Elisabeth Warren Flip Flop: I Never Claimed to be Cherokee, Oh Wait I Sure Did!

Remember, she's from the state that kept putting the alcoholic woman drowner back in office year after year.

Looks like the Dems are starting their own version of the Tea Party.

And Lizzie just might wind up in a bad situation...and the dems might not get "So Glad He's Dead" Ted Kennedy's seat back.

I can hardly wait to see all the hooting from the right using the same derisions the left has slung for so long.

Dem mutiny could sink Elizabeth Warren’s run - BostonHerald.com

Could there be mutiny occurring within the Massachusetts Democratic Party? The sentiment of discontent is not happening on John “Anchors Aweigh” Kerry’s yacht, Isabella. It is within the rank and file.

Next weekend, commonwealth Democrats are holding their annual state convention. It will be a gathering of moonbats wearing Birkenstocks and socks, union payroll patriots and limousine liberals. Although Fauxcahontas Elizabeth Warren is their anointed candidate to take on U.S. Sen. Scott Brown, state Democratic Party Chairman John Walsh is predicting that Marisa DeFranco, a Boston immigration lawyer with a mere 1200 Facebook friends, is going to get 15 percent of the delegates, allowing her to be on the September ballot. That means Sitting Duck Warren will have to face a primary.

This is contrary to the strategy deployed last fall when Democratic challengers such as Mayor Setti Warren and Alan Khazei had a mysterious change of heart and thus quickly dropped out of the race. Khazei has to be kicking himself around the block for quitting the race so early and clearly missing the Native American bundler in his opposition research.
She's still battling the other issue too.....

Senate hopeful Elizabeth Warren, in a sequel to an awkward on-camera encounter this week about her claim to Native American heritage, bolted from a campaign event yesterday, refusing to answer a Herald reporter’s questions about the controversy.

Moments after giving the keynote speech at the Young Democrats of Massachusetts convention, Warren and her handlers hustled out a rear exit of the SEIU 1199 offices in Dorchester. She climbed into the passenger side of an SUV and closed the door as a Herald reporter asked her a question and a photographer rolled video.

“Professor Warren, we’re with the Herald. Can you ... ” a Herald reporter said to Warren as she hopped into the car.

“She’s got to get going. I’m sorry,” a man who ushered Warren out of the building said. “Sorry, we’re running late.”
She's still battling the other issue too.....

Senate hopeful Elizabeth Warren, in a sequel to an awkward on-camera encounter this week about her claim to Native American heritage, bolted from a campaign event yesterday, refusing to answer a Herald reporter’s questions about the controversy.

Moments after giving the keynote speech at the Young Democrats of Massachusetts convention, Warren and her handlers hustled out a rear exit of the SEIU 1199 offices in Dorchester. She climbed into the passenger side of an SUV and closed the door as a Herald reporter asked her a question and a photographer rolled video.

“Professor Warren, we’re with the Herald. Can you ... ” a Herald reporter said to Warren as she hopped into the car.

“She’s got to get going. I’m sorry,” a man who ushered Warren out of the building said. “Sorry, we’re running late.”

I don't know what I'm enjoying more. Watching Warren squirm because of her decades of lies or knowing how much money the Dems have poured into this race and all that $$$$ is on the edge of being flushed down the toilet as her prospects look dimmer and dimmer.

Life is good. :eusa_angel:
She's still battling the other issue too.....

Senate hopeful Elizabeth Warren, in a sequel to an awkward on-camera encounter this week about her claim to Native American heritage, bolted from a campaign event yesterday, refusing to answer a Herald reporter’s questions about the controversy.

Moments after giving the keynote speech at the Young Democrats of Massachusetts convention, Warren and her handlers hustled out a rear exit of the SEIU 1199 offices in Dorchester. She climbed into the passenger side of an SUV and closed the door as a Herald reporter asked her a question and a photographer rolled video.

“Professor Warren, we’re with the Herald. Can you ... ” a Herald reporter said to Warren as she hopped into the car.

“She’s got to get going. I’m sorry,” a man who ushered Warren out of the building said. “Sorry, we’re running late.”

I don't know what I'm enjoying more. Watching Warren squirm because of her decades of lies or knowing how much money the Dems have poured into this race and all that $$$$ is on the edge of being flushed down the toilet as her prospects look dimmer and dimmer.

Life is good. :eusa_angel:


"In a head-to-head matchup with Brown, DeFranco trails by 21 points, according to a Suffolk University poll released last week. But she notes she was down by 33 points in mid-February. Warren still remains far better positioned in the poll, with 47 percent to Brown’s 48 percent, while beating DeFranco 72 percent to 5 percent among likely Democratic primary voters."

Dem underdog’s message for Elizabeth Warren... - BostonHerald.com
This might be shaping up to be an epic year of Dem defeat. Walker in Wisconsin, Supreme COurt on Obamacare, Warren loses in MA, and Obama swept from office.
Would love to see Fauxcohontas go the way of the do do and sent back to the ivory tower where she can do no harm.
It's irrelevant.

A dem will be up against Brown and the dem will more than likely win.

note; Brown isn't much better, so there's no real loss.

Looks like the Dems are starting their own version of the Tea Party.

And Lizzie just might wind up in a bad situation...and the dems might not get "So Glad He's Dead" Ted Kennedy's seat back.

"So glad he's dead"?

Go step in front of an oncoming bus.
It's irrelevant.

A dem will be up against Brown and the dem will more than likely win.

note; Brown isn't much better, so there's no real loss.

Broiwn is some better. But I'd do anything not to see Fauxcohontas in the Senate.
okay, so she's not really 1/32 cherokee, and she plagiarized the recipes she contributed to *pow wow chow*. for most people, that would be a lifetime's worth of really stoopid shit, but with lieawatha, there's always more.

this one may actually be my favorite.

“I was the first nursing mother to take a bar exam in the state of New Jersey,” Warren told an audience at the Chicago Humanities Festival in 2011, in a video posted on the CHF website. When asked how Warren knows that, her campaign said: “Elizabeth was making a point about the very serious challenges she faced as a working mom — from taking an all-day bar exam when she was still breast-feeding, to finding work as a lawyer that would accommodate a mom with two small children.”

Winnie Comfort of the New Jersey Judiciary, which administers that state’s bar exam, said there’s no way to verify Warren’s claim. Comfort said women have been taking the New Jersey bar exam since 1895, but she’s not aware their nursing habits were ever tracked.

i'm not sure which is funnier, that she thought this was an achievement of some sort, or the now standard *clarification* from her alleged campaign.

you go, girl!

Liz Warren just won’t commit - BostonHerald.com
arent all of us 1/32nd alien from another galaxy? they do say that the aliens were here first and planted their DNA in fish that later on became man! that pretty much explains that bald democrat dude from the south,,,forgot his name, but we all love him! whats his name? he looks like an alien with that bald head and glasses.
This psycho compulsive liar proves that democrats (people that voted and gave her this power) are braindead tools.
She's not lying, dupes...LOL

well, yeah, she is. it's all documented. no indian heritage, plagiarized recipes, bogus claim to be first at something no one keeps track of-she's as full of shit as a christmas goose.

you can continue believing otherwise, but unless you live in massachusetts, you don't matter.

actually, you just don't matter, period.

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