Election Interference: Here are the Four Colorado Justices Who Voted to Exclude Donald Trump from the 2024 Ballot

Funny how you cut that off just before this part:

It differs from rebellion, for the latter expresses a revolt, or an attempt to overthrow the government, to establish a different one or to place the country under another jurisdiction.

Glad you bring links destroying the left's bullshit about Jan 6 being an attempt to overthrow the government. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :oops8:


You're such a dumbfuck. :lmao:

Dumbfuck, I didn't include that part because a revolt is different from an insurrection. I did include sedition since sedition is the equivalent of insurrection, just less extensive rising by the citizens.
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You have stated there is no clear legal definition of insurrection, Simp.

Part of the definition is attacking the government.

Keep squirming..................this is fun. :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:


This is fun, Dumbfuck. Cause YOU just unwittingly accused Trump of the same crime of which you accused Biden. Those assaults on border police did not start under Biden.
Concessions only indicate a candidate accepts their loss. But that's not your idiocy.

That was you comparing Gore fighting in court with Trump fighting in court. But Trump has not been indicted for fighting in court, that's not a relevant comparison.

And you compared Hillary insisting she won in 2016 with Trump insisting he won in 2020. But Trump has not been indicted for insisting he won, so that too is not a relevant comparison.

It appears to me you're completely ignorant to the charges Trump actually was indicted for.
When this is over, you will learn that the court will not find Trump guilty for several reasons. And many attorneys agree with me on that. They call it a trial for a reason. To find out if a party is guilty. So we must conclude a trial and any appeals then we can call it a crime.
Still plenty of violence. And with the intent to "stop the steal," i.e., stop the Constitutionally mandated law of counting electoral votes. The very definition of insurrection.
Trump did not want vote counting stopped. Biden did. Trump wanted those who voted for him to also be counted. Trump did not so much as enter the capitol and if there were 6 trying to pull off an insurrection it will shock many of us. These were peaceful people inside a Government building. The cops hit some of them but they were outside. But one cop murdered a female who was apparently being boosted up into a window. She never made it. The punk ass cop murdered her.
To be defined as an attempt there has to be a potential realized outcome
If I wizz into the Grand Canyon, there has not been an attempt to pee across it nor flood it
Same thing with the lunacy that this was sn attempt to install their own new government
So your vision of democracy has fewer choices.

Biden is a foreign asset. Should he be pulled of the ballot?
is that your justification do disenfranchise voters based on population density? because Biden has some imagined foreign influence?

The Trump family has more foreign ties than Biden does if thats whats important to you.

You're such a dumbfuck. :lmao:

Dumbfuck, I didn't include that part because a revolt is different from an insurrection. I did include sedition since sedition is the equivalent of insurrection, just less extensive rising by the citizens.
You edited it out because you clowns have been bleating about how close we came to having the government overthrown, Simp.

This is fun, Dumbfuck. Cause YOU just unwittingly accused Trump of the same crime of which you accused Biden. Those assaults on border police did not start under Biden.
Trump didn’t invite those illegal in, Dumbass.

You lose again, Simp.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
Still plenty of violence. And with the intent to "stop the steal," i.e., stop the Constitutionally mandated law of counting electoral votes. The very definition of insurrection.
And yet, no insurrection charges for the abandoned insurrection, Vermin.

Nah, mostly peaceful protest.
Post Script:
Thanks for the response, friends. The Democratic party has proven to be anti-Democratic and anti-American at every turn. We all know there is no cause so disingenuous they don't support. one thing they do support: "Accelerationism".
I’d love to debate the merits of the decision if anybody is up to it
They cited supposdely-mean (but just BS talk to normal human beings) things Trump said in 2016, and then of all things used a radical leftist sociology professor to declare that Trump was using "coded language" to incite violence even though he called for peace many times... and tied those assumptions into some calculating intent they maniftested by Trump.

This is like tin-foil hat stuff. This is a wakeup call that we have crazed radicals in government that will gladly abuse it to go after the people they disagree with or hate.

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