Elijah Cummings Goes To The Bush Appointed Shulman Well Again


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[Just getting a bit tiresome listening to this drivel from Cummings and the other Democrats. Bush (R) appointed Shulman, yes. But the nomination had to be confirmed by a Democratically controlled and very contentious Senate and quite likely with Chucky Schumer's (D-NY), who reportedly prefers young men and boys, tumescent male appendage up George W's rectum, the entire time.
Mr Shulman's past donorship records indicate that he leans firmly Democratic, but its wife, Barbara Anderson, who provides the clues as to how markedly Left the Shulman household leans. Besides the links in the powerline article posted, Ms Anderson worked for the Obama election campaign and was an avid occupy movement supporter.
This is all the result of the "Culture Of Corruption" (phrase credit to Michelle Malkin) sown by the president Obama as he sailed into office. Prosecuting the NBPP voting rights violation decision would be "Demeaning to my people" so the verdict was voided. We don't like the Defense Of Marriage Act" so we won't enforce it. There are so many undocumented Democrat illegals on our streets so we'll just stop enforcing our immigration laws and declare amnesty by executive fiat. The War on terror is over because I want it to be and I say it is despite Major Hassan's little workplace act of violence, besides Benghazi, besides Lee Rigby, besides Stockholm. Obama deliberately created a climate of lawlessness from time zero of his administration, an umbrella the entire Democratic Party could practice their own lawlessness under. Just how did Obamcare get passed? By an illegal "Deem and pass" backroom maneuver way past midnight on a holiday eve. And Doug Shulman's reply to the Congressional Committee that he visited the WhiteHouse 157 times so his kids could participate in the "Easter egg roll" seemed a bit bizaare to you? Mr Shulman thought he was operating under the Obama umbrella still, the principals laid out by Dan Pfeiffer only a week before on the Sunday Talk Show circuit "Any laws the president broke are irrelevant anyway" Mr Shulman obviously imminently expected Comrade Obama to arrive seated on a cloud in all his majesty and splendor to rescue him from those ravenous Republican curs on the committee. Or at the least rescued by a pack of Obama's flying monkeys, otherwise he wouldn't have been anywhere near as flippant.

German citizens did not go to bed cultured, sophisticated, enlightened citizens of the most advanced nation on the continent of Europe the night of January 30, 1933 to awake and find the ovens at Dachau in full throated roar the next morning. They got from the scene at the Reichschancellory the night before to Auschwitz and Treblinka, Sobibor, Minsk, and the Warsaw ghetto, slowly and deliberately under the exact same atmosphere of lawlessness the Obama Administration purposely seeks to cultivate here.
"Power corrupts and absolute power ciorrupts absolutely"]

"Democrats have made much of the fact that ex-IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman, who presided over the agency as it obstructed and harassed conservative non-profits, was appointed by President Bush. It turns out, however, that in one of many such unholy Washington alliances, Shulman is married to Susan L. Anderson, who is an Occupy Wall Street activist and a senior program adviser for the Washington-based group Public Campaign"

IRS Commissioner Shulman?s Wife Is Left-Wing Campaign Finance Activist | Power Line

[Here's a few of the lovely Ms Shulman's tweets. If poor Doug wanted to exercise his sense of smell at home at night and gain some tactile comfort and companionship, he had to accomodate his frau's political inclinations by day. Comrade Obama said it was all cool, anyway. You go get those Evil Tea Partyers, Doug.]

» IRS pillow talk - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
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There you go citing facts and history, as if they have any relevance. Don't you realize that this is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius?

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