Elizabeth Warren: 'End Electoral College'

You old fuckers don’t get it. You deride Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and try to minimalize her but you are blind to her enormous influence among POC, women, everyone under 40 - the only demographic that she is underwater with is old White men. Between her, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Andy Kim, Elissa Slotkin, who was previously a CIA Agent - they are going to fire up a lot of college campuses. The day someone solves young person turnout, game over. They don’t realize how much power they have. And this group of Democratic freshmen have moved the ball forward, and will do so again, bigly!
You old fuckers don’t get it. You deride Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and try to minimalize her but you are blind to her enormous influence among POC, women, everyone under 40 - the only demographic that she is underwater with is old White men. Between her, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Andy Kim, Elissa Slotkin, who was previously a CIA Agent - they are going to fire up a lot of college campuses. The day someone solves young person turnout, game over. They don’t realize how much power they have. And this group of Democratic freshmen have moved the ball forward, and will do so again, bigly!

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Hey, DUMB ASS!!! Alexandria Cortez answered a casting call to be a far leftist puppet. How in the fuck can you not know this? HOLY shit! You are even dumber than I suspected!!

You old fuckers don’t get it. You deride Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and try to minimalize her but you are blind to her enormous influence among POC, women, everyone under 40 - the only demographic that she is underwater with is old White men. Between her, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Andy Kim, Elissa Slotkin, who was previously a CIA Agent - they are going to fire up a lot of college campuses. The day someone solves young person turnout, game over. They don’t realize how much power they have. And this group of Democratic freshmen have moved the ball forward, and will do so again, bigly!

Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Monday that she fully supports abolishing the Electoral College and moving toward a national vote, the first time the 2020 presidential candidate has publicly taken the stance.

“My view is that every vote matters,” the Massachusetts Democrat said to roaring applause at her CNN presidential town hall at Jackson State University in Mississippi. “And the way we can make that happen is that we can have national voting, and that means get rid of the Electoral College.”

More: Elizabeth Warren Calls For Getting Rid Of The Electoral College

Amen! I couldn't agree more! Elections should be about people - not acreage! BTW, the rest of the link is worth reading.

And of course, the "people" only includes those of the socialist persuasion ,ie, the parasites

Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Monday that she fully supports abolishing the Electoral College and moving toward a national vote, the first time the 2020 presidential candidate has publicly taken the stance.

“My view is that every vote matters,” the Massachusetts Democrat said to roaring applause at her CNN presidential town hall at Jackson State University in Mississippi. “And the way we can make that happen is that we can have national voting, and that means get rid of the Electoral College.”

More: Elizabeth Warren Calls For Getting Rid Of The Electoral College

Amen! I couldn't agree more! Elections should be about people - not acreage! BTW, the rest of the link is worth reading.
So you believe we should accept the opinion of Elizabeth Warren, the woman who lied about her ancestry for decades?


Yeah Warren tells a stupid lie that no one in their right mind gives a shit about (like anyone - other then a Native American - is going to vote for her because she said she was one, small part Native...riiiiiiiiight).

Trump tells lie after lie, false claim after false claim - as President - and you don't even give a shit.

Trump Lies
Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
Trump Lies
Donald Trump's file
Lyin' Donald: 101 Of Trump's Greatest Lies
All of Donald Trump's Lies
Donald Trump’s Huge Lies | National Review
President Trump Made 1,950 Untrue Claims in 2017

Talk about hypocrisy.

You just have a ridiculously-intense hatred for anyone who does not think like you do politically.

And you have - IMO - near-ZERO cred with anyone who is not a Trumpbot on such matters.

Hell, I don't even give a shit about Warren and I think she is far, too extremist (like Sanders) to be good for America as POTUS. But her one, silly lie is FUCKING NOTHING compared to the falsehoods Trump unfurls on a weekly basis.
And yet, you seem blind to them all.

You are simply pathetic....worthy of pity. You are either monumentally stupid and/or monumentally delusional about Trump.

Have a nice day.

Interesting. You don't care at all about the subject of the thread, so you write a long post about someone else. Can anyone say troll diversion?

Idiot. It's not trolling - look it up.

It's providing links to factual proof that the lie she told is tiny in comparison to the whoppers Trump tells on a weekly basis.

It's called information for comparison purposes...dumb ass.

You just hate it because you are obviously a Trumpbot and what I typed made your hero look like a lying, obese, stack of shit.

