Zone1 Elementary kids forced to say ‘Black Lives Matter’ under the threat of violence: police


You forget combinations. but to me the pity pole positions are as follows:

17. Trans
16. Gay/Lesbian
15. Blacks
14. Muslims
13 Women
12 Native Americans
11 illegal alien
10 Hispanics
9 SE Asian
8 Atheist (Militant only, if Agnostic, go with what you were brought up as)
7 Asians
6 Jewish
5 Christian
4 Straight
3.Citizen/Legal Resident
2. Whites
1. Men

Add your score up to get your final tally. For race take the average score (add race points, divde by races you are)

I get a 16.

Best allowable score would be a trans gay black woman muslim atheist here illegally at 94.

I may work on this a bit and post separately. May add a criminal element to it.
In a decade pedophiles will top the list.
I didn't grow up around blacks and I wasn't racist as a kid.

Makes me wonder how many of these kids will grow up hating blacks because of shit like this?
I can imagine, back in the day and bet those black cooks were awesome. I think at the one room all black school that was closed down, there was no hot lunch. It was a far different time. Younger people on this board, below 50s or even 40s, or from areas not in The South cannot possibly imagine.

I'll bet! I used to work in a housing program for homeless women in Seattle and one requirement was for each resident to cook a meal for the whole house on a regular basis, and those black women could cook! I remember one woman's greens and cornbread in particular. I lived in the South briefly and I had never had better greens.

Wow. I thought you were my age or younger. In McCracken County, Kentucky, the last segregated black school in the county was shut down, when I was moving from the 4th to the 5th grade. It was literally a one room school house, the teacher, teaching grade 1 to 8. The teacher moved to my school with some of the students, and became my 5th grade teacher. She was a good teacher. I actually had her again years later as a Junior in High School, when I was one of three white students to take a first time selective English course in black American writers at Lone Oak High School. I won't bother to tell you what many of the white students that didn't take the course called it.
Is there a village in McCracken County called Phil?

Asking for a friend.
No, I am asking a serious question. Kids are supposed to be supervised 100% of the time they are at school, something about this story doesn't sound right.
BS you racist.

The suspects also allegedly recorded the White students who were forced to make the statement, police said.

Hunsaker told police the students who tried to avoid the situation were chased down, dragged or carried to a particular spot on the playground, with one student getting punched in the head by one of the suspects.
Sounds a little iffy too me, where were the teachers at or did they go and take a smoke break and left the kids all alone during recess.

Well like all schools all around the nation, I'm sure they can't find teachers, let alone aides to work the lunchroom and recess.

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