Election Interference: Here are the Four Colorado Justices Who Voted to Exclude Donald Trump from the 2024 Ballot

They don’t have jurisdiction. That’s a pretty silly question. If you have a point to make why don’t you just make it and save a needless back and forth?
Explain why they have been using a federal law that happen on federal property 2000 miles from Colorado.

Section 3​

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
You never replied to my post about "Fight Like Hell". I guess after seeing all the democrats using even more violent language than Trump you don't want to talk about that, huh.

Section 3 doesn't mention anything about a former President. The POTUS isn't an officer.
You never replied to my post about "Fight Like Hell". I guess after seeing all the democrats using even more violent language than Trump you don't want to talk about that, huh.

Section 3 doesn't mention anything about a former President. The POTUS isn't an officer.
The supreme has ruled we don't elect officers
Dumbass Rebellion or insurrection is a federal offense that criminalizes inciting, engaging in, or giving aid and comfort to any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or its laws. A rebellion is usually an organized, armed, and often violent resistance to government authority.
It's not a state issue especially since the offense didn't occured within that states borders

Whether someone is included on any election ballot is a state issue. Article 1 Sec. 4 designates that the States run & control the elections for Federal Office.

Yes, Insurrection is a federal criminal offense, but the 14th Amendment does not require a conviction.
History repeats itself

In 1860, democrats kept Abraham Lincoln off the ballot 10 states because they wanted to keep their slaves.
He won anyway.
A war soon followed, and slaves were freed.

In 2023, Democrats are trying to keep Trump off the ballot, because they want to keep us enslaved.
Trump will win anyway.
We will be free.
Hopefully, we won't have the Civil War.
History repeats itself

In 1860, democrats kept Abraham Lincoln off the ballot 10 states because they wanted to keep their slaves.
He won anyway.
A war soon followed, and slaves were freed.

In 2023, Democrats are trying to keep Trump off the ballot, because they want to keep us enslaved.
Trump will win anyway.
We will be free.
Hopefully, we won't have the Civil War.
They split the vote....
Explain why they have been using a federal law that happen on federal property 2000 miles from Colorado.
Because they have responsibility to hold federal elections in their state. They weren’t prosecuting a federal crime. They were making determinations about election eligibility and using the constitution as their guide
You never replied to my post about "Fight Like Hell". I guess after seeing all the democrats using even more violent language than Trump you don't want to talk about that, huh.

Section 3 doesn't mention anything about a former President. The POTUS isn't an officer.
Yes, the POTUS is an Officer.

And yes, the term 'Fight Like Hell' is used a lot, but usually in a very obviously symbolic way. Trump was very specific in instructing his idiots to go to the Capitol and 'Fight Like Hell".

Many of the people that have been convicted for the attack on the Capitol have stated that they did so believing that Trump told them to.

Even if Trump did not intend them to do violence, we can not afford to have a President that is stupid enough to say what he said. He DEFINITELY incited that attack. It's not relevant whether he intended it or not.

Charley Manson was more believable in denying his intent in instructing his followers than Trump is.
Yes, the POTUS is an Officer.

And yes, the term 'Fight Like Hell' is used a lot, but usually in a very obviously symbolic way. Trump was very specific in instructing his idiots to go to the Capitol and 'Fight Like Hell".

Many of the people that have been convicted for the attack on the Capitol have stated that they did so believing that Trump told them to.
And not a single one of them for "insurrection" Odd that, huh?

Do you think the drafters of the 14th were trying to save on ink? Why didn't they specifically enumerate "President and Vice-President" in section 3 if they intended to include them? They did list "President and Vice-President" in section 2

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