Let's look at some of your posts...see if you ALWAYS stayed RIGHT on topic.

The Right To Bear Arms
My Ah Ha moment to why Dems really hate & demonize the Maga slogan and hat
The Right To Bear Arms

These are just three. Now explain to us all how these comments stayed COMPLETELY on topic?

This really seems to bother you. Maybe you need to stop worrying so much about Trump.
You old fuckers don’t get it. You deride Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and try to minimalize her but you are blind to her enormous influence among POC, women, everyone under 40 - the only demographic that she is underwater with is old White men. Between her, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Andy Kim, Elissa Slotkin, who was previously a CIA Agent - they are going to fire up a lot of college campuses. The day someone solves young person turnout, game over. They don’t realize how much power they have. And this group of Democratic freshmen have moved the ball forward, and will do so again, bigly!
I know what I get. We are number 1 and sliding. When we become number 2 you will know it for real. A couple more decades of this and East Asia is the boss.
You old fuckers don’t get it. You deride Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and try to minimalize her but you are blind to her enormous influence among POC, women, everyone under 40 - the only demographic that she is underwater with is old White men. Between her, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Andy Kim, Elissa Slotkin, who was previously a CIA Agent - they are going to fire up a lot of college campuses. The day someone solves young person turnout, game over. They don’t realize how much power they have. And this group of Democratic freshmen have moved the ball forward, and will do so again, bigly!
We aren't blind to anything, dumbass. Her enormous popularity is exactly what concerns us. She's a dumbass. I've never witnessed anyone on the political stage who is as dumb as she is. The last thing this country needs is some brain damaged retard making policy decisions. The fact that she's so popular with college morons shows how far this country has slid down the chute to the abattoir.
You old fuckers don’t get it. You deride Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and try to minimalize her but you are blind to her enormous influence among POC, women, everyone under 40 - the only demographic that she is underwater with is old White men. Between her, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Andy Kim, Elissa Slotkin, who was previously a CIA Agent - they are going to fire up a lot of college campuses. The day someone solves young person turnout, game over. They don’t realize how much power they have. And this group of Democratic freshmen have moved the ball forward, and will do so again, bigly!

We aren't blind to anything, dumbass. Her enormous popularity is exactly what concerns us. She's a dumbass. I've never witnessed anyone on the political stage who is as dumb as she is. The last thing this country needs is some brain damaged retard making policy decisions. The fact that she's so popular with college morons shows how far this country has slid down the chute to the abattoir.

oooOOOooh, Fingerboy found hisself a new French word. Domini domini.

What actually concerns this country is that I just read your whole post containing only pronouns with no name, and I had to actually expand the previous post to find out which of your demonization targets you were on about here, because it's the same mindless ad hom tripe you post about anyone with a D after their name. Literally every single sentence in your post consists solely of butthurt ad hom. It's like you just post template after template because it's easier than making a critical argument, which would require actual thought.

Thanks for busting it down the line on your ground ball, nomsane? (/sarc)
You old fuckers don’t get it. You deride Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and try to minimalize her but you are blind to her enormous influence among POC, women, everyone under 40 - the only demographic that she is underwater with is old White men. Between her, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Andy Kim, Elissa Slotkin, who was previously a CIA Agent - they are going to fire up a lot of college campuses. The day someone solves young person turnout, game over. They don’t realize how much power they have. And this group of Democratic freshmen have moved the ball forward, and will do so again, bigly!

We aren't blind to anything, dumbass. Her enormous popularity is exactly what concerns us. She's a dumbass. I've never witnessed anyone on the political stage who is as dumb as she is. The last thing this country needs is some brain damaged retard making policy decisions. The fact that she's so popular with college morons shows how far this country has slid down the chute to the abattoir.

oooOOOooh, Fingerboy found hisself a new French word. Domini domini.

What actually concerns this country is that I just read your whole post containing only pronouns with no name, and I had to actually expand the previous post to find out which of your demonization targets you were on about here, because it's the same mindless ad hom tripe you post about anyone with a D after their name. Literally every single sentence in your post consists solely of butthurt ad hom. It's like you just post template after template because it's easier than making a critical argument, which would require actual thought.

Thanks for busting it down the line on your ground ball, nomsane? (/sarc)
How is it possible to discuss Dims honestly without it being characterized as an ad hominem?
I continue to reject notion that majority rule is sacrosanct.

