Elizabeth Warren: 'End Electoral College'

To reiterate, clarify, and expand.. just this once.. for all you insufferable idiots (you know who you are):
I hope you realize that story "is probably fictitious."
First point being, setting aside the "Although" momentarily, this popular story of a woman stopping Benjamin Franklin to ask about what type of government was created from the Convention is evidently mythical since McHenry's diary remains in the Library of Congress and utterly fails to mention of it.

Next, still unspecified "people wondered just what kind of government was called for in the new constitution." They did not wonder whether it would either be a republic or a democracy since that's just moronic. No, reportedly, the question was one of a monarchy vs. a republic.

Finally, look up the definition of a republic for mercy's sake. Hint:
a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.
Now democracy.. Hint:
a form of government in which the people have the authority to deliberate and decide legislation ("direct democracy"), or to choose governing officials to do so ("representative democracy").
Weep and moan till the cows come home,.. either way, it's "democracy"!
To reiterate, clarify, and expand.. just this once.. for all you insufferable idiots (you know who you are):

First point being, setting aside the "Although" momentarily, this popular story of a woman stopping Benjamin Franklin to ask about what type of government was created from the Convention is evidently mythical since McHenry's diary remains in the Library of Congress and utterly fails to mention of it.

Next, still unspecified "people wondered just what kind of government was called for in the new constitution." They did not wonder whether it would either be a republic or a democracy since that's just moronic. No, reportedly, the question was one of a monarchy vs. a republic.

Finally, look up the definition of a republic for mercy's sake. Hint:

Now democracy.. Hint:

Weep and moan till the cows come home,.. either way, it's "democracy"!
I pledge allegiance to the flag
Of the United States of America
And to the Republic… no wait Grumblenuts said And to the Democracy for which it stands…
I agree. I always thought america was a democracy...but when Bush Jr got elected we the citizens of the world were shocked. And that's when we found about the electoral college. It really gives the power to the crazy minority and that's why we have trump and his crazies....the US should join the democratic countries and abolish the EC.
You always thought wrong. America is a republic.
You always thought wrong. America is a republic.
Not anymore. It is a corporatocracy now. And has been since the mid 80s.
No question, the American federal government's first priority is representing investment banks and large corporations faaaar more than any of us. America's election system is a republic, but that is where it ends.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Monday that she fully supports abolishing the Electoral College and moving toward a national vote, the first time the 2020 presidential candidate has publicly taken the stance.

“My view is that every vote matters,” the Massachusetts Democrat said to roaring applause at her CNN presidential town hall at Jackson State University in Mississippi. “And the way we can make that happen is that we can have national voting, and that means get rid of the Electoral College.”

More: Elizabeth Warren Calls For Getting Rid Of The Electoral College

Amen! I couldn't agree more! Elections should be about people - not acreage! BTW, the rest of the link is worth reading.

End Communists
To reiterate, clarify, and expand.. just this once.. for all you insufferable idiots (you know who you are):

First point being, setting aside the "Although" momentarily, this popular story of a woman stopping Benjamin Franklin to ask about what type of government was created from the Convention is evidently mythical since McHenry's diary remains in the Library of Congress and utterly fails to mention of it.

Next, still unspecified "people wondered just what kind of government was called for in the new constitution." They did not wonder whether it would either be a republic or a democracy since that's just moronic. No, reportedly, the question was one of a monarchy vs. a republic.

Finally, look up the definition of a republic for mercy's sake. Hint:

Now democracy.. Hint:

Weep and moan till the cows come home,.. either way, it's "democracy"!

AND the Nazi destroys his own argument with;
{a form of government in which the people have the authority to deliberate and decide legislation ("direct democracy"), or to choose governing officials to do so ("representative democracy").}

Well, you're not a Nazi because you're particularly bright...
Electing a president should be based on people - not acreage!

I disagree.
Dense urban populations are like sheep and are way too easily swayed, controlled, bribed, etc.
The 3 most populated states, like CA, NY, and FL would totally control the whole country if we went to popular vote.
It essentially then would become just a popularity contest instead of having any issues.
It would be the end of the democratic republic, and we would become the mob-ocracy the Founders were afraid of.

What would be better is if voters had to pass a test first, to ensure they at least knew something about the current issues.
AND the Nazi destroys his own argument with;
{a form of government in which the people have the authority to deliberate and decide legislation ("direct democracy"), or to choose governing officials to do so ("representative democracy").}

Well, you're not a Nazi because you're particularly bright...

A republic is much more accurate than democracy.
A democracy implies arbitrary desires of the majority, like if the majority wants to enslave a minority, that would then be legal.
A republic prevents that by codifying basic rights for everyone first, and the majority desires then can not harm the inherent rights of any single individual.
Therefore it is essential we emphasis republic and NOT democracy.
Democracy is mob rule, while a republic is the rule of law, with blind justice.

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