Elizabeth Warren proposes canceling student loan debt and offering free public college

Getting control of college costs for public owned institutions is the key here. The number of pointless provosts and programs has accelerated as the funding as increased. Bringing MORE money into higher education will means even more crazy and stupid programs. Is there really a need for publicly funded Black Studies programs, example given? There are no jobs in the economy in that field.

Well, it depends on what you think the purpose of universities is. If you think they are just there to print diplomas.. then, yes, those programs aren't needed. If you think that they are there to increase knowledge, then, um, yeah, studying the sociology, history, economics of blacks in America is kind of something we need to understand.

Private, for profit, schools like DeVrys and U. of Phoenix have removed a lot of the stupidity and make a nice income for the shareholders.

Okay, guy, I hate to break this to you. U of Phoenix and DeVry are SCAMS. I did a resume once for a lady who got a MASTERS from UofP, her spelling and grammar were atrocious. Nobody looks at a resume with a Diploma Mill degree on it and is terribly impressed by it.

Is it really necessary for a university to pay 6 figures to a freaking philosophy professor? I don't think so, where else are they going to work

Depends. The problem is, of course, is that the six figure instructor is a rarity. More likely, you are going to have situations like this.

Your College Professor Could Be On Public Assistance

Paid as little as a couple of thousand dollars for each semester-long course, hundreds of thousands of people with doctorates or multiple master’s degrees are earning near-poverty wages working as adjunct professors. And as a result, one in four families of part-time college faculty are enrolled in at least one public assistance program, like food stamps, Medicaid or the Earned Income Tax Credit, according to calculations of Census data by researchers at University of California, Berkeley’s Labor Center.
You said you work in the purchasing dept there is little or no chance you will be killed in an industrial accident sitting on your fat ass in your cubicle.

Yes, because I never walk through the factory. Oh, no, wait, I walk through the factory several times a Day, usually going to the line to resolve an inventory or quality problem. When I do, I have to wear safety glasses and steel toed shoes.
You said you work in the purchasing dept there is little or no chance you will be killed in an industrial accident sitting on your fat ass in your cubicle.

Yes, because I never walk through the factory. Oh, no, wait, I walk through the factory several times a Day, usually going to the line to resolve an inventory or quality problem. When I do, I have to wear safety glasses and steel toed shoes.

Yah walking in the yellow zones is so dangerous

What a pansy
COme on

Wear with all as compared to wherewithal

You didn't know what the fuck you were writing because it wasn't a simple misspelling or a typo

Or it was early in the morning and I didn't care that much when responding to a racist asshole.

Oh, wait, you're a racist asshole. I'm so sorry.

And FYI I don't pine for the old days and never have.

Then why do you keep voting for the Republicans?

The fact is 40% of college freshmen do not finish a degree in 4 years so 40% of financial aid and guaranteed loans is wasted.

Not really. They still get the value of the coursework, and usually, I tell folks to put it on their resume even if they didn't get a degree.
Yah walking in the yellow zones is so dangerous

What a pansy

No, it's not dangerous, because we have OSHA putting together safety rules. Making us take safety training. Having monthly safety meetings discussing various work accidents and taking corrective actions.

This was the point I was making, that clearly went over your head, because hey, I know I hurt your feelings and you just want to attack me.
COme on

Wear with all as compared to wherewithal

You didn't know what the fuck you were writing because it wasn't a simple misspelling or a typo

Or it was early in the morning and I didn't care that much when responding to a racist asshole.

Oh, wait, you're a racist asshole. I'm so sorry.

And FYI I don't pine for the old days and never have.

Then why do you keep voting for the Republicans?

The fact is 40% of college freshmen do not finish a degree in 4 years so 40% of financial aid and guaranteed loans is wasted.

Not really. They still get the value of the coursework, and usually, I tell folks to put it on their resume even if they didn't get a degree.

No Sparky you are the racist as you use derogatory names for people of color all the time.

25% of my family are Black remember?

ANd I told you before I don't vote for republicans.

Do you have a memory problem?
Yah walking in the yellow zones is so dangerous

What a pansy

No, it's not dangerous, because we have OSHA putting together safety rules. Making us take safety training. Having monthly safety meetings discussing various work accidents and taking corrective actions.

This was the point I was making, that clearly went over your head, because hey, I know I hurt your feelings and you just want to attack me.
The point you were making is that you think your paper pushing job is dangerous
All student loan debt should be forgiven. Then make the billionaires pay for it. Special tax on Bezos, Gates, Buffet, and the little Facebook dork.

And the banks we bailed out in 2009
All student loan debt should be forgiven. Then make the billionaires pay for it. Special tax on Bezos, Gates, Buffet, and the little Facebook dork.

Why not all mortgages, car loans, and credit card debt as well? Just confiscate the wealth of anyone who makes more money than YOU. Send them and three generations of their families to farms for re-education. Great thinking.
I've noticed. Liberals used to revere freedom. Now, they openly mock it.