That's why we have bicameral government isn't it.
No, that's why we have Constitutional limits on government power. So that the blind will of the majority doesn't run roughshod over individual rights.

But again,.that's not what an election is. The whole point of an election is to make the selection that the majority wants.

No, it's not. The point of an election is to choose a good leader/representative.

The entire point of the post sailed over your head.

When you have an election for Governor (Senator, Rep, Mayor, Sheriff, Clerk of Court etc ad infinitum), WHO wins the election? The selection the majority wants. The FUNCTION of the election is to choose a governor, Senator, Rep, etc. HOW IT WORKS is who gets the most votes.

And the design of the EC underscores that. It is designed, deliberately, to deny what the majority wants in certain circumstances. I understand that you don't like that - but the point of the election isn't to slavishly follow majority rule.

:lol: Your argument basically boils down to "no it's not Doublethink because it isn't".

Again if the point of voting on something --- an election, a referendum, a motion on the floor, whatever, ***IS*** to determine and follow the will of the majority, and there's nothing that Doublethinkian "Ignorance is Strength" weasel-wording can do about that. "Majority" and "mob" are two different things with two different meanings. Simply making up an oxymoron doesn't magically make it come to life like some Frankenstein verbiage. We could sit here and purport to discuss "cold heat" ---- doesn't magically make it into a real thing.

  1. 1.
    the greater number.
    "in the majority of cases all will go smoothly"
    synonyms: larger part/number, greater part/number, major part, best/better part, main part, most, more than half

  1. 1.
    a large crowd of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence.
    "a mob of protesters"
    synonyms: crowd, horde, multitude, rabble, mass, body, throng

The missing ingredient here of course, and the irony in this Doublethinkian weasel-wording, is that in the case of POTUS it's not the people (voters) who elect him, it's the EC. And that EC, in 96% of the states, for historical reasons we have painstakingly delineated, votes as a series of mobs, regardless how that state's voters acted.

In other words the voters acted as anything BUT a mob, and then their states' electors translated that non-mob INTO a mob. So be careful what you wish for.
Last edited:
I continue to reject notion that majority rule is sacrosanct.

That's why we have bicameral government isn't it.
No, that's why we have Constitutional limits on government power. So that the blind will of the majority doesn't run roughshod over individual rights.

But again,.that's not what an election is. The whole point of an election is to make the selection that the majority wants.

No, it's not. The point of an election is to choose a good leader/representative.

The entire point of the post sailed over your head.

When you have an election for Governor (Senator, Rep, Mayor, Sheriff, Clerk of Court etc ad infinitum), WHO wins the election? The selection the majority wants. The FUNCTION of the election is to choose a governor, Senator, Rep, etc. HOW IT WORKS is who gets the most votes.

And the design of the EC underscores that. It is designed, deliberately, to deny what the majority wants in certain circumstances. I understand that you don't like that - but the point of the election isn't to slavishly follow majority rule.

:lol: Your argument basically boils down to "no it's not Doublethink because it isn't".

Again if the point of voting on something --- an election, a referendum, a motion on the floor, whatever, ***IS*** to determine and follow the will of the majority, and there's nothing that Doublethinkian "Ignorance is Strength" weasel-wording can do about that. "Majority" and "mob" are two different things with two different meanings. Simply making up an oxymoron doesn't magically make it come to life like some Frankenstein verbiage. We could sit here and purport to discuss "cold heat" ---- doesn't magically make it into a real thing.

  1. 1.
    the greater number.
    "in the majority of cases all will go smoothly"
    synonyms: larger part/number, greater part/number, major part, best/better part, main part, most, more than half

  1. 1.
    a large crowd of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence.
    "a mob of protesters"
    synonyms: crowd, horde, multitude, rabble, mass, body, throng

Yeah. I get it. You think majority rule should carry the day. I don't agree. Neither did the founders. Thus the EC.

Again, I get that you don't like it. But your claim that the point of the election is to slavishly follow will of the majority isn't correct. The point is to choose a viable leader for the whole country - not just the majority.
Last edited:
I continue to reject notion that majority rule is sacrosanct.

That's why we have bicameral government isn't it.
No, that's why we have Constitutional limits on government power. So that the blind will of the majority doesn't run roughshod over individual rights.

But again,.that's not what an election is. The whole point of an election is to make the selection that the majority wants.

