Elizabeth Warren: 'End Electoral College'

The entire point of the post sailed over your head.

When you have an election for Governor (Senator, Rep, Mayor, Sheriff, Clerk of Court etc ad infinitum), WHO wins the election? The selection the majority wants. The FUNCTION of the election is to choose a governor, Senator, Rep, etc. HOW IT WORKS is who gets the most votes.

:lol: Your argument basically boils down to "no it's not Doublethink because it isn't".

Again if the point of voting on something --- an election, a referendum, a motion on the floor, whatever, ***IS*** to determine and follow the will of the majority, and there's nothing that Doublethinkian "Ignorance is Strength" weasel-wording can do about that. "Majority" and "mob" are two different things with two different meanings. Simply making up an oxymoron doesn't magically make it come to life like some Frankenstein verbiage. We could sit here and purport to discuss "cold heat" ---- doesn't magically make it into a real thing.

  1. 1.
    the greater number.
    "in the majority of cases all will go smoothly"
    synonyms: larger part/number, greater part/number, major part, best/better part, main part, most, more than half

  1. 1.
    a large crowd of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence.
    "a mob of protesters"
    synonyms: crowd, horde, multitude, rabble, mass, body, throng

The missing ingredient here of course, and the irony in this Doublethinkian weasel-wording, is that in the case of POTUS it's not the people (voters) who elect him, it's the EC. And that EC, in 96% of the states, for historical reasons we have painstakingly delineated, votes as a series of mobs, regardless how that state's voters acted.

In other words the voters acted as anything BUT a mob, and then their states' electors translated that non-mob INTO a mob. So be careful what you wish for.

It's very simple. The president was not intended to be elected by a majority vote of the people. That's where the wheels fall off your tricycle.

That's discussed right there in the post, isn't it.

See, the idea of reading a post is that you keep reading to the end. I don't give my plots away halfway through.
Thank god you finally got rid of that disgusting avatar you previously had.


What was "disgusting" about it? You find humor "disgusting"?

Actually you can thank me. I was the one who changed it back, not a "god".

Check it out Lucy Hamilton ---- Fingerboy here finds your artwork "disgusting". Beat him up for me. Because there used to be consequences. Just knock the hell. I'll pay for your legal fees.
It was just some shapeless blog. It looked vaguely like an insect.

Could you read what it said?


Actually at this size I can finally see what it is. It's the back of some fat guy's head.

Good to know it gets under your skin though. I'll make a note.

No, that's why we have Constitutional limits on government power. So that the blind will of the majority doesn't run roughshod over individual rights.

No, it's not. The point of an election is to choose a good leader/representative.

The entire point of the post sailed over your head.

When you have an election for Governor (Senator, Rep, Mayor, Sheriff, Clerk of Court etc ad infinitum), WHO wins the election? The selection the majority wants. The FUNCTION of the election is to choose a governor, Senator, Rep, etc. HOW IT WORKS is who gets the most votes.

And the design of the EC underscores that. It is designed, deliberately, to deny what the majority wants in certain circumstances. I understand that you don't like that - but the point of the election isn't to slavishly follow majority rule.

:lol: Your argument basically boils down to "no it's not Doublethink because it isn't".

Again if the point of voting on something --- an election, a referendum, a motion on the floor, whatever, ***IS*** to determine and follow the will of the majority, and there's nothing that Doublethinkian "Ignorance is Strength" weasel-wording can do about that. "Majority" and "mob" are two different things with two different meanings. Simply making up an oxymoron doesn't magically make it come to life like some Frankenstein verbiage. We could sit here and purport to discuss "cold heat" ---- doesn't magically make it into a real thing.

  1. 1.
    the greater number.
    "in the majority of cases all will go smoothly"
    synonyms: larger part/number, greater part/number, major part, best/better part, main part, most, more than half

  1. 1.
    a large crowd of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence.
    "a mob of protesters"
    synonyms: crowd, horde, multitude, rabble, mass, body, throng

The missing ingredient here of course, and the irony in this Doublethinkian weasel-wording, is that in the case of POTUS it's not the people (voters) who elect him, it's the EC. And that EC, in 96% of the states, for historical reasons we have painstakingly delineated, votes as a series of mobs, regardless how that state's voters acted.

In other words the voters acted as anything BUT a mob, and then their states' electors translated that non-mob INTO a mob. So be careful what you wish for.

It's very simple. The president was not intended to be elected by a majority vote of the people. That's where the wheels fall off your tricycle.

That's discussed right there in the post, isn't it.

