't. Probably be 9-0.
Of course they do. They do it all the time. Like those masks. It's big time bullying and even actual abuse.

But you asked the right question. WHO DECIDES? Certainly not some piss ant leftard in a robe. Not the media, not the deep state, and not an activist judge.

Every American is entitled to face his accusers in front of a jury of his peers.

Otherwise, this is the same "crap" the fucking scumbag "judges" used to pull in Stalinist Russia, they "decide" people are crazy and lock them away in institutions.
That's exactly what democrats want, a tribunal of leftist black robes decide everything. No elections.

This is the problem with staying ignorant and refusing to watch the January 6th committee that FOX refused to broadcast.
You mean the lying fucking scumbags who DESTROYED the "evidence" they created out of thin air?

The fuckers that doctored the audio, and the video?

And you wonder why no one watched the idiotic leftard clown parade?
What makes you imagine anyone is obligated to jump through any of your meaningless hoops?

You don’t understand case citations when they’re explained to you.
I knew you were talking out your ass again.

When I make definitive statements I always back them up with links. You insult, then run and hide.
You 4 dirty pieces of crap! :9:
A triggered snowflake!

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