No, it's not. The point of an election is to choose a good leader/representative.

The entire point of the post sailed over your head.

When you have an election for Governor (Senator, Rep, Mayor, Sheriff, Clerk of Court etc ad infinitum), WHO wins the election? The selection the majority wants. The FUNCTION of the election is to choose a governor, Senator, Rep, etc. HOW IT WORKS is who gets the most votes.

And the design of the EC underscores that. It is designed, deliberately, to deny what the majority wants in certain circumstances. I understand that you don't like that - but the point of the election isn't to slavishly follow majority rule.

:lol: Your argument basically boils down to "no it's not Doublethink because it isn't".

Again if the point of voting on something --- an election, a referendum, a motion on the floor, whatever, ***IS*** to determine and follow the will of the majority, and there's nothing that Doublethinkian "Ignorance is Strength" weasel-wording can do about that. "Majority" and "mob" are two different things with two different meanings. Simply making up an oxymoron doesn't magically make it come to life like some Frankenstein verbiage. We could sit here and purport to discuss "cold heat" ---- doesn't magically make it into a real thing.

  1. 1.
    the greater number.
    "in the majority of cases all will go smoothly"
    synonyms: larger part/number, greater part/number, major part, best/better part, main part, most, more than half

  1. 1.
    a large crowd of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence.
    "a mob of protesters"
    synonyms: crowd, horde, multitude, rabble, mass, body, throng

The missing ingredient here of course, and the irony in this Doublethinkian weasel-wording, is that in the case of POTUS it's not the people (voters) who elect him, it's the EC. And that EC, in 96% of the states, for historical reasons we have painstakingly delineated, votes as a series of mobs, regardless how that state's voters acted.

In other words the voters acted as anything BUT a mob, and then their states' electors translated that non-mob INTO a mob. So be careful what you wish for.

It's very simple. The president was not intended to be elected by a majority vote of the people. That's where the wheels fall off your tricycle.
I continue to reject notion that majority rule is sacrosanct.

That's why we have bicameral government isn't it.
No, that's why we have Constitutional limits on government power. So that the blind will of the majority doesn't run roughshod over individual rights.

But again,.that's not what an election is. The whole point of an election is to make the selection that the majority wants.

No, it's not. The point of an election is to choose a good leader/representative.

The entire point of the post sailed over your head.

When you have an election for Governor (Senator, Rep, Mayor, Sheriff, Clerk of Court etc ad infinitum), WHO wins the election? The selection the majority wants. The FUNCTION of the election is to choose a governor, Senator, Rep, etc. HOW IT WORKS is who gets the most votes.

And the design of the EC underscores that. It is designed, deliberately, to deny what the majority wants in certain circumstances. I understand that you don't like that - but the point of the election isn't to slavishly follow majority rule.

:lol: Your argument basically boils down to "no it's not Doublethink because it isn't".

Again if the point of voting on something --- an election, a referendum, a motion on the floor, whatever, ***IS*** to determine and follow the will of the majority, and there's nothing that Doublethinkian "Ignorance is Strength" weasel-wording can do about that. "Majority" and "mob" are two different things with two different meanings. Simply making up an oxymoron doesn't magically make it come to life like some Frankenstein verbiage. We could sit here and purport to discuss "cold heat" ---- doesn't magically make it into a real thing.

  1. 1.
    the greater number.
    "in the majority of cases all will go smoothly"
    synonyms: larger part/number, greater part/number, major part, best/better part, main part, most, more than half

  1. 1.
    a large crowd of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence.
    "a mob of protesters"
    synonyms: crowd, horde, multitude, rabble, mass, body, throng

The missing ingredient here of course, and the irony in this Doublethinkian weasel-wording, is that in the case of POTUS it's not the people (voters) who elect him, it's the EC. And that EC, in 96% of the states, for historical reasons we have painstakingly delineated, votes as a series of mobs, regardless how that state's voters acted.

In other words the voters acted as anything BUT a mob, and then their states' electors translated that non-mob INTO a mob. So be careful what you wish for.

It's very simple. The president was not intended to be elected by a majority vote of the people. That's where the wheels fall off your tricycle.
Neither were Senators.
I continue to reject notion that majority rule is sacrosanct.

That's why we have bicameral government isn't it.
No, that's why we have Constitutional limits on government power. So that the blind will of the majority doesn't run roughshod over individual rights.