See, the idea of reading a post is that you keep reading to the end. I don't give my plots away halfway through.
Thank god you finally got rid of that disgusting avatar you previously had.

Yours is an angry child giving the finger and you found Pogo's avatar 'disgusting'?

Sir...you clearly do not even know what disgusting is.

Have a nice day.

That's why we have bicameral government isn't it.
No, that's why we have Constitutional limits on government power. So that the blind will of the majority doesn't run roughshod over individual rights.

But again,.that's not what an election is. The whole point of an election is to make the selection that the majority wants.

No, it's not. The point of an election is to choose a good leader/representative.

The entire point of the post sailed over your head.

When you have an election for Governor (Senator, Rep, Mayor, Sheriff, Clerk of Court etc ad infinitum), WHO wins the election? The selection the majority wants. The FUNCTION of the election is to choose a governor, Senator, Rep, etc. HOW IT WORKS is who gets the most votes.

And the design of the EC underscores that. It is designed, deliberately, to deny what the majority wants in certain circumstances. I understand that you don't like that - but the point of the election isn't to slavishly follow majority rule.

:lol: Your argument basically boils down to "no it's not Doublethink because it isn't".

Again if the point of voting on something --- an election, a referendum, a motion on the floor, whatever, ***IS*** to determine and follow the will of the majority, and there's nothing that Doublethinkian "Ignorance is Strength" weasel-wording can do about that. "Majority" and "mob" are two different things with two different meanings. Simply making up an oxymoron doesn't magically make it come to life like some Frankenstein verbiage. We could sit here and purport to discuss "cold heat" ---- doesn't magically make it into a real thing.

  1. 1.
    the greater number.
    "in the majority of cases all will go smoothly"
    synonyms: larger part/number, greater part/number, major part, best/better part, main part, most, more than half

  1. 1.
    a large crowd of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence.
    "a mob of protesters"
    synonyms: crowd, horde, multitude, rabble, mass, body, throng

The missing ingredient here of course, and the irony in this Doublethinkian weasel-wording, is that in the case of POTUS it's not the people (voters) who elect him, it's the EC. And that EC, in 96% of the states, for historical reasons we have painstakingly delineated, votes as a series of mobs, regardless how that state's voters acted.

In other words the voters acted as anything BUT a mob, and then their states' electors translated that non-mob INTO a mob. So be careful what you wish for.

It's very simple. The president was not intended to be elected by a majority vote of the people. That's where the wheels fall off your tricycle.

That's discussed right there in the post, isn't it.

See, the idea of reading a post is that you keep reading to the end. I don't give my plots away halfway through.
Thank god you finally got rid of that disgusting avatar you previously had.

Yes but I created that um artwork for Pogo So because of and I am of course a Divine Being so that artwork is very excellent :smoke:
How about a big fat serving of "No" with a side order go fuck yourself?

Well, if you want a shit system, have it. That's one of the reasons the US is fucked. The 21st century is going to be the rise of the dragon in the east and there is nothing the US can do about it. That is what happens when you have unfettered power and greed.
Funny how there is Nooooo speak of unfettered power and greed, when leftardz are in power.

Isn't it.

Funny how in lieu of an argument all you can do is Chuz Ignorance and think you made a point.

Thanks for breaking a brain sweat, slacker. Compliments to your crack team of researchers. Give them an extra ration of crack.

Did you catch the attorney of the two hired fake attackers on CNN last night.

Pretty damning stuff for the FBI to look into.

You might yet have to try to get a refund on your Smollett's drag show tickets.

I honestly have no clue what you're babbling incoherently about here and I don't have TV, but I'm pretty sure whatever it is is way off the topic.

they had to amend the constitution so that they take him out of office. there's definitely precedent for this, and i'm ok with it!
Screw Her.

She should be tried for Treason and Hung from a Rope on National TV for suggesting this!

Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Monday that she fully supports abolishing the Electoral College and moving toward a national vote, the first time the 2020 presidential candidate has publicly taken the stance.

“My view is that every vote matters,” the Massachusetts Democrat said to roaring applause at her CNN presidential town hall at Jackson State University in Mississippi. “And the way we can make that happen is that we can have national voting, and that means get rid of the Electoral College.”

More: Elizabeth Warren Calls For Getting Rid Of The Electoral College

Amen! I couldn't agree more! Elections should be about people - not acreage! BTW, the rest of the link is worth reading.
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She knows how to end it.

the key number is 2/3s.

and she knows it ain't going to happen.

