Electoral College Breakdown

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What got them in trouble, because your ability to remember things is very selective, is that Nan Fransicko, and Dirty Harry Reid behind closed doors and not one Republican support, went against the will of the people and created a broken healthcare system for you stupid liberals. When the brown turd Oblummer signed it into law, that was the downfall of the Demoncrap party until 2018 when liberal states started recounting losses over and over, finding unfilled ballots in the trunks of their cars, until they won.

If that argument was correct, then they would have beaten Obama in 2012. They didn't.

The thing is, most of those districts were already drawn to favor Republicans, and most of the Democrats who got voted out were the ones who didn't support ACA to start with. Heck, they didn't even end the Iraq War like they promised they would. We're still there.
The Democraps have created this crisis, desperately hoping that Trump and Republicans in general will be blamed for it, and that the Democraps will benefit from it in the election. They think, and are hoping, that the American people are stupid.

The American people are stupid. Republicans keep bringing them recessions, and they keep getting voted back in after Democrats solve the problem.

I don't think it's going to work. I think everyone can see which party it i that is responsible for turning an overhyped flue into an economic disaster, and which party is trying to control and mitigate this disaster. We see Nanthy “Marie Antoinette” Pelothi telling us all to eat cake, as she boasts of her life of idle luxury in her multi-million dollar mansion, eating $13/pint ice cream out of her $24,000 refrigerator, while we, the little people, wonder how long we're going to be able to obtain any food at all, or keep roofs over our heads.

He isn't running against Pelosi... Pelosi isn't on the ballot.

I think this play is going to backfire against the Democraps. They should count themselves lucky if the worst that happens to them is merely being voted out of office en-masse.

The only people getting voted out of office en masse will be the Republicans. It's the old cycle. A Republican goes in, messes up the economy by letting the rich run roughshod over the rest of us (Hoover, Bush-41, Bush-43, Trump) a Democrat comes along and fixes it, and a few years later, you guys use racism and religion to get dumb white people to vote to get screwed by the rich all over again. Wash, Rinse, Repeat.

You see, this probably wouldn't be so bad, if the other underlying problems weren't there. Because Trump's rich buddies took all that money they got in tax breaks and ran up a bunch of debts, they are going to screw working people. Those jobs won't be coming back when the businesses reopen in May. In fact, they'll just end up firing more people to try to restore "profitability".
Yeah Palin really helped McCain.

Yeah, actually, she did. Check out the polling over 2008. McCain was trailing Obama pretty much the whole time, but the week after he picked Palin, he managed to close the gap to within the margin of error.

McCain didn't lose because of Palin. He lost because Bush tanked the economy and he was advocating continuing the Iraq War which was massively unpopular at that point.

And debates didn’t help Trump win the nomination and the presidency.

Trump flailed miserably in the debates and he lost by 3 million votes... so um, yeah, the Debates didn't help him at all.
The only people getting voted out of office en masse will be the Republicans. It's the old cycle. A Republican goes in, messes up the economy by … a Democrat comes along and fixes it,

Nice story. But it won't fly.

It is obvious to nearly everyone, who is deliberately trying to trash the economy, using a cooked-up hoax over an overhyped flu as an excuse to do so; and who is trying to save the economy.
Nice story. But it won't fly.

It is obvious to nearly everyone, who is deliberately trying to trash the economy, using a cooked-up hoax over an overhyped flu as an excuse to do so; and who is trying to save the economy.

So those 45,000 dead people are just faking it, Mormon Bob?

Bunch of malingerers..

Yes, people can tell who is trying to save the economy... and it isn't Trump.

So those 45,000 dead people are just faking it, Mormon Bob?

Once you filter out the fraud, being used to deceitfully pad the numbers, it's no worse than any other years' flu season.

Should we be shutting down the economy every year, and keeping citizens under house arrest without due process of law, and trashing everyone's Constitutional rights, just because some people get sick, and allowing the corrupt pieces of shit who infest our government to seize more and more unjust power, every time some flu-like disease goes around?
VP Picks and debates don't make any difference. They really don't. Bush picked Quayle, said stupid things during the debates, and he STILL won in 1988.

The only thing that will matter is the economy, and the economy is going to suck by November....

You all thought the Great Recession was bad, the "Great Lockdown" is going to be far worse.

The Democraps have created this crisis, desperately hoping that Trump and Republicans in general will be blamed for it, and that the Democraps will benefit from it in the election. They think, and are hoping, that the American people are stupid.

