Election Interference: Here are the Four Colorado Justices Who Voted to Exclude Donald Trump from the 2024 Ballot

They split the vote....

1860 Electoral College Result. Lincoln won with 180 (152 needed) despite not being on the ballot in 10 states.

Interestingly, in Virginia, Lincoln received just 1,929 votes out of 167,223 cast—barely 1 percent. The result was even worse in his native Kentucky: 1,364 out of 146,216 votes cast. Lincoln was way more divisive than Trump.
I literally just said it wasn’t a criminal trial and your response is to agree with me, saying it’s not a trial and I’m a lying moron
It wasn’t a criminal trial or ANY trial.
You had previously and ignorantly insisted that it had been a trial.

So, deal with the blowback, bitch. As I corrected you I now reiterate. There was NO trial.
You’re showing off the moron in shining colors
You’ve already confirmed that you’re a douchebag and a rancid twat.

Now, let’s take another step in your very slow learning process.

After the judge’s decision on the hearing, pending a future “trial” (which has now been short circuited by the Co. Supreme Court’s improper and premature intervention), Trump remained on the ballot. So, in order for the Co. Supreme Court to render its improper decision, they overruled the lower court on the pre-trial hearing determination.

Why would they have done that? Politics. It wasn’t based on law. And it wasn’t a determination made after any trial. It’s not clear why the Co. Supreme Court didn’t just simply say, “the parties’ respective appeals are held in abeyance pending the trial results.”
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Because they have responsibility to hold federal elections in their state. They weren’t prosecuting a federal crime. They were making determinations about election eligibility and using the constitution as their guide
No one was charged with insurrection and it's up to the house and Senate to decide not the state.
Plenty of red states can have Biden removed from the ballot tit for tat
I literally just said it wasn’t a criminal trial and your response is to agree with me, saying it’s not a trial and I’m a lying moron.

You’re showing off the moron in shining colors
Insurrection is a federal crime
Yes, the POTUS is an Officer.

And yes, the term 'Fight Like Hell' is used a lot, but usually in a very obviously symbolic way. Trump was very specific in instructing his idiots to go to the Capitol and 'Fight Like Hell".

Many of the people that have been convicted for the attack on the Capitol have stated that they did so believing that Trump told them to.

Even if Trump did not intend them to do violence, we can not afford to have a President that is stupid enough to say what he said. He DEFINITELY incited that attack. It's not relevant whether he intended
Charley Manson was more believable in denying his intent in instructing his followers than Trump is.
No, the President isn't an officer. Again, it's a personal opinion that President Trump meant something different. You guys have screwed up again. Why not let the people decide. Your fear is plain for all to see. Don't you trust the American people? Democrats sure don't act like it.
Anyone on the SCOTUS bench who approves of the Colorado ruling should be admonished and dismissed as a partisan.
This nonsense will be reversed, it's not even a close call. As you say, the only question will be if any of the liberal judges unfortunately go partisan.
They didn’t convict him of a crime they deemed him ineligible to be on their states ballot and it is up to each state to handle their election process, right?
Don't you recall it was the states courts that ruled he will remain on the ballot? Twice the ruling favored Trump.
It wasn’t a criminal trial or ANY trial.
You had previously and ignorantly insisted that it had been a trial.

So, deal with the blowback, bitch. As I corrected you I now reiterate. There was NO trial.
Of course it was a trial. It was a court case which is literally the definition of a trial. You're trying way to hard to play word games for gotchya cause you can’t make any real arguments

You really need to study the dictionary cause your confuse in basic definitions. Start with insurrection and then look up trial.
Yes, the POTUS is an Officer.

And yes, the term 'Fight Like Hell' is used a lot, but usually in a very obviously symbolic way. Trump was very specific in instructing his idiots to go to the Capitol and 'Fight Like Hell".

Many of the people that have been convicted for the attack on the Capitol have stated that they did so believing that Trump told them to.

Even if Trump did not intend them to do violence, we can not afford to have a President that is stupid enough to say what he said. He DEFINITELY incited that attack. It's not relevant whether he intended it or not.

Charley Manson was more believable in denying his intent in instructing his followers than Trump is.
Supreme Court case law concerning which individuals in the federal government constitute Officers of the United States—and thus must be appointed pursuant to the requirements of the Appointments Clause—has been relatively sparse over the course of the Nation’s history,1 with many of the key Supreme Court decisions occurring in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries.2 In one of the earliest cases addressing the issue, Chief Justice John Marshall, riding circuit in the 1823 case of United States v. Maurice, defined an officer as one entrusted with a duty that is a continuing one, which is defined by rules prescribed by the government, and not by contract, which an individual is appointed by government to perform.3 A similar principle was espoused in an opinion issued by Attorney General Hugh Legare in 1843, wherein he contrasted the appointment of permanent customs inspectors who qualify as officers of the United States, with the appointment by customs collectors of occasional inspectors who do not.4

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