Actually it takes 3/4 of the States to ratify, only 2/3 to propose. God Bless our Founding Fathers in their infinite widsom.

Interesting thought, since Jefferson and Madison would be appalled at how we're perverting their system.

We did that upthread. Several times.

they had to amend the constitution so that they take him out of office. there's definitely precedent for this, and i'm ok with it!

That's a total lie! FDR DIED in office. The 22nd Amendment was discussed for years. However, it was not proposed nor did it become an amendment until six years after his death.

You have been listening to Alexandria Cortez-Ocasio far too much! Change your channel from CNN and MANBC!

Several 2020 Democratic presidential candidates are now calling for abolishing the Electoral College. I agree!

they had to amend the constitution so that they take him out of office. there's definitely precedent for this, and i'm ok with it!

That's a total lie! FDR DIED in office. The 22nd Amendment was discussed for years. However, it was not proposed nor did it become an amendment until six years after his death.

You have been listening to Alexandria Cortez-Ocasio far too much! Change your channel from CNN and MANBC!

True. It was proposed, discussed, and finally passed to prevent a REPEAT of FDR, but didn't have anything to do with stopping FDR himself.
Several 2020 Democratic presidential candidates are now calling for abolishing the Electoral College. I agree!

Great! I wish more Democrats would come out in favor of abolishing the Electoral College!
One idea I do support is making election day a national holiday.
Good for you, Socialist! Y'know, Old Turtle Face opposes your little commie, pinko plan. Says citizens like you just want to grab his cushy job and taxpayer funding. Methinks Kentucky's Senior Senator has represented the interests of United States voters rather poorly while treating his corporate backers very well. There's a pattern to it.. woven in by autocratic shenanigans like The Electoral College.

Pattern: Billionaires hide behind their corporate oligopolies and simply buy any government "representation" needed to continue being legally shielded from all responsibility for their harmful acts. Their only concern is not pissing off other members of their club, be they Democrat or Republican. It's a big club. You're not in it. Like me, you're here instead.
It’s a stupid subject to argue about. It’s not getting changed anytime soon. Better to concentrate on voter registration and being ready to get people to the polls, whether it’s renting buses across the country, or Beyoncé holding a free concert in St. Louis for all who voted (I have ideas!).

Whatever it takes.

In other words drag people to the polls that are uninterested in voting and don't know crap about politics or policies. Yep, that's the Democrat way.

If people don't want to vote enough to do it on their own, the nation is better off without them voting at all.

That's why Democrats are so scared of Voter-ID. They know Republicans will crawl over hot coals to get to the polls. Democrats? Only if it's close enough, convenient enough, and no effort involved.

Obtaining a voter ID takes minimal effort, but effort nonetheless. Democrats are scared their welfare food stamp recipients won't put in that effort and it will cost them votes. But they can't tell the truth; Democrats never can, so they created the discrimination narrative instead.

I've never approved of having "easy voter registration" every-damned-where you look. If it's too hard for you to get it done without having your welfare caseworker ask you if you want to register every time you go in, then it's obviously not very important to you.
One idea I do support is making election day a national holiday. Getting to the polls is much more difficult than getting registered to vote.

Sure, as long as election day is the day after federal taxes are due.
Several 2020 Democratic presidential candidates are now calling for abolishing the Electoral College. I agree!
Let me get this straight. You think the party who uses superdelegates to rig their Presidential nomination process, is qualified to lecture us on election fairness? I don't think so.
"its very bad form to try to change the rules because you've been losing for decades under the current rules" - 2020 Democrat Candidate Wacky Andrew Yang after taking audience question about electoral college on FOX & Friends
Several 2020 Democratic presidential candidates are now calling for abolishing the Electoral College. I agree!
Let me get this straight. You think the party who uses superdelegates to rig their Presidential nomination process, is qualified to lecture us on election fairness? I don't think so.

Touché. :clap2:

Welcome to the site. That right there was lucid.
the party who uses superdelegates to rig their Presidential nomination process
Better ask Karl Rove:
"GOP rules allow for ... 'superdelegates,' with more than half of state parties exercising the option to make their chairman, national committeewoman and national committeeman automatic delegates," Republican strategist and Bush official Karl Rove wrote last year. "These uncommitted delegates, 210 in all, could be the most fluid force in the convention if no candidate has locked in victory."

He is referring to members of the Republican National Committee, the party's governing body. Each state comes with one committeeman and one committeewoman, in addition to all state party chairs. Party rules also allocate three to Guam, Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands.

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