I don't think it's going to work. I think everyone can see which party it i that is responsible for turning an overhyped flue into an economic disaster, and which party is trying to control and mitigate this disaster. We see Nanthy “Marie Antoinette” Pelothi telling us all to eat cake, as she boasts of her life of idle luxury in her multi-million dollar mansion, eating $13/pint ice cream out of her $24,000 refrigerator, while we, the little people, wonder how long we're going to be able to obtain any food at all, or keep roofs over our heads.

I think this play is going to backfire against the Democraps. They should count themselves lucky if the worst that happens to them is merely being voted out of office en-masse.
Yea the Democrats planned this global epidemic just to get Trump
VP Picks and debates don't make any difference. They really don't. Bush picked Quayle, said stupid things during the debates, and he STILL won in 1988.

The only thing that will matter is the economy, and the economy is going to suck by November....

You all thought the Great Recession was bad, the "Great Lockdown" is going to be far worse.

The Democraps have created this crisis, desperately hoping that Trump and Republicans in general will be blamed for it, and that the Democraps will benefit from it in the election. They think, and are hoping, that the American people are stupid.

I don't think it's going to work. I think everyone can see which party it i that is responsible for turning an overhyped flue into an economic disaster, and which party is trying to control and mitigate this disaster. We see Nanthy “Marie Antoinette” Pelothi telling us all to eat cake, as she boasts of her life of idle luxury in her multi-million dollar mansion, eating $13/pint ice cream out of her $24,000 refrigerator, while we, the little people, wonder how long we're going to be able to obtain any food at all, or keep roofs over our heads.

I think this play is going to backfire against the Democraps. They should count themselves lucky if the worst that happens to them is merely being voted out of office en-masse.
Yea the Democrats planned this global epidemic just to get Trump
So that's why Comey announced he found Hillary's government emails on Weiner's porn computer.
It's a shame when Hillary breaks the rules and the voters find out.
Just awful.

The voters still voted for her by three million more votes than Trump.
/——-/ Another meaningless statistic.
VP Picks and debates don't make any difference. They really don't. Bush picked Quayle, said stupid things during the debates, and he STILL won in 1988.

The only thing that will matter is the economy, and the economy is going to suck by November....

You all thought the Great Recession was bad, the "Great Lockdown" is going to be far worse.

The Democraps have created this crisis, desperately hoping that Trump and Republicans in general will be blamed for it, and that the Democraps will benefit from it in the election. They think, and are hoping, that the American people are stupid.

I don't think it's going to work. I think everyone can see which party it i that is responsible for turning an overhyped flue into an economic disaster, and which party is trying to control and mitigate this disaster. We see Nanthy “Marie Antoinette” Pelothi telling us all to eat cake, as she boasts of her life of idle luxury in her multi-million dollar mansion, eating $13/pint ice cream out of her $24,000 refrigerator, while we, the little people, wonder how long we're going to be able to obtain any food at all, or keep roofs over our heads.

I think this play is going to backfire against the Democraps. They should count themselves lucky if the worst that happens to them is merely being voted out of office en-masse.
Yea the Democrats planned this global epidemic just to get Trump
/----/ "Yea the Democrats planned this global epidemic just to get Trump"
You're not that clever. What democRATs did was exploit the epidemic to harm Trump.
VP Picks and debates don't make any difference. They really don't. Bush picked Quayle, said stupid things during the debates, and he STILL won in 1988.

The only thing that will matter is the economy, and the economy is going to suck by November....

You all thought the Great Recession was bad, the "Great Lockdown" is going to be far worse.

The Democraps have created this crisis, desperately hoping that Trump and Republicans in general will be blamed for it, and that the Democraps will benefit from it in the election. They think, and are hoping, that the American people are stupid.

I don't think it's going to work. I think everyone can see which party it i that is responsible for turning an overhyped flue into an economic disaster, and which party is trying to control and mitigate this disaster. We see Nanthy “Marie Antoinette” Pelothi telling us all to eat cake, as she boasts of her life of idle luxury in her multi-million dollar mansion, eating $13/pint ice cream out of her $24,000 refrigerator, while we, the little people, wonder how long we're going to be able to obtain any food at all, or keep roofs over our heads.

I think this play is going to backfire against the Democraps. They should count themselves lucky if the worst that happens to them is merely being voted out of office en-masse.
Yea the Democrats planned this global epidemic just to get Trump
So that's why Comey announced he found Hillary's government emails on Weiner's porn computer.
It's a shame when Hillary breaks the rules and the voters find out.
Just awful.

