Elizabeth Warren Didn’t Get Rich on Her Own


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
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Elizabeth Warren Didn’t Get Rich on Her Own, The Clintons Made Her Rich

October 24, 2012
By Daniel Greenfield

When you build a business, then you can get rich on your own. But when you’re a professional parasite then the government makes you rich. And the higher up your friends in the government go, the richer they make you.

Massachusetts Democratic senate candidate Elizabeth Warren garnered a lucrative no-bid contract with the Clinton administration’s Department of Justice (DOJ) one year after advising then-First Lady Hillary Clinton.

The Department paid Warren, a Harvard professor, $90,000 for serving as an expert witness over a five month period in 1999 and 2000, documents show.

But I’m sure that Elizabeth Warren, a real Harvard professor of the people, worked hard for that 90,000 over 5 months, sweating over cases and earning every penny of that money. Or not.

It is unclear what duties Warren performed for the DOJ, nor is it known what case she was working on.

The Department spent five months attempting to track down Warren’s records in response to a Freedom of Information Act request filed by the National Republican Senatorial Committee. It came up empty.

Some people get rich building businesses. Other people get rich suing them. Still other people get rich testifying on behalf of the people suing them. Even Genghis Khan needed someone to wax his mustache and even Stalin needed a cigarette boy. If you can’t make it by doing things, you can always make it by telling people they didn’t build that.

Elizabeth Warren Didn’t Get Rich on Her Own, The Clintons Made Her Rich

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Who Is Elizabeth Warren?
Presidential candidate? Supreme Court nominee?
February 19, 2016
John Perazzo


In 2009 Warren appeared in Michael Moore's anti-capitalist film titled Capitalism: A Love Story, wherein the filmmaker told Warren, on screen, that “capitalism in and of itself, at least the capitalism we know now, is immoral, it’s not democratic, and worst of all, it doesn’t work.” “We have to rewrite [capitalism's] rules,” Warren said in agreement, blasting corporations for trying to “sell [people] more credit cards that are loaded with tricks and traps.”

In 2011 Warren famously asserted that the government and the public sector must play a vital role if wealth creation is to occur: “There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own—nobody.... You built a factory out there?... You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate.” That fall, Warren—while enjoying a $429,000 Harvard salary and residing in a $5 million mansion—expressed support for the anti-capitalism rallies of Occupy Wall Street. “I created much of the intellectual foundation for what they do,” she boasted to an interviewer. “I support what they do.”

Elizabeth Warren is all about big government. All about a centralized economy. All about wealth redistribution. All about class warfare. All about picking relentlessly at society's racial scabs. All about fundamental transformation. It would be difficult to think of a more appropriate individual for Barack Obama to nominate to the Supreme Court.

Who Is Elizabeth Warren?

And we are familiar with the counter-argument as well:

"Let no one say that the picture produced as a first impression of human civilization is the impression of its achievement as a whole. This whole edifice of civilization is in its foundations and in all its stones nothing else than the result of the creative capacity, the achievement, the intelligence, the industry, of individuals: in its greatest triumphs it represents the great crowning achievement of individual God-favored geniuses"

-- Adolf Hitler; from speech to Dusseldorf Industry Club (Jan. 27, 1932)
Liz is the typical lib.

She made it from "the ragged edge of the middle class" to the one percent but she thinks everyone else is too fucking stupid to do it IOW she's something special so she needs to "help" everyone else

If her supporters had any sense at all they would be offended

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