No, guy, the problem is, whenever a "Libertarian" whines about "Freedom", it usually means that a Koch Brother has told him that it's just terrible that the government keeps them from exploiting their workers and polluting the environment.

Not usually. Not with this libertarian - and not with any I know. What pisses you off about libertarians is that we stand up for individual rights in the face of your nationalist ambitions. We don't believe that the purpose of government is to run society. We don't need government to tell us how to live. We need it to protect our rights, our freedom to live as we want.

Libertarians are like children... they love living in a civilized society, but they don't seem to get that civilization requires rules and law and order and taxes and agencies to enforce them.

Grow the fuck up.

That's a strawman you cling to to justify your zeal for unlimited state power. Libertarians aren't anarchists. We recognize the need for government. We just don't agree with you on its purpose.
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Getting control of college costs for public owned institutions is the key here. The number of pointless provosts and programs has accelerated as the funding as increased. Bringing MORE money into higher education will means even more crazy and stupid programs. Is there really a need for publicly funded Black Studies programs, example given? There are no jobs in the economy in that field.

Well, it depends on what you think the purpose of universities is. If you think they are just there to print diplomas.. then, yes, those programs aren't needed. If you think that they are there to increase knowledge, then, um, yeah, studying the sociology, history, economics of blacks in America is kind of something we need to understand.

Private, for profit, schools like DeVrys and U. of Phoenix have removed a lot of the stupidity and make a nice income for the shareholders.

Okay, guy, I hate to break this to you. U of Phoenix and DeVry are SCAMS. I did a resume once for a lady who got a MASTERS from UofP, her spelling and grammar were atrocious. Nobody looks at a resume with a Diploma Mill degree on it and is terribly impressed by it.

Is it really necessary for a university to pay 6 figures to a freaking philosophy professor? I don't think so, where else are they going to work

Depends. The problem is, of course, is that the six figure instructor is a rarity. More likely, you are going to have situations like this.

Your College Professor Could Be On Public Assistance

Paid as little as a couple of thousand dollars for each semester-long course, hundreds of thousands of people with doctorates or multiple master’s degrees are earning near-poverty wages working as adjunct professors. And as a result, one in four families of part-time college faculty are enrolled in at least one public assistance program, like food stamps, Medicaid or the Earned Income Tax Credit, according to calculations of Census data by researchers at University of California, Berkeley’s Labor Center.
It would seem that currently, universities are mostly indoctrination mills. Too bad the indoctrinators (professors) cannot leave their politics at the classroom door and address the subject advertised. And subject matter should include more STEM material and far less touchy-feely, socialist dogma.
Getting control of college costs for public owned institutions is the key here. The number of pointless provosts and programs has accelerated as the funding as increased. Bringing MORE money into higher education will means even more crazy and stupid programs. Is there really a need for publicly funded Black Studies programs, example given? There are no jobs in the economy in that field.

Well, it depends on what you think the purpose of universities is. If you think they are just there to print diplomas.. then, yes, those programs aren't needed. If you think that they are there to increase knowledge, then, um, yeah, studying the sociology, history, economics of blacks in America is kind of something we need to understand.

Private, for profit, schools like DeVrys and U. of Phoenix have removed a lot of the stupidity and make a nice income for the shareholders.

Okay, guy, I hate to break this to you. U of Phoenix and DeVry are SCAMS. I did a resume once for a lady who got a MASTERS from UofP, her spelling and grammar were atrocious. Nobody looks at a resume with a Diploma Mill degree on it and is terribly impressed by it.

Is it really necessary for a university to pay 6 figures to a freaking philosophy professor? I don't think so, where else are they going to work

Depends. The problem is, of course, is that the six figure instructor is a rarity. More likely, you are going to have situations like this.

Your College Professor Could Be On Public Assistance

Paid as little as a couple of thousand dollars for each semester-long course, hundreds of thousands of people with doctorates or multiple master’s degrees are earning near-poverty wages working as adjunct professors. And as a result, one in four families of part-time college faculty are enrolled in at least one public assistance program, like food stamps, Medicaid or the Earned Income Tax Credit, according to calculations of Census data by researchers at University of California, Berkeley’s Labor Center.
Reading the last part it appears that "hundreds of thousands" (?) made pretty poor choices for a doctorate or master's degrees.
No Sparky you are the racist as you use derogatory names for people of color all the time.

25% of my family are Black remember?

ANd I told you before I don't vote for republicans.

Do you have a memory problem?

