Elizabeth Warren: 'End Electoral College'

at my tender age, in my short lifetime the popular vote has been nullified TWICE by the electoral college!
I left the democrat party when Carter ran against Ford because of the very mindset Warren represents.
at my tender age, in my short lifetime the popular vote has been nullified TWICE by the electoral college!

True. Proof again the EC system has always been the BEST system, and only rarely does the popular vote not coincide with the electoral college. So why now suddenly all this need to change it, UNLESS someone suddenly feels it becoming harder for them to win the EC than the popular vote?

Gee, could THAT be why we keep bringing in all these illegals to vote democrat? Do ya think?

The EC favors a president winning with broad, multi-state appeal representing the diverse NATION.

The popular vote allows 1% of the area of this country, a few highly polarized counties around LA and NYC to overrule the other 99% of the nation.
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at my tender age, in my short lifetime the popular vote has been nullified TWICE by the electoral college!
It WASNT "nulified." We dont elect by popular vote.
STATES elect our president. The people of each state determine who the state goes to.

The Popular vote has one function. It wins elections at the state level. So in that sense we already elect by the popular vote! But once you win the state you win the state, whether by 55% or 95%, you can't win a state "more."

This really is a "country" of united STATES. Our states are much like various countries in the EU. In a sense, the EU has tried to emulate us.

But the Founders wisely set up a weighting system realizing that the wide diversity of size and population in states might leave some states with all the voice while other states never having any, so the EC fixes that so that EVERY STATE has a say in who is president.

The Democrat's actions to change that would take away the voice of many states.
a guy like Trump wouldn't come within a cheating chance of winning the presidency had it not been for big economic anxieties and even bigger immigration anxieties!

that's what Dems should focus on!
at my tender age, in my short lifetime the popular vote has been nullified TWICE by the electoral college!
It WASNT "nulified." We dont elect by popular vote.
STATES elect our president. The people of each state determine who the state goes to.

The Popular vote has one function. It wins elections at the state level. So in that sense we already elect by the popular vote! But once you win the state you win the state, whether by 55% or 95%, you can't win a state "more."

This really is a "country" of united STATES. Our states are much like various countries in the EU. In a sense, the EU has tried to emulate us.

But the Founders wisely set up a weighting system realizing that the wide diversity of size and population in states might leave some states with all the voice while other states never having any, so the EC fixes that so that EVERY STATE has a say in who is president.

The Democrat's actions to change that would take away the voice of many states.
Democrats really started messing things up when the people began choosing senators. Senators were supposed to represent the states and they were chosen by the legislature. Dems have been working hard to turn our republic into a democracy.
a guy like Trump wouldn't come within a cheating chance of winning the presidency had it not been for big economic anxieties and even bigger immigration anxieties!

that's what Dems should focus on!

You mean, "issues"? The Democrats should focus on "issues"? That's a novel idea. I'll bet none of them has thought of that before.
The Electoral College is a far better and more representative way of electing the President than a popular vote. It forces the President to build a broad coalition across multiple regions of the country instead of just a few large municipalities. It would disenfranchise literally millions of voters if we did away with the Electoral College.
The Electoral College is a far better and more representative way of electing the President than a popular vote. It forces the President to build a broad coalition across multiple regions of the country instead of just a few large municipalities. It would disenfranchise literally millions of voters if we did away with the Electoral College.
/——/ And that's exactly why democRATs want to eliminate it.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Monday that she fully supports abolishing the Electoral College and moving toward a national vote, the first time the 2020 presidential candidate has publicly taken the stance.

“My view is that every vote matters,” the Massachusetts Democrat said to roaring applause at her CNN presidential town hall at Jackson State University in Mississippi. “And the way we can make that happen is that we can have national voting, and that means get rid of the Electoral College.”

More: Elizabeth Warren Calls For Getting Rid Of The Electoral College

Amen! I couldn't agree more! Elections should be about people - not acreage! BTW, the rest of the link is worth reading.

at my tender age, in my short lifetime the popular vote has been nullified TWICE by the electoral college!

/——-/ No it hasn’t. The popular vote has never been a factor in electing the president.

You don't understand, sad.

I understand that the Democrats' solution to losing is to change the rules instead of thinking maybe there was something wrong with their message.
/——-/ California democRATs lose another supporter. https://nypost.com/video/trump-is-the-devil-says-chain-wielding-man-before-cop-fatally-shoots-him/?utm_source=url_sitebuttons&utm_medium=site buttons&utm_campaign=site buttons

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