But again,.that's not what an election is. The whole point of an election is to make the selection that the majority wants.

No, it's not. The point of an election is to choose a good leader/representative.

The entire point of the post sailed over your head.

When you have an election for Governor (Senator, Rep, Mayor, Sheriff, Clerk of Court etc ad infinitum), WHO wins the election? The selection the majority wants. The FUNCTION of the election is to choose a governor, Senator, Rep, etc. HOW IT WORKS is who gets the most votes.

And the design of the EC underscores that. It is designed, deliberately, to deny what the majority wants in certain circumstances. I understand that you don't like that - but the point of the election isn't to slavishly follow majority rule.

:lol: Your argument basically boils down to "no it's not Doublethink because it isn't".

Again if the point of voting on something --- an election, a referendum, a motion on the floor, whatever, ***IS*** to determine and follow the will of the majority, and there's nothing that Doublethinkian "Ignorance is Strength" weasel-wording can do about that. "Majority" and "mob" are two different things with two different meanings. Simply making up an oxymoron doesn't magically make it come to life like some Frankenstein verbiage. We could sit here and purport to discuss "cold heat" ---- doesn't magically make it into a real thing.

  1. 1.
    the greater number.
    "in the majority of cases all will go smoothly"
    synonyms: larger part/number, greater part/number, major part, best/better part, main part, most, more than half

  1. 1.
    a large crowd of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence.
    "a mob of protesters"
    synonyms: crowd, horde, multitude, rabble, mass, body, throng

Yeah. I get it. You think majority rule should carry the day. I don't agree. Neither did the founders. Thus the EC.

Again, I get that you don't like it. But your claim that the point of the election is to slavishly follow will of the majority isn't correct. The point is to choose a viable leader for the whole country - not just the majority.

Actually the founders DO agree. See the previous articles invoking Jefferson's and Madison's thoughts on it. They would be appalled at what it's been perverted to, and they said so. That was kind of the point of those posts. It's evidence to back that up.

Jackson would have fallen in with it, but he wasn't a "founder", was he.
I continue to reject notion that majority rule is sacrosanct.

That's why we have bicameral government isn't it.
No, that's why we have Constitutional limits on government power. So that the blind will of the majority doesn't run roughshod over individual rights.

But again,.that's not what an election is. The whole point of an election is to make the selection that the majority wants.

No, it's not. The point of an election is to choose a good leader/representative.

The entire point of the post sailed over your head.

When you have an election for Governor (Senator, Rep, Mayor, Sheriff, Clerk of Court etc ad infinitum), WHO wins the election? The selection the majority wants. The FUNCTION of the election is to choose a governor, Senator, Rep, etc. HOW IT WORKS is who gets the most votes.

And the design of the EC underscores that. It is designed, deliberately, to deny what the majority wants in certain circumstances. I understand that you don't like that - but the point of the election isn't to slavishly follow majority rule.

:lol: Your argument basically boils down to "no it's not Doublethink because it isn't".

Again if the point of voting on something --- an election, a referendum, a motion on the floor, whatever, ***IS*** to determine and follow the will of the majority, and there's nothing that Doublethinkian "Ignorance is Strength" weasel-wording can do about that. "Majority" and "mob" are two different things with two different meanings. Simply making up an oxymoron doesn't magically make it come to life like some Frankenstein verbiage. We could sit here and purport to discuss "cold heat" ---- doesn't magically make it into a real thing.

  1. 1.
    the greater number.
    "in the majority of cases all will go smoothly"
    synonyms: larger part/number, greater part/number, major part, best/better part, main part, most, more than half

  1. 1.
    a large crowd of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence.
    "a mob of protesters"
    synonyms: crowd, horde, multitude, rabble, mass, body, throng

The missing ingredient here of course, and the irony in this Doublethinkian weasel-wording, is that in the case of POTUS it's not the people (voters) who elect him, it's the EC. And that EC, in 96% of the states, for historical reasons we have painstakingly delineated, votes as a series of mobs, regardless how that state's voters acted.

In other words the voters acted as anything BUT a mob, and then their states' electors translated that non-mob INTO a mob. So be careful what you wish for.

It's very simple. The president was not intended to be elected by a majority vote of the people. That's where the wheels fall off your tricycle.

That's discussed right there in the post, isn't it.