No, I just don't believe a fucking thing you say.. I mean, I can understand how you can be embarrassed by the racism that has overtaken your movement, but if you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

The point you were making is that you think your paper pushing job is dangerous

Um, no, the point I was making is that workplaces would be dangerous if the Government didn't enforce safety. The fact I have the intelligence to process the paperwork instead of sweeping a plant floor isn't the issue here.
Not usually. Not with this libertarian - and not with any I know. What pisses you off about libertarians is that we stand up for individual rights in the face of your nationalist ambitions. We don't believe that the purpose of government is to run society. We don't need government to tell us how to live. We need it to protect our rights, our freedom to live as we want.

yes, yes, i'm sure that's what the Kochs tell you... give up your protections, and you'll have more "Freedom" because you forgot what a shitty experience living in this country was before the New Deal for even white people.

That's a strawman you cling to to justify your zeal for unlimited state power. Libertarians aren't anarchists. We recognize the need for government. We just don't agree with you on its purpose.

Again, you are fine with mommy-state when she hands out cookies, but you don't like it when she makes you stand in the corner for a time out for your tantrum. We get that.

Reading the last part it appears that "hundreds of thousands" (?) made pretty poor choices for a doctorate or master's degrees.

No, it tells me that universities have their priorities wrong. they rake in Billions, and can't pay the people doing the actual work a fair wage.

It would seem that currently, universities are mostly indoctrination mills. Too bad the indoctrinators (professors) cannot leave their politics at the classroom door and address the subject advertised. And subject matter should include more STEM material and far less touchy-feely, socialist dogma.

Have you actually visited a university, or do you just repeat whatever shit you hear on Hate Radio?
No Sparky you are the racist as you use derogatory names for people of color all the time.

25% of my family are Black remember?

ANd I told you before I don't vote for republicans.

Do you have a memory problem?

No, I just don't believe a fucking thing you say.. I mean, I can understand how you can be embarrassed by the racism that has overtaken your movement, but if you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

The point you were making is that you think your paper pushing job is dangerous

Um, no, the point I was making is that workplaces would be dangerous if the Government didn't enforce safety. The fact I have the intelligence to process the paperwork instead of sweeping a plant floor isn't the issue here.
The only movements I have take place in the bathroom.

And the only solution as far as I'm concerned is more liberty and more freedom not less
The only movements I have take place in the bathroom.

And the only solution as far as I'm concerned is more liberty and more freedom not less

Yup, whenever I hear a wingnut whine about Freedom in the same thread he thinks that OSHA goes too far, I have to truly question that.

I like the fact that my employer doesn't have the freedom to cut corners on safety. I like the fact that big companies can't dump carcinogens into my water supply.

"But, but, but... Freedom"
The only movements I have take place in the bathroom.

And the only solution as far as I'm concerned is more liberty and more freedom not less

Yup, whenever I hear a wingnut whine about Freedom in the same thread he thinks that OSHA goes too far, I have to truly question that.

I like the fact that my employer doesn't have the freedom to cut corners on safety. I like the fact that big companies can't dump carcinogens into my water supply.

"But, but, but... Freedom"
Here we go again

You're fabricating quotes from me and arguing against the lie you just told

Where did I ever say OSHA went too far?
Where did I ever say OSHA went too far?

You said you work in the purchasing dept there is little or no chance you will be killed in an industrial accident sitting on your fat ass in your cubicle.

Yah walking in the yellow zones is so dangerous

The point you were making is that you think your paper pushing job is dangerous

Um. there. That's where you said OSHA went too far.
yes, yes, i'm sure that's what the Kochs tell you... give up your protections, and you'll have more "Freedom" because you forgot what a shitty experience living in this country was before the New Deal for even white people.

America was "shit" before FDR rammed the Raw Deal up the nation's keister?

Au contraire. FDR was a tyrant who micromanaged the economy and imposed draconian regulations.

An immigrant Polish tailor in Jersey City, Jake Meged, put a sign in his window offering to press a man's suit for 35 cents- less than Roosevelt's proclamation that the fee should not be less than 40 cents.

FDR's goons had him thrown into a dungeon until he recanted.

I'm going to recommend a book to you, Joe. "The Forgotten Man", a history of the Roosevelt Depression, and the hell on earth that Roosevelt was responsible for. Were you aware that FDR actually subjected the WH staff to second hand smoke by puffing on unfiltered camels in a non-smoking government building , subjecting workers to 2nd hand smoke? That's a fact, BTW. FDR was a piece of manure. My ancestors never voted for him. My one grandfather was never a US citizen, the other was,but understood that since he wasn't a natural born citizen he could never be President so he never voted.

But America was pretty sweet before the New Deal, not "shit" as you have stated. That's why my ancestors decided to come to America instead of India or China at the turn of the 20th Century.
Where did I ever say OSHA went too far?

You said you work in the purchasing dept there is little or no chance you will be killed in an industrial accident sitting on your fat ass in your cubicle.

Yah walking in the yellow zones is so dangerous

The point you were making is that you think your paper pushing job is dangerous

Um. there. That's where you said OSHA went too far.
Funny how OSHA, too, or far are not words I used in any of those quotes.

I was making fun of you for thinking that sitting on your fat ass in a cubicle was "dangerous".

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