Elizabeth Warren: 'End Electoral College'

Our beloved orange suprem leader said this about the electoral college:

Conversation Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy. 8:45 PM · Nov 6, 2012 · Twitter Web Client

Do you stupid trumpanzees know better than your leader?


The battle cry of all utterly lost and ignorant arguments.
Trump said the electoral college is a disaster...do you know better than him ?

So you agree with Trump? So he is the one you look to?
Excuse me, I just mistakenly gave you credit for understanding that if a state declares they're going to select electors based on the national, not state's, popular vote then nobody is losing their voting rights or being disenfranchised.
Yes they are the State loses its vote if that State in fact voted for the other guy.

There is no loss of franchise nor voting rights. Everybody's vote is being counted and the tally is included in the national totals. It isn't a system I'm in favor of, which is why I'm being proactive and cautioning those taking the attitude it can't happen.
Look you keep claiming every vote counts and should be weighed the same but then keep claiming the Senate is fine. The Founders made the Senate to equalize the State voices in the Senate. Either you want to get rid of the Senate too or you are blowing smoke about equal voice. By the way the Electoral college GIVES equal voice to the States.

I want equal voice for the people when it comes to picking the president. Equal voice for the states comes from the Senate.

I want to protect all in the vote, the rural voter and the suburban voter, both have different needs and all needs need to be accounted for. That is why we are a republic. If we started to eliminate the minority voice it would be regressing back to the 1800's. I'm for keeping the Republic and all voices heard and acknowledged. With a country as big as the United States is, different areas need different needs and the needs will contrast vastly. With both parties giving increasing power to the Executive Office, we need to make sure all are heard and all have a voice. A popular vote would not allow for the small voice to be acknowledged, let alone be heard.

Right now, the "small voice" carries more weight than it should. I want it to be equal. No one's vote should count more than anyone elses.
With pure popular vote Rural America would lose every presidential election... fact

That's silly. Rural america is not running for president.
Without the electoral college rural America would not be represented by the executive branch
With pure popular vote Rural America would lose every presidential election... fact

We are a nation of states . Not rural vs city. Every state has both .
That is the reason for the electoral college, So Rural America Is represented in the executive branch.

With a pure popular vote, It is impossible for rural America to be representatived by the Executive branch of the government… the numbers just aren’t there.
Over 80% of the nations population is in urban America... The founders knew this to be true that is the reason why the electoral college was implemented, this is a republic not a shit eating democracy.

Quit Falling down the well...

Except the EC IS population based .

Do you choose your govenor via an electoral college?
Can you also say the square miles of the state in your attack? New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Delaware, Rhode Island are all small states and all Progressive Socialist senators and can be reliably Progressive Socialist in elections. Its almost a given.

I live in Mass. some consider it a liberal flagship.

We have a republican govenor .
...Who is not conservative
"Your election for example, which, funny enough, wouldn't have happened had we abolished the electoral college. And don't worry, we will." - Sassy Swalwell To Trashy Trump
Cali already wipes out those states with EC votes. Ca has 55... ND (3) SD(3) WY(3) MT(3) and ID(4) add up to 16. What’s else you got?
You’re not understanding, those EC votes add up as seen in 2016. With a pure popular vote the votes just are not there to make any difference... Never have been and never will be.
You are assuming that the popular votes and campaigning would remain the same if the system were changed. That isn’t the case
The result would would fuck over Rural America... The whole point of going to a pure popular vote
Rural California which represents millions of Republicans can make a case for being unrepresented in the presidential election under our current system can they not?

So can downtown St Louis and Kansas City then. Why should they have to pay for the repeated flood plain welfare suckers?
I never said they should... what are you talking about?
Well there seems to be the drumbeat of that again...

Getting rid of electoral college means rural America might as well not even vote, They would lose every single election.

States like California or Florida Texas and New York would dominate everything in this country…

There is a reason why they call this a republic not a shit eating democracy...
It would be a declaration of war.
I don't see it happening.
The people proposing it should be shot.
You’re only saying that because you think it helps liberals... pathetic
No I'm saying it because to eliminate the electoral college would result in a war.
The only reason you pieces of shit want to eliminate the electoral college is so you can remove the ability of those who live in the vast expanses that you call *fly over* to govern themselves. It's so you can rob and abuse the people who live in those areas, and overthrow our government that was created specifically to prevent that from taking place.
Not really and if you were able to have a sane conversation you might better understand other people’s positions instead of making emotional assumptions and making up lies. But if this is how you like to engage then carry on. Just don’t expect any respect for it
we need a school teacher in the White House my friends! As a special needs teacher, I think it would be fabulous. she won’t stop fighting for America’s public school teachers and our students.

That doesn`t justify a Montana vote being worth more than my Pennsylvania vote.