See, the idea of reading a post is that you keep reading to the end. I don't give my plots away halfway through.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Monday that she fully supports abolishing the Electoral College and moving toward a national vote, the first time the 2020 presidential candidate has publicly taken the stance.

“My view is that every vote matters,” the Massachusetts Democrat said to roaring applause at her CNN presidential town hall at Jackson State University in Mississippi. “And the way we can make that happen is that we can have national voting, and that means get rid of the Electoral College.”

More: Elizabeth Warren Calls For Getting Rid Of The Electoral College

Amen! I couldn't agree more! Elections should be about people - not acreage! BTW, the rest of the link is worth reading.
So you believe we should accept the opinion of Elizabeth Warren, the woman who lied about her ancestry for decades?


Yeah Warren tells a stupid lie that no one in their right mind gives a shit about (like anyone - other then a Native American - is going to vote for her because she said she was one, small part Native...riiiiiiiiight).

Trump tells lie after lie, false claim after false claim - as President - and you don't even give a shit.

Trump Lies
Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
Trump Lies
Donald Trump's file
Lyin' Donald: 101 Of Trump's Greatest Lies
All of Donald Trump's Lies
Donald Trump’s Huge Lies | National Review
President Trump Made 1,950 Untrue Claims in 2017

Talk about hypocrisy.

You just have a ridiculously-intense hatred for anyone who does not think like you do politically.

And you have - IMO - near-ZERO cred with anyone who is not a Trumpbot on such matters.

Hell, I don't even give a shit about Warren and I think she is far, too extremist (like Sanders) to be good for America as POTUS. But her one, silly lie is FUCKING NOTHING compared to the falsehoods Trump unfurls on a weekly basis.
And yet, you seem blind to them all.

You are simply pathetic....worthy of pity. You are either monumentally stupid and/or monumentally delusional about Trump.

Have a nice day.

Interesting. You don't care at all about the subject of the thread, so you write a long post about someone else. Can anyone say troll diversion?

Idiot. It's not trolling - look it up.

It's providing links to factual proof that the lie she told is tiny in comparison to the whoppers Trump tells on a weekly basis.

It's called information for comparison purposes...dumb ass.

You just hate it because you are obviously a Trumpbot and what I typed made your hero look like a lying, obese, stack of shit.

Let's look at some of your posts...see if you ALWAYS stayed RIGHT on topic.

The Right To Bear Arms
My Ah Ha moment to why Dems really hate & demonize the Maga slogan and hat
The Right To Bear Arms

These are just three. Now explain to us all how these comments stayed COMPLETELY on topic?

This really seems to bother you. Maybe you need to stop worrying so much about Trump.

Bothers me?


That's one of the reasons I come here...to vent to trolls. It's healthy....fun.

Someone pisses me off in the week (and I did not get a chance to get them back)? Just come on here and vent on a Trumpbot and/or a troll (like you).

It's good for me.

BTW - I noticed you completely ignored my point and went right back to trolling.

So noted.

We are done here...for now.

Have a nice day.
I continue to reject notion that majority rule is sacrosanct.

That's why we have bicameral government isn't it.
No, that's why we have Constitutional limits on government power. So that the blind will of the majority doesn't run roughshod over individual rights.

But again,.that's not what an election is. The whole point of an election is to make the selection that the majority wants.

No, it's not. The point of an election is to choose a good leader/representative.

The entire point of the post sailed over your head.

When you have an election for Governor (Senator, Rep, Mayor, Sheriff, Clerk of Court etc ad infinitum), WHO wins the election? The selection the majority wants. The FUNCTION of the election is to choose a governor, Senator, Rep, etc. HOW IT WORKS is who gets the most votes.

And the design of the EC underscores that. It is designed, deliberately, to deny what the majority wants in certain circumstances. I understand that you don't like that - but the point of the election isn't to slavishly follow majority rule.

:lol: Your argument basically boils down to "no it's not Doublethink because it isn't".

Again if the point of voting on something --- an election, a referendum, a motion on the floor, whatever, ***IS*** to determine and follow the will of the majority, and there's nothing that Doublethinkian "Ignorance is Strength" weasel-wording can do about that. "Majority" and "mob" are two different things with two different meanings. Simply making up an oxymoron doesn't magically make it come to life like some Frankenstein verbiage. We could sit here and purport to discuss "cold heat" ---- doesn't magically make it into a real thing.