The voters still voted for her by three million more votes than Trump.
/——-/ Another meaningless statistic.
VP Picks and debates don't make any difference. They really don't. Bush picked Quayle, said stupid things during the debates, and he STILL won in 1988.

The only thing that will matter is the economy, and the economy is going to suck by November....

You all thought the Great Recession was bad, the "Great Lockdown" is going to be far worse.

The Democraps have created this crisis, desperately hoping that Trump and Republicans in general will be blamed for it, and that the Democraps will benefit from it in the election. They think, and are hoping, that the American people are stupid.

I don't think it's going to work. I think everyone can see which party it i that is responsible for turning an overhyped flue into an economic disaster, and which party is trying to control and mitigate this disaster. We see Nanthy “Marie Antoinette” Pelothi telling us all to eat cake, as she boasts of her life of idle luxury in her multi-million dollar mansion, eating $13/pint ice cream out of her $24,000 refrigerator, while we, the little people, wonder how long we're going to be able to obtain any food at all, or keep roofs over our heads.

I think this play is going to backfire against the Democraps. They should count themselves lucky if the worst that happens to them is merely being voted out of office en-masse.
Yea the Democrats planned this global epidemic just to get Trump
/----/ "Yea the Democrats planned this global epidemic just to get Trump"
You're not that clever. What democRATs did was exploit the epidemic to harm Trump.

Trump is accountable for what he did and what he failed to do

Let the voters decide in November if he did a good job
Yeah Palin really helped McCain.

Yeah, actually, she did. Check out the polling over 2008. McCain was trailing Obama pretty much the whole time, but the week after he picked Palin, he managed to close the gap to within the margin of error.

McCain didn't lose because of Palin. He lost because Bush tanked the economy and he was advocating continuing the Iraq War which was massively unpopular at that point.

And debates didn’t help Trump win the nomination and the presidency.

Trump flailed miserably in the debates and he lost by 3 million votes... so um, yeah, the Debates didn't help him at all.
He failed miserably? How did he beat 16 other candidates and garner the nomination? He had zero political experience and then he crushed Clinton in the general election. Votes are irrelevant. He didn’t campaign in blue states. Look at it this way. I am way more intelligent and successful than you. I likely pay triple the taxes you do but our votes count the same? How is that logical? Save me your diatribe about how the EC is unfair. Only unfair when your candidate loses.
Because America is still a country that bizarrely uses an 18th century anachronism to pick presidents, we have to look at the state by state races.

For sake of this argument, let's assume Biden will get all the states Hillary won for 232 Electoral votes. Let's also assume for the argument that no matter how awful the economy gets, Trump will still 19 safe states, for a total of 123.

That leaves us with the following states in play - WI, MI, PA, NC, AZ, FL, TX, IA, OH, and GA. We can also put in there ME2 and NE2

So I will break them down into three groups.

The Ones Hillary Should have Won- WI, MI, PA - Because she didn't devote resources, because Comey sandbagged her, or because of Russian Shennanigans, Hillary lost these states. So how is Biden doing there.

Well, he's leading in all three.

This is before the full effect of Trump's Recession are hit, and Biden's still ahead. When these folks realize that not only won't they get Daddy's factory job back, they probably won't get to keep that service job they have, it WILL be worse.

Those three will put him over 278, game over, man, game over.

But wait, there's more!

Next up we have the three Hillary tried really hard for - NC, AZ and FL

Biden is competitive in those, and has a firm lead in Arizona.

If he wins those three, he will be up to 333, actually better than Obama did in 2008. Let's throw in Maine2 into that mix, and go with 334.

Then you have the Swinging for the Fences states. These are states the Democrats could potentially win. = IA, OH, TX and GA. Not as much polling data on these from RCP. But what little there is shows Biden could be competitive. Probably a lot more after the bottom completely falls out of the economy. That would bring him up to 413

he's withing 3 points in Texas

5 Points in Iowa

Actually LEADING Trump in Ohio.

Trailing him by 8 points in Georgia, but again- this assumes the economy collapses completely and Trump won't be so popular anymore.

Next up, we have

Biden has no chance in TX or GA. I doubt he has one in OH or IA.

NC, FL...no chance in my view.

Biden has a good chance in AZ.

As for WI,MI, PA. If the DEMs show up at the polls, I think that they may flip back. You didn’t account for the DEMs being motivated. I think one of the reasons HRC lost was DEMs being over confident. That shouldn’t happen again in 2020. The problem is Biden is to Charisma what Superman is to Kryptonite; they both avoid it.