States have nothing to do with individual votes. Within a given state, ALL VOTES COUNT EQUAL. Quit trying to spin the topic! That is an argument created by your kind as an argument for mob rule. No matter how you cook it, eliminate the Electoral College as designed by the Founders and democrat states win big, will never lose again and the other 2/3rds of the country BE DAMNED.
There is simply no such thing as "democrat [sic] states". Or even "Democrat states". Nor is there such a thing as "Republican states". NO STATE ANYWHERE is a monolith. There are no "red states", no "blue states", no "battleground states". ***ALL*** of these are artificial and bullshit concepts created by the WTA-EC, without which said bullshit concepts cease to exist, along with the divisiveness that comes with them, and good fucking riddance.

Lessee: California and New York have voted Blue since 1992. That is 31 years since they elected a republican. Let me know the next time they vote GOP again. These are BLUE STATES now, by design, no matter how you want to spin it.


How did you get 31?

Simple "school teacher with a masters degree." I was referring to the four years earlier (if you read) when the last time was these states DID vote red! Neither state has voted red since Reagan's second term! And we know Ca only voted for him then because he had been a popular governor and proactive actor there. Further proof why public school kids are in the fucking dumper these days. And despite the fact that a large part of Ca is still red and most of NYS, SanFran democrats and NYC dems have so over run their states, these people no longer have any voice in their state elections! I know---- I know many who live there.

You should learn to write, dumbass!

You said 1992. If you meant 1988 you should have said so. What a fucking moron!
American Indian Princess Warren has already been outed and a lying sack of shit.
Yes let's have Mexifornia elect Democratic Presidents for the next 50 years. That is the Liberal wet dream of abolishing the E.C.
Why are you against the rule of the majority ?
We used that method in the Senate, Congress supreme court the X factor you name it.
And btw California is the biggest economy and best state of the union, Alabama, Mississippi, north Dakota, etc....are is less states.
Our corrupt and dying cities are rife with voter fraud and intimidation. The healthy part of our country doesn't want to be ruled by the diseased part and that's exactly what abolishing the electoral college would do.
Yes let's have Mexifornia elect Democratic Presidents for the next 50 years. That is the Liberal wet dream of abolishing the E.C.
Why are you against the rule of the majority ?
We used that method in the Senate, Congress supreme court the X factor you name it.
And btw California is the biggest economy and best state of the union, Alabama, Mississippi, north Dakota, etc....are is less states.
Our corrupt and dying cities are rife with voter fraud and intimidation. The healthy part of our country doesn't want to be ruled by the diseased part and that's exactly what abolishing the electoral college would do.

California had it's hay day when Ronald Reagan was Governor and California has been downhill ever since.
I want equal voice for the people when it comes to picking the president. Equal voice for the states comes from the Senate.

I want to protect all in the vote, the rural voter and the suburban voter, both have different needs and all needs need to be accounted for. That is why we are a republic. If we started to eliminate the minority voice it would be regressing back to the 1800's. I'm for keeping the Republic and all voices heard and acknowledged. With a country as big as the United States is, different areas need different needs and the needs will contrast vastly. With both parties giving increasing power to the Executive Office, we need to make sure all are heard and all have a voice. A popular vote would not allow for the small voice to be acknowledged, let alone be heard.

Right now, the "small voice" carries more weight than it should. I want it to be equal. No one's vote should count more than anyone elses.
With pure popular vote Rural America would lose every presidential election... fact

That's silly. Rural america is not running for president.
Without the electoral college rural America would not be represented by the executive branch
Sure it would. It would have exactly the right amount of say proportional to the population.
Well there seems to be the drumbeat of that again...

Getting rid of electoral college means rural America might as well not even vote, They would lose every single election.

States like California or Florida Texas and New York would dominate everything in this country…

There is a reason why they call this a republic not a shit eating democracy...

One person. One vote.



We are a representative republic and when it comes to the election of the chief executive, it's "one state, number of electors."
Well there seems to be the drumbeat of that again...

Getting rid of electoral college means rural America might as well not even vote, They would lose every single election.

States like California or Florida Texas and New York would dominate everything in this country…

There is a reason why they call this a republic not a shit eating democracy...

One person. One vote.



We are a representative republic and when it comes to the election of the chief executive, it's "one state, number of electors."

Sorry, pal. You’re on the wrong side of another issue. Your GOP pals agree with me....except just after they’ve won an election while losing the popular vote.

You RW nutbags are very predictable.
Well there seems to be the drumbeat of that again...

Getting rid of electoral college means rural America might as well not even vote, They would lose every single election.

States like California or Florida Texas and New York would dominate everything in this country…

There is a reason why they call this a republic not a shit eating democracy...

One person. One vote.



We are a representative republic and when it comes to the election of the chief executive, it's "one state, number of electors."

Sorry, pal. You’re on the wrong side of another issue. Your GOP pals agree with me....except just after they’ve won an election while losing the popular vote.

You RW nutbags are very predictable.
Obama,,,,there should be limits on healthcare for people. Obama,,,,take the pain pill.

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