  1. 1.
    the greater number.
    "in the majority of cases all will go smoothly"
    synonyms: larger part/number, greater part/number, major part, best/better part, main part, most, more than half

  1. 1.
    a large crowd of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence.
    "a mob of protesters"
    synonyms: crowd, horde, multitude, rabble, mass, body, throng

The missing ingredient here of course, and the irony in this Doublethinkian weasel-wording, is that in the case of POTUS it's not the people (voters) who elect him, it's the EC. And that EC, in 96% of the states, for historical reasons we have painstakingly delineated, votes as a series of mobs, regardless how that state's voters acted.

In other words the voters acted as anything BUT a mob, and then their states' electors translated that non-mob INTO a mob. So be careful what you wish for.

It's very simple. The president was not intended to be elected by a majority vote of the people. That's where the wheels fall off your tricycle.

That's discussed right there in the post, isn't it.

See, the idea of reading a post is that you keep reading to the end. I don't give my plots away halfway through.
Thank god you finally got rid of that disgusting avatar you previously had.
That's why we have bicameral government isn't it.
No, that's why we have Constitutional limits on government power. So that the blind will of the majority doesn't run roughshod over individual rights.

But again,.that's not what an election is. The whole point of an election is to make the selection that the majority wants.

No, it's not. The point of an election is to choose a good leader/representative.

The entire point of the post sailed over your head.

When you have an election for Governor (Senator, Rep, Mayor, Sheriff, Clerk of Court etc ad infinitum), WHO wins the election? The selection the majority wants. The FUNCTION of the election is to choose a governor, Senator, Rep, etc. HOW IT WORKS is who gets the most votes.

And the design of the EC underscores that. It is designed, deliberately, to deny what the majority wants in certain circumstances. I understand that you don't like that - but the point of the election isn't to slavishly follow majority rule.

:lol: Your argument basically boils down to "no it's not Doublethink because it isn't".

Again if the point of voting on something --- an election, a referendum, a motion on the floor, whatever, ***IS*** to determine and follow the will of the majority, and there's nothing that Doublethinkian "Ignorance is Strength" weasel-wording can do about that. "Majority" and "mob" are two different things with two different meanings. Simply making up an oxymoron doesn't magically make it come to life like some Frankenstein verbiage. We could sit here and purport to discuss "cold heat" ---- doesn't magically make it into a real thing.

  1. 1.
    the greater number.
    "in the majority of cases all will go smoothly"
    synonyms: larger part/number, greater part/number, major part, best/better part, main part, most, more than half

  1. 1.
    a large crowd of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence.
    "a mob of protesters"
    synonyms: crowd, horde, multitude, rabble, mass, body, throng

The missing ingredient here of course, and the irony in this Doublethinkian weasel-wording, is that in the case of POTUS it's not the people (voters) who elect him, it's the EC. And that EC, in 96% of the states, for historical reasons we have painstakingly delineated, votes as a series of mobs, regardless how that state's voters acted.

In other words the voters acted as anything BUT a mob, and then their states' electors translated that non-mob INTO a mob. So be careful what you wish for.

It's very simple. The president was not intended to be elected by a majority vote of the people. That's where the wheels fall off your tricycle.

That's discussed right there in the post, isn't it.

See, the idea of reading a post is that you keep reading to the end. I don't give my plots away halfway through.
Thank god you finally got rid of that disgusting avatar you previously had.


What was "disgusting" about it? You find humor "disgusting"?

Actually you can thank me. I was the one who changed it back, not a "god".

Check it out Lucy Hamilton ---- Fingerboy here finds your artwork "disgusting". Beat him up for me. Because there used to be consequences. Just knock the hell. I'll pay for your legal fees.
No, that's why we have Constitutional limits on government power. So that the blind will of the majority doesn't run roughshod over individual rights.

No, it's not. The point of an election is to choose a good leader/representative.

The entire point of the post sailed over your head.

When you have an election for Governor (Senator, Rep, Mayor, Sheriff, Clerk of Court etc ad infinitum), WHO wins the election? The selection the majority wants. The FUNCTION of the election is to choose a governor, Senator, Rep, etc. HOW IT WORKS is who gets the most votes.

And the design of the EC underscores that. It is designed, deliberately, to deny what the majority wants in certain circumstances. I understand that you don't like that - but the point of the election isn't to slavishly follow majority rule.

:lol: Your argument basically boils down to "no it's not Doublethink because it isn't".