Also, VA is going to be a real dog fight.
So that's why Comey announced he found Hillary's government emails on Weiner's porn computer.
It's a shame when Hillary breaks the rules and the voters find out.
Just awful.

The voters still voted for her by three million more votes than Trump.

Yes, California, with their new open primary rules, worked out very well for Hillary.
The rest of the country......less well.
Because America is still a country that bizarrely uses an 18th century anachronism to pick presidents, we have to look at the state by state races.

For sake of this argument, let's assume Biden will get all the states Hillary won for 232 Electoral votes. Let's also assume for the argument that no matter how awful the economy gets, Trump will still 19 safe states, for a total of 123.

That leaves us with the following states in play - WI, MI, PA, NC, AZ, FL, TX, IA, OH, and GA. We can also put in there ME2 and NE2

So I will break them down into three groups.

The Ones Hillary Should have Won- WI, MI, PA - Because she didn't devote resources, because Comey sandbagged her, or because of Russian Shennanigans, Hillary lost these states. So how is Biden doing there.

Well, he's leading in all three.

This is before the full effect of Trump's Recession are hit, and Biden's still ahead. When these folks realize that not only won't they get Daddy's factory job back, they probably won't get to keep that service job they have, it WILL be worse.

Those three will put him over 278, game over, man, game over.

But wait, there's more!

Next up we have the three Hillary tried really hard for - NC, AZ and FL

Biden is competitive in those, and has a firm lead in Arizona.

If he wins those three, he will be up to 333, actually better than Obama did in 2008. Let's throw in Maine2 into that mix, and go with 334.

Then you have the Swinging for the Fences states. These are states the Democrats could potentially win. = IA, OH, TX and GA. Not as much polling data on these from RCP. But what little there is shows Biden could be competitive. Probably a lot more after the bottom completely falls out of the economy. That would bring him up to 413

he's withing 3 points in Texas

5 Points in Iowa

Actually LEADING Trump in Ohio.

Trailing him by 8 points in Georgia, but again- this assumes the economy collapses completely and Trump won't be so popular anymore.

Next up, we have

Biden has no chance in TX or GA. I doubt he has one in OH or IA.

NC, FL...no chance in my view.

Biden has a good chance in AZ.

As for WI,MI, PA. If the DEMs show up at the polls, I think that they may flip back. You didn’t account for the DEMs being motivated. I think one of the reasons HRC lost was DEMs being over confident. That shouldn’t happen again in 2020. The problem is Biden is to Charisma what Superman is to Kryptonite; they both avoid it.

Also, VA is going to be a real dog fight.
Mostly agree

The wild card is we don’t know what shape the country will be in come November.

If Trump can sell himself as a savior, he will win
If he takes the blame, he and Republicans will lose big and Democrats will be left to pick up the pieces
Yes, California, with their new open primary rules, worked out very well for Hillary.
The rest of the country......less well.

One more way for a party in enough power to amplify its power and shut out the opposition.

I was started, a few election cycles ago, when it came to casting a vote for a new Senator to succeed Barbara Boxer, to see that instead of having a choice between a Democrap and a Republican, to have two Democraps, each of them even more corrupt than Senator Boxer. That's where we got Kamala Harris. The other choice was Loretta Sanchez, a Congresscriminal who won the seat that she currently infests, a couple decades ago, by explicitly courting the votes of illegal aliens. She defeated the incumbent, Bob Dornan, by fewer than a thousand votes. A subsequent investigation solidly proved that there were at least seven or eight hundred votes cast in that election by illegal aliens, and there was evidence suggesting that the actual number may have been as much as four or five thousand.

The Democraps in power created the open-primary system in California, and have crafted and manipulated it in such a way as to pretty much guarantee that Republican candidates will not make it to the main election.
If Trump can sell himself as a savior, he will win
If he takes the blame, he and Republicans will lose big and Democrats will be left to pick up the pieces

It's obvious enough to nearly everyone that it is the Demnocraps that have created this crisis, and furthermore, that they did so deliberately, with the hope and the intent of blaming it on Trump and the Republicans. They deliberately harmed the economy, they deliberately harmed the country, they deliberately harmed the American people, all for the sake of seizing illegitimate power.

At this point, I do not think that if he wanted to, if he intended to, President Trump could possibly screw up badly enough to end up getting the blame for the mess that everyone can clearly see that the Democraps maliciously created.

This is going to backfire against the Democraps, to an unprecedented degree. As I said before, the Democraps will be very lucky if the worst that happens to them after this is merely being voted out of office, en-masse.
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