Elections have consequences


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
All you people who are angry over Afghanistan, border security, inflation, Delta variant, kids still wearing masks in schools,
crime rates up, employers cannot find workers, police officers quitting at record rates. This is who you elected. Why are you surprised?

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And they have not even begun................................
Fraudulent elections have even bigger consequences and they are normally not good ones.
All you people who are angry over Afghanistan, border security, inflation, Delta variant, kids still wearing masks in schools. This is who you elected. Why are you surprised?

I'm not Biden has always been a go along to get along take the line of least resistance politican he is doing everything I expected he would do.
We lived with four years of the consequences of 2016

Biden is a breath of fresh air regardless of how Trump Humpers feel
You didn’t dispute anything in the OP.

Truth over Facts
Gee. Guess you missed the mess he made of our border and the clusterfuck he made in the Stan.

Oh and I guess you didn't like a great economy, jobs all across this country and gas at 1.70 a gallon. All that with Trump at the helm.

Your breath of fresh air smells like shit.
Gee. Guess you missed the mess he made of our border and the clusterfuck he made in the Stan.

Oh and I guess you didn't like a great economy, jobs all across this country and gas at 1.70 a gallon. All that with Trump at the helm.

Your breath of fresh air smells like shit.
A. The Stan...was ugly but ultimately successful. That's the nature of getting out of fucked up wars.

B. The border isn't nearly as bad as you folks would make it out to be

C. And hey...you want $1.70 gas? Just shut down the country. That's what got us low gas prices (which hardly got below $2 by the way)
The Stan withdrawal was ugly cause Bidung made it ugly.

Oh and another million illegals in the country is way ugly. In case you were wondering those illegals cost we tax payer billions every year.

If Bidung hadn't called for no drilling on Fed lands and wanted to end fracking we would still have gas at 1.70 a gallon.

You voted for an incompetent boob. Congrats. Dumbass.
If Bidung hadn't called for no drilling on Fed lands and wanted to end fracking we would still have gas at 1.70 a gallon.
You dope.

Demand dropped through the floor with the covid lockdown and Putin refused to cut oil production.

You have heard of supply and demand right?

And Biden was carrying out the withdrawal your Orange Hero set in motion.

And we have withdrawn.
You dope. We were oil independent before Bidung came along.

No. Had Bidung followed the plan he would have been a hero. He ignored the plan and his Generals so we had a clusterfuck with Americans and friendlies still stuck in the Stan.

I'm glad we got most out but there are some still there. I'm also glad we are out of the Stan.

We withdrew all right and left billions of dollars worth of military equipment behind. Had he followed the plan what was ours would have been out of there as well. Now the Taliban has it all. Some withdrawal.

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