Again if the point of voting on something --- an election, a referendum, a motion on the floor, whatever, ***IS*** to determine and follow the will of the majority, and there's nothing that Doublethinkian "Ignorance is Strength" weasel-wording can do about that. "Majority" and "mob" are two different things with two different meanings. Simply making up an oxymoron doesn't magically make it come to life like some Frankenstein verbiage. We could sit here and purport to discuss "cold heat" ---- doesn't magically make it into a real thing.

  1. 1.
    the greater number.
    "in the majority of cases all will go smoothly"
    synonyms: larger part/number, greater part/number, major part, best/better part, main part, most, more than half

  1. 1.
    a large crowd of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence.
    "a mob of protesters"
    synonyms: crowd, horde, multitude, rabble, mass, body, throng

The missing ingredient here of course, and the irony in this Doublethinkian weasel-wording, is that in the case of POTUS it's not the people (voters) who elect him, it's the EC. And that EC, in 96% of the states, for historical reasons we have painstakingly delineated, votes as a series of mobs, regardless how that state's voters acted.

In other words the voters acted as anything BUT a mob, and then their states' electors translated that non-mob INTO a mob. So be careful what you wish for.

It's very simple. The president was not intended to be elected by a majority vote of the people. That's where the wheels fall off your tricycle.

That's discussed right there in the post, isn't it.

See, the idea of reading a post is that you keep reading to the end. I don't give my plots away halfway through.
Thank god you finally got rid of that disgusting avatar you previously had.


What was "disgusting" about it? You find humor "disgusting"?

Actually you can thank me. I was the one who changed it back, not a "god".

Check it out Lucy Hamilton ---- Fingerboy here finds your artwork "disgusting". Beat him up for me. Because there used to be consequences. Just knock the hell. I'll pay for your legal fees.
It was just some shapeless blog. It looked vaguely like an insect.
That's why we have bicameral government isn't it.
No, that's why we have Constitutional limits on government power. So that the blind will of the majority doesn't run roughshod over individual rights.

But again,.that's not what an election is. The whole point of an election is to make the selection that the majority wants.

No, it's not. The point of an election is to choose a good leader/representative.

The entire point of the post sailed over your head.

When you have an election for Governor (Senator, Rep, Mayor, Sheriff, Clerk of Court etc ad infinitum), WHO wins the election? The selection the majority wants. The FUNCTION of the election is to choose a governor, Senator, Rep, etc. HOW IT WORKS is who gets the most votes.

And the design of the EC underscores that. It is designed, deliberately, to deny what the majority wants in certain circumstances. I understand that you don't like that - but the point of the election isn't to slavishly follow majority rule.

:lol: Your argument basically boils down to "no it's not Doublethink because it isn't".

Again if the point of voting on something --- an election, a referendum, a motion on the floor, whatever, ***IS*** to determine and follow the will of the majority, and there's nothing that Doublethinkian "Ignorance is Strength" weasel-wording can do about that. "Majority" and "mob" are two different things with two different meanings. Simply making up an oxymoron doesn't magically make it come to life like some Frankenstein verbiage. We could sit here and purport to discuss "cold heat" ---- doesn't magically make it into a real thing.

  1. 1.
    the greater number.
    "in the majority of cases all will go smoothly"
    synonyms: larger part/number, greater part/number, major part, best/better part, main part, most, more than half

  1. 1.
    a large crowd of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence.
    "a mob of protesters"
    synonyms: crowd, horde, multitude, rabble, mass, body, throng

The missing ingredient here of course, and the irony in this Doublethinkian weasel-wording, is that in the case of POTUS it's not the people (voters) who elect him, it's the EC. And that EC, in 96% of the states, for historical reasons we have painstakingly delineated, votes as a series of mobs, regardless how that state's voters acted.

In other words the voters acted as anything BUT a mob, and then their states' electors translated that non-mob INTO a mob. So be careful what you wish for.

It's very simple. The president was not intended to be elected by a majority vote of the people. That's where the wheels fall off your tricycle.

That's discussed right there in the post, isn't it.

See, the idea of reading a post is that you keep reading to the end. I don't give my plots away halfway through.
Thank god you finally got rid of that disgusting avatar you previously had.

Yours is an angry child giving the finger and you found Pogo's avatar 'disgusting'?

Sir...you clearly do not even know what disgusting is.

Have a nice day.

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